blob: 5fcce1421b6cd2abed01ab95c381aa7d29708e98 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<!--The permission element should have no end tag or content.
Therefore the parsing should stop after the beginning tag, and the following
element and text will become part of the 'body' element's contents.
<permission type="geolocation"><span>this is some text</span></permission>
assert_equals(3, document.body.childElementCount); // permission, span, script
assert_equals(document.body.innerText, "this is some text", "The text should be part of the 'body' element's text");
assert_true(document.body.children[0] instanceof HTMLPermissionElement, "First element should be a permission element");
var permission = document.body.children[0];
assert_equals(permission.innerText, "", "The permission element should have no text");
assert_equals(permission.childElementCount, 0, "The permission element should have no children");
assert_true(document.body.children[1] instanceof HTMLSpanElement, "Second element should be a span element");
var span = document.body.children[1];
assert_equals(span.innerText, "this is some text", "The span element should contain the text");
}, "The permission element should have no end tag or contents");