blob: 81db3e1ec416b2187c012c676163b86e68805b04 [file] [log] [blame]
import json
def main(request, response):
'''Handler for getting an HTTP response customised by the given query
The returned response will have
- HTTP headers defined by the 'headers' query parameter
- Must be a serialized JSON dictionary mapping header names to header
- HTTP status code defined by the 'status' query parameter
- Must be a positive serialized JSON integer like the string '200'
- Response content defined by the 'content' query parameter
- Must be a serialized JSON string representing the desired response body
def query_parameter_or_default(param, default):
return request.GET.first(param) if param in request.GET else default
headers = json.loads(query_parameter_or_default(b'headers', b'"{}"'))
for k, v in headers.items():
response.headers.set(k, v)
img = request.GET.first(b'img') if b'img' in request.GET else None
if img:
response.headers.set(b"Content-Type", b"image/png")
with open(request.doc_root + "/resource-timing/resources/blue.png", "rb") as f:
response.content =
# Note that, in order to have out-of-the-box support for tests that don't call
# setup({'allow_uncaught_exception': true})
# we return a no-op JS payload. This approach will avoid syntax errors in
# script resources that would otherwise cause the test harness to fail.
response.content = json.loads(query_parameter_or_default(b'content',
b'"/* content */"'))
response.status_code = json.loads(query_parameter_or_default(b'status',