Fetch: Response.body should be null for some network responses (#32813)

diff --git a/fetch/api/basic/response-null-body.any.js b/fetch/api/basic/response-null-body.any.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7824a20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fetch/api/basic/response-null-body.any.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// META: global=window,worker
+// META: script=../resources/utils.js
+const nullBodyStatus = [204, 205, 304];
+const methods = ["GET", "POST", "OPTIONS"];
+for (const status of nullBodyStatus) {
+  for (const method of methods) {
+    promise_test(
+      async () => {
+        const url =
+          `${RESOURCES_DIR}status.py?code=${status}&content=hello-world`;
+        const resp = await fetch(url, { method });
+        assert_equals(resp.status, status);
+        assert_equals(resp.body, null, "the body should be null");
+        const text = await resp.text();
+        assert_equals(text, "", "null bodies result in empty text");
+      },
+      `Response.body is null for responses with status=${status} (method=${method})`,
+    );
+  }
+promise_test(async () => {
+  const url = `${RESOURCES_DIR}status.py?code=200&content=hello-world`;
+  const resp = await fetch(url, { method: "HEAD" });
+  assert_equals(resp.status, 200);
+  assert_equals(resp.body, null, "the body should be null");
+  const text = await resp.text();
+  assert_equals(text, "", "null bodies result in empty text");
+}, `Response.body is null for responses with method=HEAD`);