Support Grid/Flex/Table/Column layout for the rendered legend of a fieldset.

Differential Revision:

gecko-commit: 6141de941e717cdb5485e1aa1ca00ffcd74f8a81
gecko-reviewers: emilio
diff --git a/html/rendering/non-replaced-elements/the-fieldset-and-legend-elements/legend-display.html b/html/rendering/non-replaced-elements/the-fieldset-and-legend-elements/legend-display.html
index 914547f..b6c57a6 100644
--- a/html/rendering/non-replaced-elements/the-fieldset-and-legend-elements/legend-display.html
+++ b/html/rendering/non-replaced-elements/the-fieldset-and-legend-elements/legend-display.html
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
 <title>rendered legend and CSS display</title>
 <script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
 <script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
+legend { width:initial; }
 <fieldset><legend id="ref">x</legend></fieldset>
 <fieldset><legend id="test">x</legend></fieldset>
@@ -10,22 +13,28 @@
   const testElm = document.querySelector('#test');
   const values = ['block', 'table', 'table-row-group', 'table-header-group', 'table-footer-group', 'table-row', 'table-cell',
                   'table-column-group', 'table-column', 'table-caption', 'list-item', 'flow', 'flow-root','run-in','inline',
-                  'inline-block', 'inline-table', 'ruby', 'ruby-base', 'ruby-text', 'ruby-base-container', 'ruby-text-container',
+                  'inline-block', 'inline-table', 'block ruby', 'ruby', 'ruby-base', 'ruby-text', 'ruby-base-container', 'ruby-text-container',
                   'grid', 'inline-grid', 'flex', 'inline-flex'];
+  const extraStyle = ['', 'overflow:hidden', 'columns:1', 'overflow:hidden;columns:1'];
-  for (const val of values) {
-    test(() => {
- = val;
-      const computed = getComputedStyle(testElm);
-      // Note that computed value is different from the used value.
-      // E.g., if ruby is not supported, the following assertion will
-      // fail as the computed value of display will be block.
-      // If ruby is supported, computed.display will return "ruby",
-      // but the used value is supposed to be "block".
-      assert_equals(computed.display, val, `display: ${val} is not supported`);
-      assert_equals(computed.width, refStyle.width, 'width');
-      assert_equals(testElm.offsetLeft, refElm.offsetLeft, 'offsetLeft');
-    }, `rendered legend with display: ${val}`);
+  for (const style of extraStyle) {
+    for (const val of values) {
+      test(() => {
+ = style;
+ = val;
+        const computed = getComputedStyle(testElm);
+        // Note that computed value is different from the used value.
+        // E.g., if ruby is not supported, the following assertion will
+        // fail as the computed value of display will be block.
+        // If ruby is supported, computed.display will return "ruby",
+        // but the used value is supposed to be "block ruby".
+        // Also, 'flow' is serialized as 'block' for legacy reasons.
+        let expected = val == 'flow' ? 'block' : val;
+        assert_equals(computed.display, expected, `display: ${val} is not supported`);
+        assert_equals(computed.width, refStyle.width, 'width');
+        assert_equals(testElm.offsetLeft, refElm.offsetLeft, 'offsetLeft');
+      }, `rendered legend with display: ${val}` + (style == '' ? '' : "; " + style));
+    }