blob: 2e25091eb5c685f35c249fb5a1c649929fc8357e [file] [log] [blame]
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test(() => {
assert_equals((new CapturedMouseEvent("custom")).type, "custom");
}, "type argument is passed to the Event's constructor");
const inherited_options = ["bubbles", "cancelable", "composed"];
test(() => {
const event = new CapturedMouseEvent("");
inherited_options.forEach(name => {
assert_equals(event[name], false, `event.${name} with default eventInitDict`);
inherited_options.forEach(name => {
const options = {};
options[name] = true;
const event = new CapturedMouseEvent("", options);
inherited_options.forEach(other_name => {
assert_equals(event[other_name], other_name == name,
`event.${other_name} with eventInitDict={${name}: true}`);
}, "EventInit options are passed to the Event's constructor");