blob: 6fc6ac8528953297f81c45a6aec92c75ec8dc76c [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html>
<title>@scope: parsing</title>
<link rel="help" href="">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<main id=main></main>
function test_valid(actual, expected) {
if (expected === undefined)
expected = actual;
test(t => {
t.add_cleanup(() => main.replaceChildren());
let style = document.createElement('style');
style.textContent = `${actual}{}`;
assert_equals(style.sheet.rules.length, 1);
let rule = style.sheet.rules[0];
assert_equals(rule.cssText, `${expected} {\n}`);
}, `${actual} is valid`);
function test_invalid(actual) {
test(t => {
t.add_cleanup(() => main.replaceChildren());
let style = document.createElement('style');
style.textContent = `${actual}{}`;
assert_equals(style.sheet.rules.length, 0);
}, `${actual} is not valid`);
test_valid('@scope (.a)');
test_valid('@scope (.a + .b)');
test_valid('@scope (.a:hover)');
test_valid('@scope (.a:hover, #b, div)');
test_valid('@scope (:is(div, span))');
test_valid('@scope (.a) to (.b)');
test_valid('@scope (.a)to (.b)', '@scope (.a) to (.b)');
test_valid('@scope (.a) to (.b:hover, #c, div)');
// Forgiving behavior:
test_valid('@scope (.c <> .d)', '@scope ()');
test_valid('@scope (.a, .c <> .d)', '@scope (.a)');
test_valid('@scope (.a <> .b, .c)', '@scope (.c)');
test_valid('@scope (div::before)', '@scope ()');
test_valid('@scope (div::after)', '@scope ()');
test_valid('@scope (slotted(div))', '@scope ()');
test_valid('@scope (.a) to (div::before)', '@scope (.a)');
test_invalid('@scope (.a) unknown (.c)');
test_invalid('@scope (.a) to unknown (.c)');
test_invalid('@scope (.a) 1px (.c)');
test_invalid('@scope (.a) to unknown(c)');
test_invalid('@scope unknown(.a)');
test_invalid('@scope 1px');
test_invalid('@scope creep');