blob: fa3d1171b680cd534dee7bc3fb8d14e098bb4525 [file] [log] [blame]
This generates a partial response for a 100-byte text file.
import re
from wptserve.utils import isomorphic_decode
def main(request, response):
total_length = int(request.GET.first(b'length', b'100'))
partial_code = int(request.GET.first(b'partial', b'206'))
content_type = request.GET.first(b'type', b'text/plain')
range_header = request.headers.get(b'Range', b'')
# Send a 200 if there is no range request
if not range_header:
to_send = ''.zfill(total_length)
response.headers.set(b"Content-Type", content_type)
response.headers.set(b"Cache-Control", b"no-cache")
response.headers.set(b"Content-Length", total_length)
response.content = to_send
# Simple range parsing, requires specifically "bytes=xxx-xxxx"
range_header_match ='^bytes=(\d*)-(\d*)$', isomorphic_decode(range_header))
start, end = range_header_match.groups()
start = int(start)
end = int(end) if end else total_length
length = end - start
# Error the request if the range goes beyond the length
if length <= 0 or end > total_length:
response.set_error(416, u"Range Not Satisfiable")
# set_error sets the MIME type to application/json, which - for a
# no-cors media request - will be blocked by ORB. We'll just force
# the expected MIME type here, whichfixes the test, but doesn't make
# sense in general.
response.headers = [(b"Content-Type", content_type)]
# Generate a partial response of the requested length
to_send = ''.zfill(length)
response.headers.set(b"Content-Type", content_type)
response.headers.set(b"Accept-Ranges", b"bytes")
response.headers.set(b"Cache-Control", b"no-cache")
response.status = partial_code
content_range = b"bytes %d-%d/%d" % (start, end, total_length)
response.headers.set(b"Content-Range", content_range)
response.headers.set(b"Content-Length", length)
response.content = to_send