Remove tentative from 3d-rendering-context-behavior test.

This removes the "tentative" indicator from the filename of
3d-rendering-context-behavior.tentative.html, since it's testing for a
behavior that is in the current spec.

The test is intended to test that both the 3D Rendering Context
extension caused by the transform-style property, and the effects of the
perspective property, apply based on parent-child element relationships
rather than containing block relationships.

In the case of perspective, this is stated informally in :
  Second, the perspective and perspective-origin properties can be
  applied to an element to influence the rendering of its 3d-transformed
  children, ...
and more formally in the Accumulated 3D Transformation Matrix
Computation in

In the case of 3D Rendering Contexts, this is stated in which
  Elements establish and participate in 3D rendering contexts as follows:

    * ...

    * An element participates in a 3D rendering context if its parent
      establishes or extends a 3D rendering context.

Bug: 1008483
Change-Id: I372db70b990bae21795db4569cdf1e5dd8e9c714
Commit-Queue: David Baron <>
Reviewed-by: Chris Harrelson <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#894421}
diff --git a/css/css-transforms/3d-rendering-context-behavior.tentative.html b/css/css-transforms/3d-rendering-context-behavior.html
similarity index 100%
rename from css/css-transforms/3d-rendering-context-behavior.tentative.html
rename to css/css-transforms/3d-rendering-context-behavior.html