blob: 9de875b0f127776e0d60df68075402d32c195749 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
<title>Sample HTML5 API Tests</title>
<meta name="timeout" content="6000">
<body onload="load_test_attr.done()">
<h1>Sample HTML5 API Tests</h1>
<div id="log"></div>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
setup_run = false;
setup(function() {
setup_run = true;
test(function() {assert_true(setup_run)}, "Setup function ran");
// Two examples for testing events from handler and attributes
var load_test_event = async_test("window onload event fires when set from the handler");
function windowLoad()
on_event(window, "load", windowLoad);
test(function() {
var sequence = [];
var outer = document.createElement("div");
var inner = document.createElement("div");
inner.addEventListener("click", function() {
}, false);
on_event(outer, "click", function() {
assert_array_equals(sequence, ["inner", "outer"]);
}, "on_event does not use event capture");
// see the body onload below
var load_test_attr = async_test("body element fires the onload event set from the attribute");
function bodyElement()
assert_equals(document.body, document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]);
test(bodyElement, "document.body should be the first body element in the document");
test(function() {
assert_equals(NaN, NaN, "NaN case");
assert_equals(0, 0, "Zero case");
}, "assert_equals tests")
test(function() {
assert_equals(-0, 0, "Zero case");
}, "assert_equals tests expected to fail")
test(function() {
assert_not_equals({}, {}, "object case");
assert_not_equals(-0, 0, "Zero case");
}, "assert_not_equals tests")
function testAssertPass()
test(testAssertPass, "assert_true expected to pass");
function testAssertFalse()
assert_true(false, "false should not be true");
test(testAssertFalse, "assert_true expected to fail");
function basicAssertArrayEquals()
assert_array_equals([1, NaN], [1, NaN], "[1, NaN] is equal to [1, NaN]");
test(basicAssertArrayEquals, "basic assert_array_equals test");
function assertArrayEqualsUndefined()
assert_array_equals(undefined, [1], "undefined equals [1]?");
test(assertArrayEqualsUndefined, "assert_array_equals with first param undefined");
function assertArrayEqualsTrue()
assert_array_equals(true, [1], "true equals [1]?");
test(assertArrayEqualsTrue, "assert_array_equals with first param true");
function assertArrayEqualsFalse()
assert_array_equals(false, [1], "false equals [1]?");
test(assertArrayEqualsFalse, "assert_array_equals with first param false");
function assertArrayEqualsNull()
assert_array_equals(null, [1], "null equals [1]?");
test(assertArrayEqualsNull, "assert_array_equals with first param null");
function assertArrayEqualsNumeric()
assert_array_equals(1, [1], "1 equals [1]?");
test(assertArrayEqualsNumeric, "assert_array_equals with first param 1");
function basicAssertArrayApproxEquals()
assert_array_approx_equals([10, 11], [11, 10], 1, "[10, 11] is approximately (+/- 1) [11, 10]")
test(basicAssertArrayApproxEquals, "basic assert_array_approx_equals test");
function basicAssertApproxEquals()
assert_approx_equals(10, 11, 1, "10 is approximately (+/- 1) 11")
test(basicAssertApproxEquals, "basic assert_approx_equals test");
function basicAssertLessThan()
assert_less_than(10, 11, "10 is less than 11")
test(basicAssertApproxEquals, "basic assert_less_than test");
function basicAssertGreaterThan()
assert_greater_than(10, 11, "10 is not greater than 11");
test(basicAssertGreaterThan, "assert_greater_than expected to fail");
function basicAssertGreaterThanEqual()
assert_greater_than_equal(10, 10, "10 is greater than or equal to 10")
test(basicAssertGreaterThanEqual, "basic assert_greater_than_equal test");
function basicAssertLessThanEqual()
assert_greater_than_equal('10', 10, "'10' is not a number")
test(basicAssertLessThanEqual, "assert_less_than_equal expected to fail");
function testAssertInherits() {
var A = function(){this.a = "a"}
A.prototype = {b:"b"}
var a = new A();
assert_own_property(a, "a");
assert_not_own_property(a, "b", "unexpected property found: \"b\"");
assert_inherits(a, "b");
test(testAssertInherits, "test for assert[_not]_own_property and insert_inherits")
var a = document.createElement("a")
var b = document.createElement("b")
assert_throws_dom("NOT_FOUND_ERR", function () {a.removeChild(b)});
}, "Test throw DOM exception")
var a = document.createElement("a")
var b = document.createElement("b")
assert_throws_js(DOMException, function () {a.removeChild(b)});
}, "Test throw DOMException as JS exception expected to fail")
assert_throws_js(SyntaxError, function () {document.querySelector("")});
}, "Test throw SyntaxError DOMException where JS SyntaxError expected; expected to fail")
assert_throws_js(SyntaxError, function () {JSON.parse("{")});
}, "Test throw JS SyntaxError")
assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", function () {document.querySelector("")});
}, "Test throw DOM SyntaxError")
var ifr = document.createElement("iframe");
this.add_cleanup(() => ifr.remove());
assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", ifr.contentWindow.DOMException,
function () {ifr.contentDocument.querySelector("")});
}, "Test throw DOM SyntaxError from subframe");
var ifr = document.createElement("iframe");
this.add_cleanup(() => ifr.remove());
function () {ifr.contentDocument.querySelector("")});
}, "Test throw DOM SyntaxError from subframe with incorrect global expectation; expected to fail");
var ifr = document.createElement("iframe");
this.add_cleanup(() => ifr.remove());
assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", ifr.contentWindow.DOMException,
function () {document.querySelector("")});
}, "Test throw DOM SyntaxError with incorrect expectation; expected to fail");
assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", function () {JSON.parse("{")});
}, "Test throw JS SyntaxError where SyntaxError DOMException expected; expected to fail")
var a = document.createTextNode("a")
var b = document.createElement("b")
assert_throws_dom("NOT_FOUND_ERR", function () {a.appendChild(b)});
}, "Test throw DOM exception expected to fail")
var e = new DOMException("I am not known", "TEST_ERROR_NO_SUCH_THING");
assert_throws_dom(0, function() {throw e});
}, "Test assert_throws_dom with ambiguous DOM-exception expected to Fail");
var e = {code:0, name:"TEST_ERR", TEST_ERR:0};
e.constructor = DOMException;
assert_throws_dom("TEST_ERR", function() {throw e});
}, "Test assert_throws_dom with non-DOM-exception expected to Fail");
var e = {code: DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR, name:"SyntaxError"};
e.constructor = DOMException;
assert_throws_dom(DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR, function() {throw e});
}, "Test assert_throws_dom with number code value expected to Pass");
var e = new DOMException("Some message", "SyntaxError");
assert_throws_dom(DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR, function() {throw e});
}, "Test assert_throws_dom with number code value and real DOMException expected to Pass");
var t = async_test("Test step_func")
function () {
assert_true(true); t.done();
}), 0);
async_test(function(t) {
setTimeout(t.step_func(function (){assert_true(true); t.done();}), 0);
}, "Test async test with callback");
async_test(function() {
setTimeout(this.step_func(function (){assert_true(true); this.done();}), 0);
}, "Test async test with callback and `this` obj.");
async_test("test should timeout (fail) with the default of 2 seconds").step(function(){});
async_test("async test that is never started, should have status Not Run");
test(function(t) { = 1;
t.add_cleanup(function() {delete});
assert_equals(, 1);
"Test that defines a global and cleans it up");
test(function() {assert_equals(, undefined)},
"Test that cleanup handlers from previous test ran");
<script type="text/json" id="expected">
"summarized_status": {
"status_string": "TIMEOUT",
"message": null
"summarized_tests": [
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "Setup function ran",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "FAIL",
"name": "Test assert_throws_dom with ambiguous DOM-exception expected to Fail",
"message": "Test bug: ambiguous DOMException code 0 passed to assert_throws_dom()",
"properties": {}
"status_string": "FAIL",
"name": "Test assert_throws_dom with non-DOM-exception expected to Fail",
"message": "Test bug: unrecognized DOMException code name or name \"TEST_ERR\" passed to assert_throws_dom()",
"properties": {}
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "Test assert_throws_dom with number code value expected to Pass",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "Test assert_throws_dom with number code value and real DOMException expected to Pass",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "Test async test with callback",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "Test async test with callback and `this` obj.",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "Test step_func",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "Test that cleanup handlers from previous test ran",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "Test that defines a global and cleans it up",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "Test throw DOM exception",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "FAIL",
"name": "Test throw DOMException as JS exception expected to fail",
"message": "assert_throws_js: function \"function DOMException() {\n [native code]\n}\" is not an Error subtype",
"properties": {}
"status_string": "FAIL",
"name": "Test throw SyntaxError DOMException where JS SyntaxError expected; expected to fail",
"message": "assert_throws_js: function \"function () {document.querySelector(\"\")}\" threw object \"SyntaxError: Document.querySelector: '' is not a valid selector\" (\"SyntaxError\") expected instance of function \"function SyntaxError() {\n [native code]\n}\" (\"SyntaxError\")",
"properties": {}
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "Test throw JS SyntaxError",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "Test throw DOM SyntaxError",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "Test throw DOM SyntaxError from subframe",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "FAIL",
"name": "Test throw DOM SyntaxError from subframe with incorrect global expectation; expected to fail",
"message": "assert_throws_dom: function \"function () {ifr.contentDocument.querySelector(\"\")}\" threw an exception from the wrong global",
"properties": {}
"status_string": "FAIL",
"name": "Test throw DOM SyntaxError with incorrect expectation; expected to fail",
"message": "assert_throws_dom: function \"function () {document.querySelector(\"\")}\" threw an exception from the wrong global",
"properties": {}
"status_string": "FAIL",
"name": "Test throw JS SyntaxError where SyntaxError DOMException expected; expected to fail",
"message": "assert_throws_dom: function \"function () {JSON.parse(\"{\")}\" threw object \"SyntaxError: JSON.parse: end of data while reading object contents at line 1 column 2 of the JSON data\" that is not a DOMException SyntaxError: property \"code\" is equal to undefined, expected 12",
"properties": {}
"status_string": "FAIL",
"name": "Test throw DOM exception expected to fail",
"message": "assert_throws_dom: function \"function () {a.appendChild(b)}\" threw object \"HierarchyRequestError: Node.appendChild: Cannot add children to a Text\" that is not a DOMException NOT_FOUND_ERR: property \"code\" is equal to 3, expected 8",
"properties": {}
"status_string": "FAIL",
"name": "assert_array_equals with first param 1",
"message": "assert_array_equals: 1 equals [1]? value is 1, expected array",
"properties": {}
"status_string": "FAIL",
"name": "assert_array_equals with first param false",
"message": "assert_array_equals: false equals [1]? value is false, expected array",
"properties": {}
"status_string": "FAIL",
"name": "assert_array_equals with first param null",
"message": "assert_array_equals: null equals [1]? value is null, expected array",
"properties": {}
"status_string": "FAIL",
"name": "assert_array_equals with first param true",
"message": "assert_array_equals: true equals [1]? value is true, expected array",
"properties": {}
"status_string": "FAIL",
"name": "assert_array_equals with first param undefined",
"message": "assert_array_equals: undefined equals [1]? value is undefined, expected array",
"properties": {}
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "assert_equals tests",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "FAIL",
"name": "assert_equals tests expected to fail",
"message": "assert_equals: Zero case expected 0 but got -0",
"properties": {}
"status_string": "FAIL",
"name": "assert_greater_than expected to fail",
"message": "assert_greater_than: 10 is not greater than 11 expected a number greater than 11 but got 10",
"properties": {}
"status_string": "FAIL",
"name": "assert_less_than_equal expected to fail",
"message": "assert_greater_than_equal: '10' is not a number expected a number but got a \"string\"",
"properties": {}
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "assert_not_equals tests",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "FAIL",
"name": "assert_true expected to fail",
"message": "assert_true: false should not be true expected true got false",
"properties": {}
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "assert_true expected to pass",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "NOTRUN",
"name": "async test that is never started, should have status Not Run",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "basic assert_approx_equals test",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "basic assert_array_approx_equals test",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "basic assert_array_equals test",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "basic assert_greater_than_equal test",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "basic assert_less_than test",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "body element fires the onload event set from the attribute",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "document.body should be the first body element in the document",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "test for assert[_not]_own_property and insert_inherits",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "TIMEOUT",
"name": "test should timeout (fail) with the default of 2 seconds",
"message": "Test timed out",
"properties": {}
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "window onload event fires when set from the handler",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "on_event does not use event capture",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"summarized_asserts": [
"assert_name": "assert_true",
"test": "Setup function ran",
"args": [
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_array_equals",
"test": "on_event does not use event capture",
"args": [
"[\"inner\", \"outer\"]",
"[\"inner\", \"outer\"]"
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_equals",
"test": "document.body should be the first body element in the document",
"args": [
"Element node <body onload=\"load_test_attr.done()\"> <h1>Sample HTML5 AP...",
"Element node <body onload=\"load_test_attr.done()\"> <h1>Sample HTML5 AP..."
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_equals",
"test": "assert_equals tests",
"args": [
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_equals",
"test": "assert_equals tests",
"args": [
"\"NaN case\""
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_equals",
"test": "assert_equals tests",
"args": [
"\"Zero case\""
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_equals",
"test": "assert_equals tests expected to fail",
"args": [
"\"Zero case\""
"status": 1
"assert_name": "assert_not_equals",
"test": "assert_not_equals tests",
"args": [
"object \"[object Object]\"",
"object \"[object Object]\"",
"\"object case\""
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_not_equals",
"test": "assert_not_equals tests",
"args": [
"\"Zero case\""
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_true",
"test": "assert_true expected to pass",
"args": [
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_true",
"test": "assert_true expected to fail",
"args": [
"\"false should not be true\""
"status": 1
"assert_name": "assert_array_equals",
"test": "basic assert_array_equals test",
"args": [
"[1, NaN]",
"[1, NaN]",
"\"[1, NaN] is equal to [1, NaN]\""
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_array_equals",
"test": "assert_array_equals with first param undefined",
"args": [
"\"undefined equals [1]?\""
"status": 1
"assert_name": "assert_array_equals",
"test": "assert_array_equals with first param true",
"args": [
"\"true equals [1]?\""
"status": 1
"assert_name": "assert_array_equals",
"test": "assert_array_equals with first param false",
"args": [
"\"false equals [1]?\""
"status": 1
"assert_name": "assert_array_equals",
"test": "assert_array_equals with first param null",
"args": [
"\"null equals [1]?\""
"status": 1
"assert_name": "assert_array_equals",
"test": "assert_array_equals with first param 1",
"args": [
"\"1 equals [1]?\""
"status": 1
"assert_name": "assert_array_approx_equals",
"test": "basic assert_array_approx_equals test",
"args": [
"[10, 11]",
"[11, 10]",
"\"[10, 11] is approximately (+/- 1) [11, 10]\""
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_approx_equals",
"test": "basic assert_approx_equals test",
"args": [
"\"10 is approximately (+/- 1) 11\""
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_approx_equals",
"test": "basic assert_less_than test",
"args": [
"\"10 is approximately (+/- 1) 11\""
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_greater_than",
"test": "assert_greater_than expected to fail",
"args": [
"\"10 is not greater than 11\""
"status": 1
"assert_name": "assert_greater_than_equal",
"test": "basic assert_greater_than_equal test",
"args": [
"\"10 is greater than or equal to 10\""
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_greater_than_equal",
"test": "assert_less_than_equal expected to fail",
"args": [
"\"'10' is not a number\""
"status": 1
"assert_name": "assert_own_property",
"test": "test for assert[_not]_own_property and insert_inherits",
"args": [
"object \"[object Object]\"",
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_not_own_property",
"test": "test for assert[_not]_own_property and insert_inherits",
"args": [
"object \"[object Object]\"",
"\"unexpected property found: \\\"b\\\"\""
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_inherits",
"test": "test for assert[_not]_own_property and insert_inherits",
"args": [
"object \"[object Object]\"",
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_throws_dom",
"test": "Test throw DOM exception",
"args": [
"function \"function () {a.removeChild(b)}\""
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_throws_js",
"test": "Test throw DOMException as JS exception expected to fail",
"args": [
"function \"function DOMException() { [native code] }\"",
"function \"function () {a.removeChild(b)}\""
"status": 1
"assert_name": "assert_throws_js",
"test": "Test throw SyntaxError DOMException where JS SyntaxError expected; expected to fail",
"args": [
"function \"function SyntaxError() { [native code] }\"",
"function \"function () {document.querySelector(\"\")}\""
"status": 1
"assert_name": "assert_throws_js",
"test": "Test throw JS SyntaxError",
"args": [
"function \"function SyntaxError() { [native code] }\"",
"function \"function () {JSON.parse(\"{\")}\""
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_throws_dom",
"test": "Test throw DOM SyntaxError",
"args": [
"function \"function () {document.querySelector(\"\")}\""
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_throws_dom",
"test": "Test throw DOM SyntaxError from subframe",
"args": [
"function \"function DOMException() { [native code] }\"",
"function \"function () {ifr.contentDocument.querySelector(\"\")}\""
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_throws_dom",
"test": "Test throw DOM SyntaxError from subframe with incorrect global expectation; expected to fail",
"args": [
"function \"function () {ifr.contentDocument.querySelector(\"\")}\""
"status": 1
"assert_name": "assert_throws_dom",
"test": "Test throw DOM SyntaxError with incorrect expectation; expected to fail",
"args": [
"function \"function DOMException() { [native code] }\"",
"function \"function () {document.querySelector(\"\")}\""
"status": 1
"assert_name": "assert_throws_dom",
"test": "Test throw JS SyntaxError where SyntaxError DOMException expected; expected to fail",
"args": [
"function \"function () {JSON.parse(\"{\")}\""
"status": 1
"assert_name": "assert_throws_dom",
"test": "Test throw DOM exception expected to fail",
"args": [
"function \"function () {a.appendChild(b)}\""
"status": 1
"assert_name": "assert_throws_dom",
"test": "Test assert_throws_dom with ambiguous DOM-exception expected to Fail",
"args": [
"function \"function() {throw e}\""
"status": 1
"assert_name": "assert_throws_dom",
"test": "Test assert_throws_dom with non-DOM-exception expected to Fail",
"args": [
"function \"function() {throw e}\""
"status": 1
"assert_name": "assert_throws_dom",
"test": "Test assert_throws_dom with number code value expected to Pass",
"args": [
"function \"function() {throw e}\""
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_throws_dom",
"test": "Test assert_throws_dom with number code value and real DOMException expected to Pass",
"args": [
"function \"function() {throw e}\""
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_equals",
"test": "Test that defines a global and cleans it up",
"args": [
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_equals",
"test": "Test that cleanup handlers from previous test ran",
"args": [
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_true",
"test": "Test step_func",
"args": [
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_true",
"test": "Test async test with callback",
"args": [
"status": 0
"assert_name": "assert_true",
"test": "Test async test with callback and `this` obj.",
"args": [
"status": 0
"type": "complete"