blob: d3411084f3ce681a456e8882a5c42cd5c57c84b2 [file] [log] [blame]
# mypy: allow-untyped-defs
import os
import pytest
from io import BytesIO
from ...lint.lint import check_global_metadata
from ..sourcefile import SourceFile, read_script_metadata, js_meta_re, python_meta_re
def create(filename, contents=b""):
assert isinstance(contents, bytes)
return SourceFile("/", filename, "/", contents=contents)
def items(s):
item_type, items = s.manifest_items()
if item_type == "support":
return []
return [(item_type, item.url) for item in items]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("rel_path", [
def test_name_is_non_test(rel_path):
s = create(rel_path)
assert s.name_is_non_test or s.name_is_conformance_support
assert not s.content_is_testharness
assert items(s) == []
@pytest.mark.parametrize("rel_path", [
def test_not_name_is_non_test(rel_path):
s = create(rel_path)
assert not (s.name_is_non_test or s.name_is_conformance_support)
# We aren't actually asserting what type of test these are, just their
# name doesn't prohibit them from being tests.
@pytest.mark.parametrize("rel_path", [
def test_name_is_manual(rel_path):
s = create(rel_path)
assert not s.name_is_non_test
assert s.name_is_manual
assert not s.content_is_testharness
assert items(s) == [("manual", "/" + rel_path)]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("rel_path", [
def test_name_is_visual(rel_path):
s = create(rel_path)
assert not s.name_is_non_test
assert s.name_is_visual
assert not s.content_is_testharness
assert items(s) == [("visual", "/" + rel_path)]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("rel_path", [
def test_name_is_reference(rel_path):
s = create(rel_path)
assert not s.name_is_non_test
assert s.name_is_reference
assert not s.content_is_testharness
assert items(s) == []
def test_name_is_tentative():
s = create("css/css-ui/appearance-revert-001.tentative.html")
assert s.name_is_tentative
s = create("css/css-ui/tentative/appearance-revert-001.html")
assert s.name_is_tentative
s = create("css/css-ui/appearance-revert-001.html")
assert not s.name_is_tentative
@pytest.mark.parametrize("rel_path", [
def test_name_is_webdriver(rel_path):
s = create(rel_path)
assert s.name_is_webdriver
item_type, items = s.manifest_items()
assert item_type == "wdspec"
def test_worker():
s = create("html/test.worker.js")
assert not s.name_is_non_test
assert not s.name_is_manual
assert not s.name_is_visual
assert not s.name_is_multi_global
assert s.name_is_worker
assert not s.name_is_window
assert not s.name_is_reference
assert not s.content_is_testharness
item_type, items = s.manifest_items()
assert item_type == "testharness"
expected_urls = [
assert len(items) == len(expected_urls)
for item, url in zip(items, expected_urls):
assert item.url == url
assert item.timeout is None
def test_window():
s = create("html/test.window.js")
assert not s.name_is_non_test
assert not s.name_is_manual
assert not s.name_is_visual
assert not s.name_is_multi_global
assert not s.name_is_worker
assert s.name_is_window
assert not s.name_is_reference
assert not s.content_is_testharness
item_type, items = s.manifest_items()
assert item_type == "testharness"
expected_urls = [
assert len(items) == len(expected_urls)
for item, url in zip(items, expected_urls):
assert item.url == url
assert item.timeout is None
def test_worker_long_timeout():
contents = b"""// META: timeout=long
metadata = list(read_script_metadata(BytesIO(contents), js_meta_re))
assert metadata == [("timeout", "long")]
s = create("html/test.worker.js", contents=contents)
assert s.name_is_worker
item_type, items = s.manifest_items()
assert item_type == "testharness"
for item in items:
assert item.timeout == "long"
def test_window_long_timeout():
contents = b"""// META: timeout=long
metadata = list(read_script_metadata(BytesIO(contents), js_meta_re))
assert metadata == [("timeout", "long")]
s = create("html/test.window.js", contents=contents)
assert s.name_is_window
item_type, items = s.manifest_items()
assert item_type == "testharness"
for item in items:
assert item.timeout == "long"
def test_worker_with_variants():
contents = b"""// META: variant=
// META: variant=?wss
s = create("html/test.worker.js", contents=contents)
assert not s.name_is_non_test
assert not s.name_is_manual
assert not s.name_is_visual
assert not s.name_is_multi_global
assert s.name_is_worker
assert not s.name_is_window
assert not s.name_is_reference
assert not s.content_is_testharness
item_type, items = s.manifest_items()
assert item_type == "testharness"
expected_urls = [
"/html/test.worker.html" + suffix
for suffix in ["", "?wss"]
assert len(items) == len(expected_urls)
for item, url in zip(items, expected_urls):
assert item.url == url
assert item.timeout is None
def test_window_with_variants():
contents = b"""// META: variant=
// META: variant=?wss
s = create("html/test.window.js", contents=contents)
assert not s.name_is_non_test
assert not s.name_is_manual
assert not s.name_is_visual
assert not s.name_is_multi_global
assert not s.name_is_worker
assert s.name_is_window
assert not s.name_is_reference
assert not s.content_is_testharness
item_type, items = s.manifest_items()
assert item_type == "testharness"
expected_urls = [
"/html/test.window.html" + suffix
for suffix in ["", "?wss"]
assert len(items) == len(expected_urls)
for item, url in zip(items, expected_urls):
assert item.url == url
assert item.timeout is None
def test_python_long_timeout():
contents = b"""# META: timeout=long
metadata = list(read_script_metadata(BytesIO(contents),
assert metadata == [("timeout", "long")]
s = create("webdriver/", contents=contents)
assert s.name_is_webdriver
item_type, items = s.manifest_items()
assert item_type == "wdspec"
for item in items:
assert item.timeout == "long"
def test_multi_global():
s = create("html/test.any.js")
assert not s.name_is_non_test
assert not s.name_is_manual
assert not s.name_is_visual
assert s.name_is_multi_global
assert not s.name_is_worker
assert not s.name_is_reference
assert not s.content_is_testharness
item_type, items = s.manifest_items()
assert item_type == "testharness"
expected_urls = [
assert len(items) == len(expected_urls)
for item, url in zip(items, expected_urls):
assert item.url == url
assert item.timeout is None
def test_multi_global_long_timeout():
contents = b"""// META: timeout=long
metadata = list(read_script_metadata(BytesIO(contents), js_meta_re))
assert metadata == [("timeout", "long")]
s = create("html/test.any.js", contents=contents)
assert s.name_is_multi_global
item_type, items = s.manifest_items()
assert item_type == "testharness"
for item in items:
assert item.timeout == "long"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("input,expected", [
(b"window", {"window"}),
(b"sharedworker", {"sharedworker"}),
(b"sharedworker,serviceworker", {"serviceworker", "sharedworker"}),
(b"worker", {"dedicatedworker", "serviceworker", "sharedworker"}),
def test_multi_global_with_custom_globals(input, expected):
contents = b"""// META: global=%s
test()""" % input
assert list(check_global_metadata(input)) == []
s = create("html/test.any.js", contents=contents)
assert not s.name_is_non_test
assert not s.name_is_manual
assert not s.name_is_visual
assert s.name_is_multi_global
assert not s.name_is_worker
assert not s.name_is_reference
assert not s.content_is_testharness
item_type, items = s.manifest_items()
assert item_type == "testharness"
urls = {
"dedicatedworker": "/html/test.any.worker.html",
"serviceworker": "/html/test.any.serviceworker.html",
"sharedworker": "/html/test.any.sharedworker.html",
"window": "/html/test.any.html",
expected_urls = sorted(urls[ty] for ty in expected)
assert len(items) == len(expected_urls)
for item, url in zip(items, expected_urls):
assert item.url == url
assert item.jsshell is False
assert item.timeout is None
def test_multi_global_with_jsshell_globals():
contents = b"""// META: global=window,dedicatedworker,jsshell
s = create("html/test.any.js", contents=contents)
assert not s.name_is_non_test
assert not s.name_is_manual
assert not s.name_is_visual
assert s.name_is_multi_global
assert not s.name_is_worker
assert not s.name_is_reference
assert not s.content_is_testharness
item_type, items = s.manifest_items()
assert item_type == "testharness"
expected = [
("/html/test.any.html", False),
("/html/test.any.js", True),
("/html/test.any.worker.html", False),
assert len(items) == len(expected)
for item, (url, jsshell) in zip(items, expected):
assert item.url == url
assert item.jsshell == jsshell
assert item.timeout is None
def test_multi_global_with_variants():
contents = b"""// META: global=window,worker
// META: variant=
// META: variant=?wss
s = create("html/test.any.js", contents=contents)
assert not s.name_is_non_test
assert not s.name_is_manual
assert not s.name_is_visual
assert s.name_is_multi_global
assert not s.name_is_worker
assert not s.name_is_reference
assert not s.content_is_testharness
item_type, items = s.manifest_items()
assert item_type == "testharness"
urls = {
"dedicatedworker": "/html/test.any.worker.html",
"serviceworker": "/html/test.any.serviceworker.html",
"sharedworker": "/html/test.any.sharedworker.html",
"window": "/html/test.any.html",
expected_urls = sorted(
urls[ty] + suffix
for ty in ["dedicatedworker", "serviceworker", "sharedworker", "window"]
for suffix in ["", "?wss"]
assert len(items) == len(expected_urls)
for item, url in zip(items, expected_urls):
assert item.url == url
assert item.timeout is None
@pytest.mark.parametrize("input,expected", [
(b"""//META: foo=bar\n""", [("foo", "bar")]),
(b"""// META: foo=bar\n""", [("foo", "bar")]),
(b"""// META: foo=bar\n""", [("foo", "bar")]),
(b"""\n// META: foo=bar\n""", []),
(b""" // META: foo=bar\n""", []),
(b"""// META: foo=bar\n// META: baz=quux\n""", [("foo", "bar"), ("baz", "quux")]),
(b"""// META: foo=bar\n\n// META: baz=quux\n""", [("foo", "bar")]),
(b"""// META: foo=bar\n// Start of the test\n// META: baz=quux\n""", [("foo", "bar")]),
(b"""// META:\n""", []),
(b"""// META: foobar\n""", []),
def test_script_metadata(input, expected):
metadata = read_script_metadata(BytesIO(input), js_meta_re)
assert list(metadata) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("ext", ["htm", "html"])
def test_testharness(ext):
content = b"<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>"
filename = "html/test." + ext
s = create(filename, content)
assert not s.name_is_non_test
assert not s.name_is_manual
assert not s.name_is_visual
assert not s.name_is_multi_global
assert not s.name_is_worker
assert not s.name_is_reference
assert s.content_is_testharness
assert items(s) == [("testharness", "/" + filename)]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("variant", ["", "?foo", "#bar", "?foo#bar"])
def test_testharness_variant(variant):
content = (b"<meta name=variant content=\"%s\">" % variant.encode("utf-8") +
b"<meta name=variant content=\"?fixed\">" +
b"<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>")
filename = "html/test.html"
s = create(filename, content)
s.test_variants = [variant, "?fixed"]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("variant", ["?", "#", "?#bar"])
def test_testharness_variant_invalid(variant):
content = (b"<meta name=variant content=\"%s\">" % variant.encode("utf-8") +
b"<meta name=variant content=\"?fixed\">" +
b"<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>")
filename = "html/test.html"
s = create(filename, content)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("ext", ["htm", "html"])
def test_relative_testharness(ext):
content = b"<script src=../resources/testharness.js></script>"
filename = "html/test." + ext
s = create(filename, content)
assert not s.name_is_non_test
assert not s.name_is_manual
assert not s.name_is_visual
assert not s.name_is_multi_global
assert not s.name_is_worker
assert not s.name_is_reference
assert not s.content_is_testharness
assert items(s) == []
@pytest.mark.parametrize("ext", ["xhtml", "xht", "xml"])
def test_testharness_xhtml(ext):
content = b"""
<html xmlns="">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
filename = "html/test." + ext
s = create(filename, content)
assert not s.name_is_non_test
assert not s.name_is_manual
assert not s.name_is_visual
assert not s.name_is_multi_global
assert not s.name_is_worker
assert not s.name_is_reference
assert s.content_is_testharness
assert items(s) == [("testharness", "/" + filename)]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("ext", ["xhtml", "xht", "xml"])
def test_relative_testharness_xhtml(ext):
content = b"""
<html xmlns="">
<script src="../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
filename = "html/test." + ext
s = create(filename, content)
assert not s.name_is_non_test
assert not s.name_is_manual
assert not s.name_is_visual
assert not s.name_is_multi_global
assert not s.name_is_worker
assert not s.name_is_reference
assert not s.content_is_testharness
assert items(s) == []
def test_testharness_svg():
content = b"""\
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg xmlns=""
width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
<title>Null test</title>
<h:script src="/resources/testharness.js"/>
<h:script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"/>
filename = "html/test.svg"
s = create(filename, content)
assert not s.name_is_non_test
assert not s.name_is_manual
assert not s.name_is_visual
assert not s.name_is_multi_global
assert not s.name_is_worker
assert not s.name_is_reference
assert s.root is not None
assert s.content_is_testharness
assert items(s) == [("testharness", "/" + filename)]
def test_relative_testharness_svg():
content = b"""\
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg xmlns=""
width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
<title>Null test</title>
<h:script src="../resources/testharness.js"/>
<h:script src="../resources/testharnessreport.js"/>
filename = "html/test.svg"
s = create(filename, content)
assert not s.name_is_non_test
assert not s.name_is_manual
assert not s.name_is_visual
assert not s.name_is_multi_global
assert not s.name_is_worker
assert not s.name_is_reference
assert s.root is not None
assert not s.content_is_testharness
assert items(s) == []
@pytest.mark.parametrize("filename", ["test", "test.test"])
def test_testharness_ext(filename):
content = b"<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>"
s = create("html/" + filename, content)
assert not s.name_is_non_test
assert not s.name_is_manual
assert not s.name_is_visual
assert not s.name_is_multi_global
assert not s.name_is_worker
assert not s.name_is_reference
assert not s.root
assert not s.content_is_testharness
assert items(s) == []
@pytest.mark.parametrize("ext", ["htm", "html"])
def test_testdriver(ext):
content = b"<script src=/resources/testdriver.js></script>"
filename = "html/test." + ext
s = create(filename, content)
assert s.has_testdriver
@pytest.mark.parametrize("ext", ["htm", "html"])
def test_relative_testdriver(ext):
content = b"<script src=../resources/testdriver.js></script>"
filename = "html/test." + ext
s = create(filename, content)
assert not s.has_testdriver
@pytest.mark.parametrize("ext", ["htm", "html"])
def test_reftest(ext):
content = b"<link rel=match href=ref.html>"
filename = "foo/test." + ext
s = create(filename, content)
assert not s.name_is_non_test
assert not s.name_is_manual
assert not s.name_is_visual
assert not s.name_is_multi_global
assert not s.name_is_worker
assert not s.name_is_reference
assert not s.content_is_testharness
assert s.content_is_ref_node
assert items(s) == [("reftest", "/" + filename)]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("ext", ["xht", "html", "xhtml", "htm", "xml", "svg"])
def test_css_visual(ext):
content = b"""
<html xmlns="">
<link rel="help" href=""/>
filename = "html/test." + ext
s = create(filename, content)
assert not s.name_is_non_test
assert not s.name_is_manual
assert not s.name_is_visual
assert not s.name_is_multi_global
assert not s.name_is_worker
assert not s.name_is_reference
assert not s.content_is_testharness
assert not s.content_is_ref_node
assert s.content_is_css_visual
assert items(s) == [("visual", "/" + filename)]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("ext", ["xht", "xhtml", "xml"])
def test_xhtml_with_entity(ext):
content = b"""
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="">
filename = "html/test." + ext
s = create(filename, content)
assert s.root is not None
assert items(s) == []
def test_no_parse():
s = create("foo/bar.xml", "\uFFFF".encode("utf-8"))
assert not s.name_is_non_test
assert not s.name_is_manual
assert not s.name_is_visual
assert not s.name_is_multi_global
assert not s.name_is_worker
assert not s.name_is_reference
assert not s.content_is_testharness
assert not s.content_is_ref_node
assert not s.content_is_css_visual
assert items(s) == []
@pytest.mark.parametrize("input,expected", [
("aA", "aA"),
("a/b", "a/b" if != "nt" else "a\\b"),
("a\\b", "a\\b")
def test_relpath_normalized(input, expected):
s = create(input, b"")
assert s.rel_path == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("url", [b"ref.html",
def test_reftest_url_whitespace(url):
content = b"<link rel=match href='%s'>" % url
s = create("foo/test.html", content)
assert s.references == [("/foo/ref.html", "==")]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("url", [b"",
def test_spec_links_whitespace(url):
content = b"<link rel=help href='%s'>" % url
s = create("foo/test.html", content)
assert s.spec_links == {""}
@pytest.mark.parametrize("input,expected", [
(b"""<link rel="help" title="Intel" href="foo">\n""", ["foo"]),
(b"""<link rel=help title="Intel" href="foo">\n""", ["foo"]),
(b"""<link rel=help href="foo" >\n""", ["foo"]),
(b"""<link rel="author" href="foo">\n""", []),
(b"""<link href="foo">\n""", []),
(b"""<link rel="help" href="foo">\n<link rel="help" href="bar">\n""", ["foo", "bar"]),
(b"""<link rel="help" href="foo">\n<script>\n""", ["foo"]),
(b"""random\n""", []),
def test_spec_links_complex(input, expected):
s = create("foo/test.html", input)
assert s.spec_links == set(expected)
def test_url_base():
contents = b"""// META: global=window,worker
// META: variant=
// META: variant=?wss
s = SourceFile("/", "html/test.any.js", "/_fake_base/", contents=contents)
item_type, items = s.manifest_items()
assert item_type == "testharness"
assert [item.url for item in items] == ['/_fake_base/html/test.any.html',
assert items[0].url_base == "/_fake_base/"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("fuzzy, expected", [
(b"ref.html:1;200", {("/foo/test.html", "/foo/ref.html", "=="): [[1, 1], [200, 200]]}),
(b"ref.html:0-1;100-200", {("/foo/test.html", "/foo/ref.html", "=="): [[0, 1], [100, 200]]}),
(b"0-1;100-200", {None: [[0,1], [100, 200]]}),
(b"maxDifference=1;totalPixels=200", {None: [[1, 1], [200, 200]]}),
(b"totalPixels=200;maxDifference=1", {None: [[1, 1], [200, 200]]}),
(b"totalPixels=200;1", {None: [[1, 1], [200, 200]]}),
(b"maxDifference=1;200", {None: [[1, 1], [200, 200]]}),])
def test_reftest_fuzzy(fuzzy, expected):
content = b"""<link rel=match href=ref.html>
<meta name=fuzzy content="%s">
""" % fuzzy
s = create("foo/test.html", content)
assert s.content_is_ref_node
assert s.fuzzy == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("fuzzy, expected", [
([b"1;200"], {None: [[1, 1], [200, 200]]}),
([b"ref-2.html:0-1;100-200"], {("/foo/test.html", "/foo/ref-2.html", "=="): [[0, 1], [100, 200]]}),
([b"1;200", b"ref-2.html:0-1;100-200"],
{None: [[1, 1], [200, 200]],
("/foo/test.html", "/foo/ref-2.html", "=="): [[0,1], [100, 200]]})])
def test_reftest_fuzzy_multi(fuzzy, expected):
content = b"""<link rel=match href=ref-1.html>
<link rel=match href=ref-2.html>
for item in fuzzy:
content += b'\n<meta name=fuzzy content="%s">' % item
s = create("foo/test.html", content)
assert s.content_is_ref_node
assert s.fuzzy == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pac, expected", [
(b"proxy.pac", "proxy.pac")])
def test_pac(pac, expected):
content = b"""
<meta name=pac content="%s">
""" % pac
s = create("foo/test.html", content)
assert s.pac == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("page_ranges, expected", [
(b"1-2", [[1, 2]]),
(b"1-1,3-4", [[1, 1], [3, 4]]),
(b"1,3", [[1], [3]]),
(b"2-", [[2, None]]),
(b"-2", [[None, 2]]),
(b"-2,2-", [[None, 2], [2, None]]),
(b"1,6-7,8", [[1], [6, 7], [8]])])
def test_page_ranges(page_ranges, expected):
content = b"""<link rel=match href=ref.html>
<meta name=reftest-pages content="%s">
""" % page_ranges
s = create("foo/test-print.html", content)
assert s.page_ranges == {"/foo/test-print.html": expected}
@pytest.mark.parametrize("page_ranges", [b"a", b"1-a", b"1=2", b"1-2:2-3"])
def test_page_ranges_invalid(page_ranges):
content = b"""<link rel=match href=ref.html>
<meta name=reftest-pages content="%s">
""" % page_ranges
s = create("foo/test-print.html", content)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_hash():
s = SourceFile("/", "foo", "/", contents=b"Hello, World!")
assert "b45ef6fec89518d314f546fd6c3025367b721684" == s.hash