blob: 5295c44fddb5d8503b2c6a743080f53c7724441b [file] [log] [blame]
# META: timeout=long
# Longer timeout required due to a bug in Chrome:
import pytest
from webdriver.transport import Response
from import assert_error, assert_success
from import document_hidden, is_fullscreen, is_maximized
def set_window_rect(session, rect):
return session.transport.send(
"POST", "session/{session_id}/window/rect".format(**vars(session)),
def test_null_parameter_value(session, http):
path = "/session/{session_id}/window/rect".format(**vars(session))
with, None) as response:
assert_error(Response.from_http(response), "invalid argument")
def test_no_top_browsing_context(session, closed_window):
response = set_window_rect(session, {})
assert_error(response, "no such window")
def test_no_browsing_context(session, closed_window):
response = set_window_rect(session, {})
assert_error(response, "no such window")
def test_response_payload(session):
response = set_window_rect(session, {"x": 400, "y": 400})
value = assert_success(response, session.window.rect)
assert isinstance(value, dict)
assert isinstance(value.get("x"), int)
assert isinstance(value.get("y"), int)
assert isinstance(value.get("width"), int)
assert isinstance(value.get("height"), int)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("rect", [
{"width": "a"},
{"height": "b"},
{"width": "a", "height": "b"},
{"x": "a"},
{"y": "b"},
{"x": "a", "y": "b"},
{"width": "a", "height": "b", "x": "a", "y": "b"},
{"width": True},
{"height": False},
{"width": True, "height": False},
{"x": True},
{"y": False},
{"x": True, "y": False},
{"width": True, "height": False, "x": True, "y": False},
{"width": []},
{"height": []},
{"width": [], "height": []},
{"x": []},
{"y": []},
{"x": [], "y": []},
{"width": [], "height": [], "x": [], "y": []},
{"height": {}},
{"width": {}},
{"height": {}, "width": {}},
{"x": {}},
{"y": {}},
{"x": {}, "y": {}},
{"width": {}, "height": {}, "x": {}, "y": {}},
def test_invalid_types(session, rect):
response = set_window_rect(session, rect)
assert_error(response, "invalid argument")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("rect", [
{"width": -1},
{"height": -2},
{"width": -1, "height": -2},
def test_invalid_values(session, rect):
response = set_window_rect(session, rect)
assert_error(response, "invalid argument")
def test_restore_from_fullscreen(session):
assert not is_fullscreen(session)
original = session.window.rect
target_rect = {
"x": original["x"],
"y": original["y"],
"width": original["width"] + 50,
"height": original["height"] + 50
assert is_fullscreen(session)
response = set_window_rect(session, target_rect)
value = assert_success(response, session.window.rect)
assert not is_fullscreen(session)
assert value == target_rect
def test_restore_from_minimized(session):
assert not document_hidden(session)
original = session.window.rect
target_rect = {
"x": original["x"],
"y": original["y"],
"width": original["width"] + 50,
"height": original["height"] + 50
assert document_hidden(session)
response = set_window_rect(session, target_rect)
value = assert_success(response, session.window.rect)
assert not document_hidden(session)
assert value == target_rect
def test_restore_from_maximized(session):
assert not is_maximized(session)
original = session.window.rect
target_rect = {
"x": original["x"],
"y": original["y"],
"width": original["width"] + 50,
"height": original["height"] + 50
assert is_maximized(session)
response = set_window_rect(session, target_rect)
value = assert_success(response, session.window.rect)
assert not is_maximized(session)
assert value == target_rect
def test_x_y_floats(session):
response = set_window_rect(session, {"x": 150.5, "y": 250})
value = assert_success(response)
assert value["x"] == 150
assert value["y"] == 250
response = set_window_rect(session, {"x": 150, "y": 250.5})
value = assert_success(response, session.window.rect)
assert value["x"] == 150
assert value["y"] == 250
def test_width_height_floats(session):
response = set_window_rect(session, {"width": 500.5, "height": 420})
value = assert_success(response, session.window.rect)
assert value["width"] == 500
assert value["height"] == 420
response = set_window_rect(session, {"width": 500, "height": 450.5})
value = assert_success(response, session.window.rect)
assert value["width"] == 500
assert value["height"] == 450
@pytest.mark.parametrize("rect", [
{"width": None},
{"height": None},
{"width": None, "height": None},
{"x": None},
{"y": None},
{"x": None, "y": None},
{"width": None, "x": None},
{"width": None, "y": None},
{"height": None, "x": None},
{"height": None, "Y": None},
{"width": None, "height": None, "x": None, "y": None},
{"width": 200},
{"height": 200},
{"x": 200},
{"y": 200},
{"width": 200, "x": 200},
{"height": 200, "x": 200},
{"width": 200, "y": 200},
{"height": 200, "y": 200},
def test_no_change(session, rect):
original = session.window.rect
response = set_window_rect(session, rect)
assert_success(response, original)
def test_set_to_available_size(
session, available_screen_size, minimal_screen_position
minimal_x, minimal_y = minimal_screen_position
available_width, available_height = available_screen_size
target_rect = {
"x": minimal_x,
"y": minimal_y,
"width": available_width,
"height": available_height,
response = set_window_rect(session, target_rect)
value = assert_success(response, session.window.rect)
assert value == target_rect
def test_set_to_screen_size(
session, available_screen_size, minimal_screen_position, screen_size
minimal_x, minimal_y = minimal_screen_position
available_width, available_height = available_screen_size
screen_width, screen_height = screen_size
target_rect = {
"x": minimal_x,
"y": minimal_y,
"width": screen_width,
"height": screen_height,
response = set_window_rect(session, target_rect)
value = assert_success(response, session.window.rect)
assert value["width"] >= available_width
assert value["width"] <= screen_width
assert value["height"] >= available_height
assert value["height"] <= screen_height
def test_set_larger_than_screen_size(
session, available_screen_size, minimal_screen_position, screen_size
minimal_x, minimal_y = minimal_screen_position
available_width, available_height = available_screen_size
screen_width, screen_height = screen_size
target_rect = {
"x": minimal_x,
"y": minimal_y,
"width": screen_width + 100,
"height": screen_height + 100,
response = set_window_rect(session, target_rect)
value = assert_success(response, session.window.rect)
assert value["width"] >= available_width
assert value["height"] >= available_height
def test_set_smaller_than_minimum_browser_size(session):
original_width, original_height = session.window.size
# A window size of 10x10px shouldn't be supported by any browser.
response = set_window_rect(session, {"width": 10, "height": 10})
value = assert_success(response, session.window.rect)
assert value["width"] < original_width
assert value["width"] > 10
assert value["height"] < original_height
assert value["height"] > 10
def test_height_width_as_current(session):
original = session.window.rect
response = set_window_rect(session, {
"width": original["width"],
"height": original["height"]
value = assert_success(response, session.window.rect)
assert value == original
def test_height_as_current(session):
original = session.window.rect
response = set_window_rect(session, {
"width": original["width"] + 10,
"height": original["height"]
value = assert_success(response, session.window.rect)
assert value == {
"x": original["x"],
"y": original["y"],
"width": original["width"] + 10,
"height": original["height"]
def test_width_as_current(session):
original = session.window.rect
response = set_window_rect(session, {
"width": original["width"],
"height": original["height"] + 10
value = assert_success(response, session.window.rect)
assert value == {
"x": original["x"],
"y": original["y"],
"width": original["width"],
"height": original["height"] + 10
def test_x_y(session):
original = session.window.rect
response = set_window_rect(session, {
"x": original["x"] + 10,
"y": original["y"] + 10
value = assert_success(response, session.window.rect)
assert value == {
"x": original["x"] + 10,
"y": original["y"] + 10,
"width": original["width"],
"height": original["height"]
def test_x_y_as_current(session):
original = session.window.rect
response = set_window_rect(session, {
"x": original["x"],
"y": original["y"]
value = assert_success(response, session.window.rect)
assert value == {
"x": original["x"],
"y": original["y"],
"width": original["width"],
"height": original["height"]
def test_x_as_current(session):
original = session.window.rect
response = set_window_rect(session, {
"x": original["x"],
"y": original["y"] + 10
value = assert_success(response, session.window.rect)
assert value == {
"x": original["x"],
"y": original["y"] + 10,
"width": original["width"],
"height": original["height"]
def test_y_as_current(session):
original = session.window.rect
response = set_window_rect(session, {
"x": original["x"] + 10,
"y": original["y"]
value = assert_success(response, session.window.rect)
assert value == {
"x": original["x"] + 10,
"y": original["y"],
"width": original["width"],
"height": original["height"]
def test_negative_x_y(session, minimal_screen_position):
original = session.window.rect
response = set_window_rect(session, {"x": - 8, "y": - 8})
value = assert_success(response, session.window.rect)
os = session.capabilities["platformName"]
# certain WMs prohibit windows from being moved off-screen
if os == "linux":
assert value["x"] <= 0
assert value["y"] <= 0
assert value["width"] == original["width"]
assert value["height"] == original["height"]
# On macOS when not running headless, windows can only be moved off the
# screen on the horizontal axis. The system menu bar also blocks windows
# from being moved to (0,0).
elif os == "mac":
assert value["x"] == -8
assert value["y"] <= minimal_screen_position[1]
assert value["width"] == original["width"]
assert value["height"] == original["height"]
# It turns out that Windows is the only platform on which the
# window can be reliably positioned off-screen.
elif os == "windows":
assert value == {
"x": -8,
"y": -8,
"width": original["width"],
"height": original["height"]
Disable test because the while statements are wrong.
To fix this properly we need to write an explicit wait utility.
def test_resize_by_script(session):
# setting the window size by JS is asynchronous
# so we poll waiting for the results
size0 = session.window.size
session.execute_script("window.resizeTo(700, 800)")
size1 = session.window.size
while size0 == size1:
size1 = session.window.size
assert size1 == (700, 800)
session.execute_script("window.resizeTo(800, 900)")
size2 = session.window.size
while size1 == size2:
size2 = session.window.size
assert size2 == (800, 900)
assert size2 == {"width": 200, "height": 100}