blob: dc8a172a5f41b80352e60eb3183719cafd6e02db [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html>
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'use strict';
async function getFrameStatsUntil(track, condition) {
while (true) {
const stats = await track.getFrameStats();
if (condition(stats)) {
return stats;
promise_test(async t => {
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video:true});
const [track] = stream.getTracks();
t.add_cleanup(() => track.stop());
const firstStats =
await getFrameStatsUntil(track, stats => stats.totalFrames > 0);
await getFrameStatsUntil(track,
stats => stats.totalFrames > firstStats.totalFrames);
}, `totalFrames increases over time`);
promise_test(async t => {
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video:true});
const [track] = stream.getTracks();
t.add_cleanup(() => track.stop());
// `deliveredFrames` increments for each deliverable frame, even if the
// `track` does not have any sink.
const firstStats = await getFrameStatsUntil(
track, stats => stats.deliveredFrames > 0);
await getFrameStatsUntil(
track, stats => stats.deliveredFrames > firstStats.deliveredFrames);
}, `deliveredFrames increases, even without sinks`);
promise_test(async t => {
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
const [track] = stream.getTracks();
t.add_cleanup(() => track.stop());
// No frames should be discarded initially.
const firstStats = await getFrameStatsUntil(
track, stats => stats.deliveredFrames > 0);
assert_equals(firstStats.discardedFrames, 0);
// Assert test prerequisite is met: frames will be discarded if the track is
// opened with a higher frame rate than we apply after it is opened.
assert_greater_than(track.getSettings().frameRate, 10);
await track.applyConstraints({frameRate:{ideal:10}});
await getFrameStatsUntil(track, stats => stats.discardedFrames > 0);
}, `discardedFrames increases when frameRate decimation is happening`);
promise_test(async t => {
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
const [track] = stream.getTracks();
t.add_cleanup(() => track.stop());
// Assert test prerequisite is met: frames will be discarded if the track is
// opened with a higher frame rate than we apply after it is opened.
assert_greater_than(track.getSettings().frameRate, 10);
await track.applyConstraints({frameRate:{ideal:10}});
// Wait until we have both delivered and discarded frames.
const stats = await getFrameStatsUntil(track, stats =>
stats.deliveredFrames > 0 && stats.discardedFrames > 0);
// This test assumes that no frames are dropped, otherwise `totalFrames` can
// be greater than the sum of `deliveredFrames` and `discardedFrames`.
stats.deliveredFrames + stats.discardedFrames);
}, `totalFrames is the sum of deliveredFrames and discardedFrames`);
promise_test(async t => {
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
const [track] = stream.getTracks();
t.add_cleanup(() => track.stop());
// Assert test prerequisite is met: frames will be discarded if the track is
// opened with a higher frame rate than we apply after it is opened.
assert_greater_than(track.getSettings().frameRate, 10);
await track.applyConstraints({frameRate:{ideal:10}});
// Wait for media to flow before disabling the `track`.
const startTimeMs =;
await getFrameStatsUntil(track, stats => stats.totalFrames > 10);
const elapsedTimeMs = - startTimeMs;
track.enabled = false;
const disabledSnapshot = await track.getFrameStats();
// Wait enough time that frames should have been produced.
// `elapsedTimeMs` should be enough to produce ~10 frames.
await new Promise(r => t.step_timeout(r, elapsedTimeMs));
// Frame metrics should be frozen.
// Prefer `assert_true` over `assert_equals` because if the test fails exact
// number of frames could be different on different runs due to timing,
// resulting in flaky test expectations.
const stats = await track.getFrameStats();
assert_true(stats.deliveredFrames == disabledSnapshot.deliveredFrames,
'The deliveredFrames counter is not frozen');
assert_true(stats.discardedFrames == disabledSnapshot.discardedFrames,
'The discardedFrames counter is not frozen');
assert_true(stats.totalFrames == disabledSnapshot.totalFrames,
'The totalFrames counter is not frozen');
}, `Stats are frozen while disabled`);
promise_test(async t => {
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({audio:true});
const [track] = stream.getTracks();
t.add_cleanup(() => track.stop());
try {
await track.getFrameStats();
} catch (e) {
assert_equals(, 'NotSupportedError');
}, `getFrameStats throws on audio tracks`);