blob: 9c4c7b15c26ddbc8b76df6f268c1e700694f2348 [file] [log] [blame]
import copy
import json
import os
import asyncio
import pytest
import webdriver
from urllib.parse import urlunsplit
from import defaults
from import cleanup_session, deep_update
from import build_inline
from import HTTPRequest
# The webdriver session can outlive a pytest session
_current_session = None
# The event loop needs to outlive the webdriver session
_event_loop = None
_custom_session = False
def pytest_configure(config):
# register the capabilities marker
"capabilities: mark test to use capabilities"
def capabilities():
"""Default capabilities to use for a new WebDriver session."""
return {}
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
if "capabilities" in metafunc.fixturenames:
marker = metafunc.definition.get_closest_marker(name="capabilities")
if marker:
metafunc.parametrize("capabilities", marker.args, ids=None)
def event_loop():
"""Change event_loop fixture to global."""
global _event_loop
if _event_loop is None:
_event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop_policy().new_event_loop()
return _event_loop
def http(configuration):
return HTTPRequest(configuration["host"], configuration["port"])
def full_configuration():
"""Get test configuration information. Keys are:
host - WebDriver server host.
port - WebDriver server port.
capabilites - Capabilites passed when creating the WebDriver session
webdriver - Dict with keys `binary`: path to webdriver binary, and
`args`: Additional command line arguments passed to the webdriver
binary. This doesn't include all the required arguments e.g. the
wptserve - Configuration of the wptserve servers."""
with open(os.environ.get("WDSPEC_CONFIG_FILE"), "r") as f:
return json.load(f)
def server_config(full_configuration):
return full_configuration["wptserve"]
def configuration(full_configuration):
"""Configuation minus server config.
This makes logging easier to read."""
config = full_configuration.copy()
del config["wptserve"]
return config
async def reset_current_session_if_necessary(caps):
global _current_session
# If there is a session with different requested capabilities active than
# the one we would like to create, end it now.
if _current_session is not None:
if not _current_session.match(caps):
is_bidi = isinstance(_current_session, webdriver.BidiSession)
if is_bidi:
await _current_session.end()
_current_session = None
async def session(capabilities, configuration):
"""Create and start a session for a test that does not itself test session creation.
By default the session will stay open after each test, but we always try to start a
new one and assume that if that fails there is already a valid session. This makes it
possible to recover from some errors that might leave the session in a bad state, but
does not demand that we start a new session per test.
global _current_session
# Update configuration capabilities with custom ones from the
# capabilities fixture, which can be set by tests
caps = copy.deepcopy(configuration["capabilities"])
deep_update(caps, capabilities)
caps = {"alwaysMatch": caps}
await reset_current_session_if_necessary(caps)
if _current_session is None:
_current_session = webdriver.Session(
# Enforce a fixed default window size and position
if _current_session.capabilities.get("setWindowRect"):
_current_session.window.size = defaults.WINDOW_SIZE
_current_session.window.position = defaults.WINDOW_POSITION
yield _current_session
async def bidi_session(capabilities, configuration):
"""Create and start a bidi session.
Can be used for a test that does not itself test bidi session creation.
By default the session will stay open after each test, but we always try to start a
new one and assume that if that fails there is already a valid session. This makes it
possible to recover from some errors that might leave the session in a bad state, but
does not demand that we start a new session per test.
global _current_session
# Update configuration capabilities with custom ones from the
# capabilities fixture, which can be set by tests
caps = copy.deepcopy(configuration["capabilities"])
caps.update({"webSocketUrl": True})
deep_update(caps, capabilities)
caps = {"alwaysMatch": caps}
await reset_current_session_if_necessary(caps)
if _current_session is None:
_current_session = webdriver.Session(
await _current_session.bidi_session.start()
# Enforce a fixed default window size and position
if _current_session.capabilities.get("setWindowRect"):
_current_session.window.size = defaults.WINDOW_SIZE
_current_session.window.position = defaults.WINDOW_POSITION
yield _current_session.bidi_session
await _current_session.bidi_session.end()
def current_session():
return _current_session
def url(server_config):
def url(path, protocol="http", domain="", subdomain="", query="", fragment=""):
domain = server_config["domains"][domain][subdomain]
port = server_config["ports"][protocol][0]
host = "{0}:{1}".format(domain, port)
return urlunsplit((protocol, host, path, query, fragment))
return url
def inline(url):
"""Take a source extract and produces well-formed documents.
Based on the desired document type, the extract is embedded with
predefined boilerplate in order to produce well-formed documents.
The media type and character set may also be individually configured.
This helper function originally used data URLs, but since these
are not universally supported (or indeed standardised!) across
browsers, it now delegates the serving of the document to wptserve.
This file also acts as a wptserve handler (see the main function
below) which configures the HTTP response using query parameters.
This function returns a URL to the wptserve handler, which in turn
will serve an HTTP response with the requested source extract
inlined in a well-formed document, and the Content-Type header
optionally configured using the desired media type and character set.
Any additional keyword arguments are passed on to the build_url
function, which comes from the url fixture.
def inline(src, **kwargs):
return build_inline(url, src, **kwargs)
return inline
def iframe(inline):
"""Inline document extract as the source document of an <iframe>."""
def iframe(src, **kwargs):
return "<iframe src='{}'></iframe>".format(inline(src, **kwargs))
return iframe