blob: ea7d46f98db86c1269a912880a851f9b35a06a2e [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Inertness with modal dialogs and iframes</title>
<link rel="author" title="Oriol Brufau" href="">
<link rel="help" href="">
<meta name="assert" content="Checks that a modal dialog marks outer nodes as inert,
but only in its document, not in the parent browsing context.
Also, when an iframe is marked as inert by a modal dialog,
all contents in the nested browsing context are marked as inert too.">
<div id="log"></div>
<div id="wrapper">
(main document: outer text)
<iframe id="outerIframe" srcdoc="
<div id='wrapper'>
(outer iframe: outer text)
<dialog id='dialog' style='display: block'>
(outer iframe: dialog)
<dialog id="dialog" style="display: block">
(main document: dialog)
<iframe id="innerIframe" srcdoc="
<div id='wrapper'>
(inner iframe: outer text)
<dialog id='dialog' style='display: block'>
(inner iframe: dialog)
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
const innerIframeWindow = innerIframe.contentWindow;
const outerIframeWindow = outerIframe.contentWindow;
promise_setup(async () => {
for (let global of [innerIframeWindow, outerIframeWindow]) {
if (global.location.href === "about:blank" ||
global.document.readyState !== "complete") {
await new Promise(resolve => {
global.frameElement.addEventListener("load", resolve, {once: true});
add_completion_callback(() => {
for (let global of [window, innerIframeWindow, outerIframeWindow]) {
function checkSelection(global, expectedText) {
const selection = global.getSelection();
// Remove whitespace between parentheses since it varies among browsers,
// but that's not relevant to this test.
const actualText = selection.toString().replace(/\)\s*\(/g, ")(").trim();
assert_equals(actualText, expectedText);
function showModals(test, globals) {
for (let global of globals) {
test.add_cleanup(() => { global.dialog.close(); });
promise_test(async function() {
checkSelection(window, "(main document: outer text)(main document: dialog)");
checkSelection(innerIframeWindow, "(inner iframe: outer text)(inner iframe: dialog)");
checkSelection(outerIframeWindow, "(outer iframe: outer text)(outer iframe: dialog)");
}, "Initially, no node is inert");
promise_test(async function() {
showModals(this, [outerIframeWindow]);
checkSelection(window, "(main document: outer text)(main document: dialog)");
checkSelection(innerIframeWindow, "(inner iframe: outer text)(inner iframe: dialog)");
checkSelection(outerIframeWindow, "(outer iframe: dialog)");
}, "Modal dialog in the outer iframe marks outer nodes in that iframe as inert.");
promise_test(async function() {
showModals(this, [innerIframeWindow]);
checkSelection(window, "(main document: outer text)(main document: dialog)");
checkSelection(innerIframeWindow, "(inner iframe: dialog)");
checkSelection(outerIframeWindow, "(outer iframe: outer text)(outer iframe: dialog)");
}, "Modal dialog in the inner iframe marks outer nodes in that iframe as inert.");
promise_test(async function() {
showModals(this, [innerIframeWindow, outerIframeWindow]);
checkSelection(window, "(main document: outer text)(main document: dialog)");
checkSelection(innerIframeWindow, "(inner iframe: dialog)");
checkSelection(outerIframeWindow, "(outer iframe: dialog)");
}, "Modal dialogs in both iframes mark outer nodes in these iframes as inert.");
promise_test(async function() {
showModals(this, [window]);
checkSelection(window, "(main document: dialog)");
checkSelection(innerIframeWindow, "(inner iframe: outer text)(inner iframe: dialog)");
checkSelection(outerIframeWindow, "");
}, "Modal dialog in the main document marks outer nodes as inert. All contents of the outer iframe are also marked as inert.");
promise_test(async function() {
showModals(this, [innerIframeWindow, window]);
checkSelection(window, "(main document: dialog)");
checkSelection(innerIframeWindow, "(inner iframe: dialog)");
checkSelection(outerIframeWindow, "");
}, "Modal dialogs in the main document and inner iframe mark outer nodes as inert. All contents of the outer iframe are also marked as inert.");
promise_test(async function() {
showModals(this, [outerIframeWindow, window]);
checkSelection(window, "(main document: dialog)");
checkSelection(innerIframeWindow, "(inner iframe: outer text)(inner iframe: dialog)");
checkSelection(outerIframeWindow, "");
}, "Modal dialogs in the main document and outer iframe mark outer nodes as inert. All contents of the outer iframe are also marked as inert.");
promise_test(async function() {
showModals(this, [innerIframeWindow, outerIframeWindow, window]);
checkSelection(window, "(main document: dialog)");
checkSelection(innerIframeWindow, "(inner iframe: dialog)");
checkSelection(outerIframeWindow, "");
}, "Modal dialogs in the main document and both iframes mark outer nodes as inert. All contents of the outer iframe are also marked as inert.");