Hand picking relevant logic into FetchLoaderManager


Change-Id: I1cf2171641ac3aca72d524ad2028197693503e16
diff --git a/fetch/fetch-later/basic.tentative.https.window.js b/fetch/fetch-later/basic.tentative.https.window.js
index 55bdbc9..61a5f1c 100644
--- a/fetch/fetch-later/basic.tentative.https.window.js
+++ b/fetch/fetch-later/basic.tentative.https.window.js
@@ -33,3 +33,11 @@
       'AbortError', () => fetchLater('/', {signal: controller.signal}));
 }, `fetchLater() throws AbortError when its initial abort signal is aborted.`);
+test(() => {
+  const controller = new AbortController();
+  const result = fetchLater('/', {signal: controller.signal});
+  assert_false(result.activated);
+  controller.abort();
+  assert_false(result.activated);
+}, `fetchLater() does not throw error when it is aborted before sending.`);
diff --git a/fetch/fetch-later/send-on-deactivate.tentative.https.window.js b/fetch/fetch-later/send-on-deactivate.tentative.https.window.js
index 4ea9d2e..6e14a18 100644
--- a/fetch/fetch-later/send-on-deactivate.tentative.https.window.js
+++ b/fetch/fetch-later/send-on-deactivate.tentative.https.window.js
@@ -38,3 +38,36 @@
   await expectBeacon(uuid, {count: 0});
 }, `fetchLater() does not send on page entering BFCache.`);
+parallelPromiseTest(async t => {
+  const uuid = token();
+  const url = generateSetBeaconURL(uuid);
+  // Sets no option to test the default behavior when a document gets discarded
+  // on navigated away.
+  const helper = new RemoteContextHelper();
+  // Opens a window without BFCache.
+  const rc1 = await helper.addWindow();
+  // Creates 2 fetchLater requests in remote, and one of them is aborted
+  // immediately. The other one should only be sent right on navigating away.
+  await rc1.executeScript(url => {
+    const controller = new AbortController();
+    fetchLater(url, {signal: controller.signal});
+    fetchLater(url);
+    controller.abort();
+    // Add a pageshow listener to stash the BFCache event.
+    window.addEventListener('pageshow', e => {
+      window.pageshowEvent = e;
+    });
+  }, [url]);
+  // Navigates away to trigger request sending.
+  const rc2 = await rc1.navigateToNew();
+  // Navigate back.
+  await rc2.historyBack();
+  // Verify that the page was NOT BFCached.
+  assert_equals(undefined, await rc1.executeScript(() => {
+    return window.pageshowEvent;
+  }));
+  await expectBeacon(uuid, {count: 1});
+}, `fetchLater() does not send aborted request on navigating away a page w/o BFCache.`);