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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Setting the playback rate of an animation that is using a ScrollTimeline</title>
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.scroller {
overflow: auto;
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
will-change: transform;
.contents {
height: 1000px;
width: 100%;
'use strict';
promise_test(async t => {
const animation = createScrollLinkedAnimation(t);
const scroller = animation.timeline.scrollSource;
// this forces a layout which results in an active timeline
scroller.scrollTop = 0;
// Wait for new animation frame which allows the timeline to compute new
// current time.
await waitForNextFrame();
animation.playbackRate = 0.5;;
assert_percents_equal(animation.currentTime, 0,
'Zero current time is not affected by playbackRate change.');
}, 'Zero current time is not affected by playbackRate set while the ' +
'animation is in idle state.');
promise_test(async t => {
const animation = createScrollLinkedAnimation(t);
const scroller = animation.timeline.scrollSource;
// this forces a layout which results in an active timeline
scroller.scrollTop = 0;
// Wait for new animation frame which allows the timeline to compute new
// current time.
await waitForNextFrame();;
animation.playbackRate = 0.5;
assert_percents_equal(animation.currentTime, 0,
'Zero current time is not affected by playbackRate change.');
}, 'Zero current time is not affected by playbackRate set while the ' +
'animation is in play-pending state.');
promise_test(async t => {
const animation = createScrollLinkedAnimation(t);
const scroller = animation.timeline.scrollSource;
const maxScroll = scroller.scrollHeight - scroller.clientHeight;
scroller.scrollTop = 0.2 * maxScroll;
// Wait for new animation frame which allows the timeline to compute new
// current time.
await waitForNextFrame();
animation.playbackRate = 0.5;;
await animation.ready;
assert_percents_equal(animation.currentTime, 10,
'Initial current time is scaled by playbackRate change.');
}, 'Initial current time is scaled by playbackRate set while ' +
'scroll-linked animation is in running state.');
promise_test(async t => {
const animation = createScrollLinkedAnimation(t);
const scroller = animation.timeline.scrollSource;
const maxScroll = scroller.scrollHeight - scroller.clientHeight;
const playbackRate = 2;
scroller.scrollTop = 0.2 * maxScroll;
// Wait for new animation frame which allows the timeline to compute new
// current time.
await waitForNextFrame();;
await animation.ready;
// Set playback rate while the animation is playing.
animation.playbackRate = playbackRate;
assert_percents_equal(animation.currentTime, 20,
'The current time should stay unaffected by setting playback rate.');
}, 'The current time is not affected by playbackRate set while the ' +
'scroll-linked animation is in play state.');
promise_test(async t => {
const animation = createScrollLinkedAnimation(t);
const scroller = animation.timeline.scrollSource;
const maxScroll = scroller.scrollHeight - scroller.clientHeight;
// Set playback rate while the animation is in 'idle' state.
animation.playbackRate = 2;;
await animation.ready;
scroller.scrollTop = 0.2 * maxScroll;
// Wait for new animation frame which allows the timeline to compute new
// current time.
await waitForNextFrame();
assert_percents_equal(animation.currentTime, 40,
'The current time should increase two times faster ' +
'than timeline time.');
}, 'The playback rate set before scroll-linked animation started playing ' +
'affects the rate of progress of the current time');
promise_test(async t => {
const animation = createScrollLinkedAnimation(t);
const scroller = animation.timeline.scrollSource;
const maxScroll = scroller.scrollHeight - scroller.clientHeight;;
await animation.ready;
animation.playbackRate = 2;
scroller.scrollTop = 0.25 * maxScroll;
// Wait for new animation frame which allows the timeline to compute new
// current time.
await waitForNextFrame();
animation.timeline.currentTime.value * animation.playbackRate,
'The current time should increase two times faster than timeline time');
}, 'The playback rate affects the rate of progress of the current time' +
' when scrolling');
promise_test(async t => {
const animation = createScrollLinkedAnimation(t);
const scroller = animation.timeline.scrollSource;
const maxScroll = scroller.scrollHeight - scroller.clientHeight;
scroller.scrollTop = 0.25 * maxScroll;
// Wait for new animation frame which allows the timeline to compute new
// current time.
await waitForNextFrame();;
animation.playbackRate = 2;
assert_equals(animation.playState, "running");
animation.currentTime, animation.timeline.currentTime);
}, 'Setting the playback rate while play-pending preserves the current time' +
' from scrollTimeline.');
test(t => {
const animation = createScrollLinkedAnimation(t);;
animation.currentTime = CSSNumericValue.parse("25%");
animation.playbackRate = 2;
assert_equals(animation.playState, "running");
assert_percents_equal(animation.currentTime, 25);
}, 'Setting the playback rate while play-pending preserves the set current' +
' time.');
promise_test(async t => {
const animation = createScrollLinkedAnimation(t);
const scroller = animation.timeline.scrollSource;
const maxScroll = scroller.scrollHeight - scroller.clientHeight;
scroller.scrollTop = 0.25 * maxScroll;
// Wait for new animation frame which allows the timeline to compute new
// current time.
await waitForNextFrame();;
await animation.ready;
animation.playbackRate = 2;
animation.currentTime, animation.timeline.currentTime);
}, 'Setting the playback rate while playing preserves the current time' +
' from scrollTimeline.');
promise_test(async t => {
const animation = createScrollLinkedAnimation(t);
/* Wait for animation frame is here for now to avoid a renderer crash
caused by Once that is fixed, these can be removed */
await waitForAnimationFrames(2);;
animation.currentTime = CSSNumericValue.parse("25%");
await animation.ready;
animation.playbackRate = 2;
assert_percents_equal(animation.currentTime, 25);
}, 'Setting the playback rate while playing preserves the set current time.');
promise_test(async t => {
const animation = createScrollLinkedAnimation(t);
const scroller = animation.timeline.scrollSource;
const maxScroll = scroller.scrollHeight - scroller.clientHeight;
animation.playbackRate = -1;
scroller.scrollTop = 0.3 * maxScroll;
// Wait for new animation frame which allows the timeline to compute new
// current time.
await waitForNextFrame();;
await animation.ready;
const expectedCurrentTime = 100 - animation.timeline.currentTime.value;
assert_percents_equal(animation.currentTime, expectedCurrentTime);
}, 'Negative initial playback rate should correctly modify initial current' +
' time.');
promise_test(async t => {
const animation = createScrollLinkedAnimation(t);
const scroller = animation.timeline.scrollSource;
const maxScroll = scroller.scrollHeight - scroller.clientHeight;
scroller.scrollTop = 0.5 * maxScroll;
// Wait for new animation frame which allows the timeline to compute new
// current time.
await waitForNextFrame();;
await animation.ready;
const startingTimelineTime = animation.timeline.currentTime;
const startingCurrentTime = animation.currentTime;
assert_percents_equal(startingCurrentTime, startingTimelineTime);
animation.playbackRate = -1;
scroller.scrollTop = 0.8 * maxScroll;
await waitForNextFrame();
// -300 = 500 - 800
let timelineDiff =
startingTimelineTime.value - animation.timeline.currentTime.value;
// 200 = 500 + (-300)
let expected = startingCurrentTime.value + timelineDiff;
assert_percents_equal(animation.currentTime, expected);
scroller.scrollTop = 0.2 * maxScroll;
await waitForNextFrame();
// 300 = 500 - 200
timelineDiff =
startingTimelineTime.value - animation.timeline.currentTime.value;
// 800 = 500 + 300
expected = startingCurrentTime.value + timelineDiff;
assert_percents_equal(animation.currentTime, expected);
}, 'Reversing the playback rate while playing correctly impacts current' +
' time during future scrolls');
promise_test(async t => {
const animation = createScrollLinkedAnimation(t);
const scroller = animation.timeline.scrollSource;
const maxScroll = scroller.scrollHeight - scroller.clientHeight;
animation.playbackRate = 0;
scroller.scrollTop = 0.3 * maxScroll;
// Wait for new animation frame which allows the timeline to compute new
// current time.
await waitForNextFrame();;
await animation.ready;
assert_percents_equal(animation.currentTime, 0);
}, 'Zero initial playback rate should correctly modify initial current' +
' time.');
promise_test(async t => {
const animation = createScrollLinkedAnimation(t);
const scroller = animation.timeline.scrollSource;
const maxScroll = scroller.scrollHeight - scroller.clientHeight;
scroller.scrollTop = 0.2 * maxScroll;
// Wait for new animation frame which allows the timeline to compute new
// current time.
await waitForNextFrame();;
await animation.ready;
assert_percents_equal(animation.currentTime, 20);
animation.playbackRate = 0;
scroller.scrollTop = 0.5 * maxScroll;
await waitForNextFrame();
// Ensure that current time does not change.
assert_percents_equal(animation.timeline.currentTime, 50);
assert_percents_equal(animation.currentTime, 20);
}, 'Setting a zero playback rate while running preserves the current time');