blob: f6443c4317ebd704c48ecff0ae377519d3159e2c [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<button id=b0>button</button>
<dialog id=dialog>
<button id=b1>button</button>
<div id=popover popover=auto>popover</div>
const waitForPotentialCloseEvent = () => {
// CloseWatchers fire close events synchronously, but dialog elements wait
// for a rAF before firing them.
return new Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(resolve));
promise_test(async t => {
const events = [];
const closeWatcher = createRecordingCloseWatcher(t, events, 'CloseWatcher', 'CloseWatcher');
const dialog = createRecordingCloseWatcher(t, events, 'dialog', 'dialog');
const popover = createRecordingCloseWatcher(t, events, 'popover', 'popover');
assert_true(dialog.hasAttribute('open'), 'The dialog should be open.');
assert_true(popover.matches(':popover-open'), 'The popover should be open.');
await sendCloseRequest();
await waitForPotentialCloseEvent();
assert_false(popover.matches(':popover-open'), 'The popover should be closed.');
assert_false(dialog.hasAttribute('open'), 'The dialog should be closed.');
assert_array_equals(events, ['CloseWatcher close', 'dialog close']);
}, 'Opening a CloseWatcher, modal dialog, and popover without user activation causes them all to be closed with one close request.');
promise_test(async t => {
const events = [];
const closeWatcher = await createBlessedRecordingCloseWatcher(t, events, 'CloseWatcher', 'CloseWatcher');
const dialog = await createBlessedRecordingCloseWatcher(t, events, 'dialog', 'dialog');
const popover = await createBlessedRecordingCloseWatcher(t, events, 'popover', 'popover', dialog);
assert_true(dialog.hasAttribute('open'), 'The dialog should be open.');
assert_true(popover.matches(':popover-open'), 'The popover should be open.');
await sendCloseRequest();
await waitForPotentialCloseEvent();
assert_false(popover.matches(':popover-open'), 'First close request: The popover should be closed.');
assert_true(dialog.hasAttribute('open'), 'First close request: The dialog should be open.');
assert_array_equals(events, []);
await sendCloseRequest();
await waitForPotentialCloseEvent();
assert_false(popover.matches(':popover-open'), 'Second close request: The popover should be closed.');
assert_false(dialog.hasAttribute('open'), 'Second close request: The dialog should be closed.');
assert_array_equals(events, ['dialog close']);
await sendCloseRequest();
await waitForPotentialCloseEvent();
assert_false(popover.matches(':popover-open'), 'Third close request: The popover should be closed.');
assert_false(dialog.hasAttribute('open'), 'Third close request: The dialog should be closed.');
assert_array_equals(events, ['dialog close', 'CloseWatcher close']);
}, 'Opening a CloseWatcher, modal dialog, and popover with user activation for each should close one at a time with close requests.');
promise_test(async t => {
const events = [];
const closeWatcher = await createBlessedRecordingCloseWatcher(t, events, 'CloseWatcher', 'CloseWatcher');
const dialog = await createBlessedRecordingCloseWatcher(t, events, 'dialog', 'dialog');
const popover = await createBlessedRecordingCloseWatcher(t, events, 'popover', 'popover', dialog);
assert_true(dialog.hasAttribute('open'), 'The dialog should be open.');
assert_true(popover.matches(':popover-open'), 'The popover should be open.');
await dialogResilientBless(popover, () => sendCloseRequest());
await waitForPotentialCloseEvent();
assert_false(popover.matches(':popover-open'), 'First close request: The popover should be closed.');
assert_true(dialog.hasAttribute('open'), 'First close request: The dialog should be open.');
assert_array_equals(events, []);
await dialogResilientBless(dialog, () => sendCloseRequest());
await waitForPotentialCloseEvent();
assert_false(popover.matches(':popover-open'), 'Second close request: The popover should be closed.');
assert_false(dialog.hasAttribute('open'), 'Second close request: The dialog should be closed.');
assert_array_equals(events, ['dialog cancel', 'dialog close']);
await dialogResilientBless(closeWatcher, () => sendCloseRequest());
await waitForPotentialCloseEvent();
assert_false(popover.matches(':popover-open'), 'Third close request: The popover should be closed.');
assert_false(dialog.hasAttribute('open'), 'Third close request: The dialog should be closed.');
assert_array_equals(events, ['dialog cancel', 'dialog close', 'CloseWatcher cancel', 'CloseWatcher close']);
}, 'Opening a CloseWatcher, modal dialog, and popover with user activation for each and sending close requests with user activation should close one at a time and have cancel events.');