Sync interfaces/ with @webref/idl 2.4.0 (#29414)

diff --git a/interfaces/CSP.idl b/interfaces/CSP.idl
index fd08a33..1e69b3c 100644
--- a/interfaces/CSP.idl
+++ b/interfaces/CSP.idl
@@ -25,11 +25,9 @@
 interface SecurityPolicyViolationEvent : Event {
     constructor(DOMString type, optional SecurityPolicyViolationEventInit eventInitDict = {});
-    readonly    attribute USVString      documentURL;
-    readonly    attribute USVString      documentURI; // historical alias of documentURL
+    readonly    attribute USVString      documentURI;
     readonly    attribute USVString      referrer;
-    readonly    attribute USVString      blockedURL;
-    readonly    attribute USVString      blockedURI; // historical alias of blockedURL
+    readonly    attribute USVString      blockedURI;
     readonly    attribute DOMString      effectiveDirective;
     readonly    attribute DOMString      violatedDirective; // historical alias of effectiveDirective
     readonly    attribute DOMString      originalPolicy;
@@ -37,22 +35,21 @@
     readonly    attribute DOMString      sample;
     readonly    attribute SecurityPolicyViolationEventDisposition      disposition;
     readonly    attribute unsigned short statusCode;
-    readonly    attribute unsigned long  lineno;
-    readonly    attribute unsigned long  lineNumber; // historical alias of lineno
-    readonly    attribute unsigned long  colno;
-    readonly    attribute unsigned long  columnNumber; // historical alias of colno
+    readonly    attribute unsigned long  lineNumber;
+    readonly    attribute unsigned long  columnNumber;
 dictionary SecurityPolicyViolationEventInit : EventInit {
-    required USVString      documentURL;
+    required USVString      documentURI;
              USVString      referrer = "";
-             USVString      blockedURL = "";
+             USVString      blockedURI = "";
+    required DOMString      violatedDirective;
     required DOMString      effectiveDirective;
     required DOMString      originalPolicy;
              USVString      sourceFile = "";
              DOMString      sample = "";
     required SecurityPolicyViolationEventDisposition disposition;
     required unsigned short statusCode;
-             unsigned long  lineno = 0;
-             unsigned long  colno = 0;
+             unsigned long  lineNumber = 0;
+             unsigned long  columnNumber = 0;
diff --git a/interfaces/WebCryptoAPI.idl b/interfaces/WebCryptoAPI.idl
index d7fce62..e3a7089 100644
--- a/interfaces/WebCryptoAPI.idl
+++ b/interfaces/WebCryptoAPI.idl
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 enum KeyUsage { "encrypt", "decrypt", "sign", "verify", "deriveKey", "deriveBits", "wrapKey", "unwrapKey" };
 interface CryptoKey {
   readonly attribute KeyType type;
   readonly attribute boolean extractable;
diff --git a/interfaces/WebIDL.idl b/interfaces/WebIDL.idl
index 5179d16..546eb2b 100644
--- a/interfaces/WebIDL.idl
+++ b/interfaces/WebIDL.idl
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 typedef (Int8Array or Int16Array or Int32Array or
          Uint8Array or Uint16Array or Uint32Array or Uint8ClampedArray or
+         BigInt64Array or BigUint64Array or
          Float32Array or Float64Array or DataView) ArrayBufferView;
 typedef (ArrayBufferView or ArrayBuffer) BufferSource;
diff --git a/interfaces/app-history.idl b/interfaces/app-history.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3adec7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interfaces/app-history.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+// Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into webref
+// (
+// Source: App History API (
+partial interface Window {
+  readonly attribute AppHistory appHistory;
+interface AppHistory : EventTarget {
+  sequence<AppHistoryEntry> entries();
+  readonly attribute AppHistoryEntry? current;
+  undefined updateCurrent(AppHistoryUpdateCurrentOptions options);
+  readonly attribute AppHistoryTransition? transition;
+  readonly attribute boolean canGoBack;
+  readonly attribute boolean canGoForward;
+  Promise<undefined> navigate(USVString url, optional AppHistoryNavigateOptions options = {});
+  Promise<undefined> reload(optional AppHistoryReloadOptions options = {});
+  Promise<undefined> goTo(DOMString key, optional AppHistoryNavigationOptions options = {});
+  Promise<undefined> back(optional AppHistoryNavigationOptions options = {});
+  Promise<undefined> forward(optional AppHistoryNavigationOptions options = {});
+  attribute EventHandler onnavigate;
+  attribute EventHandler onnavigatesuccess;
+  attribute EventHandler onnavigateerror;
+dictionary AppHistoryUpdateCurrentOptions {
+  required any state;
+dictionary AppHistoryNavigationOptions {
+  any info;
+dictionary AppHistoryNavigateOptions : AppHistoryNavigationOptions {
+  any state;
+  boolean replace = false;
+dictionary AppHistoryReloadOptions : AppHistoryNavigationOptions {
+  any state;
+interface AppHistoryTransition {
+  readonly attribute AppHistoryNavigationType navigationType;
+  readonly attribute AppHistoryEntry from;
+  readonly attribute Promise<undefined> finished;
+  Promise<undefined> rollback(optional AppHistoryNavigationOptions options = {});
+interface AppHistoryNavigateEvent : Event {
+  constructor(DOMString type, AppHistoryNavigateEventInit eventInit);
+  readonly attribute AppHistoryNavigationType navigationType;
+  readonly attribute AppHistoryDestination destination;
+  readonly attribute boolean canTransition;
+  readonly attribute boolean userInitiated;
+  readonly attribute boolean hashChange;
+  readonly attribute AbortSignal signal;
+  readonly attribute FormData? formData;
+  readonly attribute any info;
+  undefined transitionWhile(Promise<undefined> newNavigationAction);
+dictionary AppHistoryNavigateEventInit : EventInit {
+  AppHistoryNavigationType navigationType = "push";
+  required AppHistoryDestination destination;
+  boolean canTransition = false;
+  boolean userInitiated = false;
+  boolean hashChange = false;
+  required AbortSignal signal;
+  FormData? formData = null;
+  any info;
+enum AppHistoryNavigationType {
+  "reload",
+  "push",
+  "replace",
+  "traverse"
+interface AppHistoryDestination {
+  readonly attribute USVString url;
+  readonly attribute DOMString? key;
+  readonly attribute DOMString? id;
+  readonly attribute long long index;
+  readonly attribute boolean sameDocument;
+  any getState();
+interface AppHistoryEntry : EventTarget {
+  readonly attribute USVString url;
+  readonly attribute DOMString key;
+  readonly attribute DOMString id;
+  readonly attribute long long index;
+  readonly attribute boolean sameDocument;
+  any getState();
+  // TODO event handlers
diff --git a/interfaces/construct-stylesheets.idl b/interfaces/construct-stylesheets.idl
deleted file mode 100644
index 249af03..0000000
--- a/interfaces/construct-stylesheets.idl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-// Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into webref
-// (
-// Source: Constructable Stylesheet Objects (
-partial interface CSSStyleSheet {
-  constructor(optional CSSStyleSheetInit options = {});
-  Promise<CSSStyleSheet> replace(USVString text);
-  undefined replaceSync(USVString text);
-dictionary CSSStyleSheetInit {
-  (MediaList or DOMString) media = "";
-  DOMString title = "";
-  boolean alternate = false;
-  boolean disabled = false;
-partial interface mixin DocumentOrShadowRoot {
-  attribute FrozenArray<CSSStyleSheet> adoptedStyleSheets;
diff --git a/interfaces/contact-api.idl b/interfaces/contact-api.idl
index 88142a7..7f67a5d 100644
--- a/interfaces/contact-api.idl
+++ b/interfaces/contact-api.idl
@@ -11,7 +11,19 @@
 enum ContactProperty { "address", "email", "icon", "name", "tel" };
-interface ContactAddress : PaymentAddress {};
+interface ContactAddress {
+  [Default] object toJSON();
+  readonly attribute DOMString city;
+  readonly attribute DOMString country;
+  readonly attribute DOMString dependentLocality;
+  readonly attribute DOMString organization;
+  readonly attribute DOMString phone;
+  readonly attribute DOMString postalCode;
+  readonly attribute DOMString recipient;
+  readonly attribute DOMString region;
+  readonly attribute DOMString sortingCode;
+  readonly attribute FrozenArray<DOMString> addressLine;
 dictionary ContactInfo {
     sequence<ContactAddress> address;
@@ -25,7 +37,7 @@
     boolean multiple = false;
 interface ContactsManager {
     Promise<sequence<ContactProperty>> getProperties();
     Promise<sequence<ContactInfo>> select(sequence<ContactProperty> properties, optional ContactsSelectOptions options = {});
diff --git a/interfaces/conversion-measurement-api.idl b/interfaces/conversion-measurement-api.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20281f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interfaces/conversion-measurement-api.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into webref
+// (
+// Source: Attribution Reporting (
+partial interface HTMLAnchorElement {
+    [CEReactions] attribute USVString attributionDestination;
+    [CEReactions] attribute DOMString attributionSourceEventId;
+    [CEReactions] attribute USVString attributionReportTo;
+    [CEReactions] attribute long long attributionExpiry;
+    [CEReactions] attribute long long attributionSourcePriority;
+    [CEReactions] attribute boolean registerAttributionSource;
diff --git a/interfaces/css-nesting.idl b/interfaces/css-nesting.idl
index 25afacb..8d3cccb 100644
--- a/interfaces/css-nesting.idl
+++ b/interfaces/css-nesting.idl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into webref
 // (
-// Source: CSS Nesting Module (
+// Source: CSS Nesting Module (
 partial interface CSSStyleRule {
   [SameObject] readonly attribute CSSRuleList cssRules;
diff --git a/interfaces/css-typed-om.idl b/interfaces/css-typed-om.idl
index 262d288..4b27ce0 100644
--- a/interfaces/css-typed-om.idl
+++ b/interfaces/css-typed-om.idl
@@ -158,10 +158,10 @@
 [Exposed=(Window, Worker, PaintWorklet, LayoutWorklet)]
 interface CSSMathClamp : CSSMathValue {
-    constructor(CSSNumberish min, CSSNumberish val, CSSNumberish max);
-    readonly attribute CSSNumericValue min;
-    readonly attribute CSSNumericValue val;
-    readonly attribute CSSNumericValue max;
+    constructor(CSSNumberish lower, CSSNumberish value, CSSNumberish upper);
+    readonly attribute CSSNumericValue lower;
+    readonly attribute CSSNumericValue value;
+    readonly attribute CSSNumericValue upper;
 [Exposed=(Window, Worker, PaintWorklet, LayoutWorklet)]
diff --git a/interfaces/cssom.idl b/interfaces/cssom.idl
index c8e0bbb..49e7975 100644
--- a/interfaces/cssom.idl
+++ b/interfaces/cssom.idl
@@ -33,10 +33,21 @@
 interface CSSStyleSheet : StyleSheet {
+  constructor(optional CSSStyleSheetInit options = {});
   readonly attribute CSSRule? ownerRule;
   [SameObject] readonly attribute CSSRuleList cssRules;
   unsigned long insertRule(CSSOMString rule, optional unsigned long index = 0);
   undefined deleteRule(unsigned long index);
+  Promise<CSSStyleSheet> replace(USVString text);
+  undefined replaceSync(USVString text);
+dictionary CSSStyleSheetInit {
+  DOMString baseURL = null;
+  (MediaList or DOMString) media = "";
+  boolean disabled = false;
 partial interface CSSStyleSheet {
@@ -53,6 +64,7 @@
 partial interface mixin DocumentOrShadowRoot {
   [SameObject] readonly attribute StyleSheetList styleSheets;
+  attribute ObservableArray<CSSStyleSheet> adoptedStyleSheets;
 interface mixin LinkStyle {
diff --git a/interfaces/encrypted-media.idl b/interfaces/encrypted-media.idl
index ba8c32d..24db48e 100644
--- a/interfaces/encrypted-media.idl
+++ b/interfaces/encrypted-media.idl
@@ -46,13 +46,21 @@
     Promise<boolean> setServerCertificate (BufferSource serverCertificate);
+enum MediaKeySessionClosedReason {
+    "internal-error",
+    "closed-by-application",
+    "release-acknowledged",
+    "hardware-context-reset",
+    "resource-evicted"
 [Exposed=Window, SecureContext] interface MediaKeySession : EventTarget {
-    readonly        attribute DOMString           sessionId;
-    readonly        attribute unrestricted double expiration;
-    readonly        attribute Promise<undefined>       closed;
-    readonly        attribute MediaKeyStatusMap   keyStatuses;
-                    attribute EventHandler        onkeystatuseschange;
-                    attribute EventHandler        onmessage;
+    readonly        attribute DOMString                            sessionId;
+    readonly        attribute unrestricted double                  expiration;
+    readonly        attribute Promise<MediaKeySessionClosedReason> closed;
+    readonly        attribute MediaKeyStatusMap                    keyStatuses;
+                    attribute EventHandler                         onkeystatuseschange;
+                    attribute EventHandler                         onmessage;
     Promise<undefined>    generateRequest (DOMString initDataType, BufferSource initData);
     Promise<boolean> load (DOMString sessionId);
     Promise<undefined>    update (BufferSource response);
diff --git a/interfaces/eyedropper-api.idl b/interfaces/eyedropper-api.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69d5666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interfaces/eyedropper-api.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into webref
+// (
+// Source: EyeDropper API (
+dictionary ColorSelectionResult {
+  DOMString sRGBHex;
+dictionary ColorSelectionOptions {
+  AbortSignal signal;
+interface EyeDropper {
+    constructor();
+    Promise<ColorSelectionResult> open(optional ColorSelectionOptions options = {});
diff --git a/interfaces/html.idl b/interfaces/html.idl
index d878cba..4cb48c9 100644
--- a/interfaces/html.idl
+++ b/interfaces/html.idl
@@ -210,6 +210,7 @@
   [CEReactions] attribute DOMString name;
   [CEReactions] attribute DOMString httpEquiv;
   [CEReactions] attribute DOMString content;
+  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString media;
   // also has obsolete members
@@ -972,7 +973,7 @@
   [SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLOptionsCollection options;
   [CEReactions] attribute unsigned long length;
-  getter Element? item(unsigned long index);
+  getter HTMLOptionElement? item(unsigned long index);
   HTMLOptionElement? namedItem(DOMString name);
   [CEReactions] undefined add((HTMLOptionElement or HTMLOptGroupElement) element, optional (HTMLElement or long)? before = null);
   [CEReactions] undefined remove(); // ChildNode overload
@@ -1215,6 +1216,8 @@
   [CEReactions] attribute DOMString integrity;
   [CEReactions] attribute DOMString referrerPolicy;
+  static boolean supports(DOMString type);
   // also has obsolete members
@@ -1239,7 +1242,7 @@
   boolean flatten = false;
-typedef (CanvasRenderingContext2D or ImageBitmapRenderingContext or WebGLRenderingContext or WebGL2RenderingContext) RenderingContext;
+typedef (CanvasRenderingContext2D or ImageBitmapRenderingContext or WebGLRenderingContext or WebGL2RenderingContext or GPUCanvasContext) RenderingContext;
 interface HTMLCanvasElement : HTMLElement {
@@ -1264,7 +1267,8 @@
          HTMLVideoElement or
          HTMLCanvasElement or
          ImageBitmap or
-         OffscreenCanvas) CanvasImageSource;
+         OffscreenCanvas or
+         VideoFrame) CanvasImageSource;
 enum PredefinedColorSpace { "srgb", "display-p3" };
@@ -1274,6 +1278,7 @@
   boolean alpha = true;
   boolean desynchronized = false;
   PredefinedColorSpace colorSpace = "srgb";
+  boolean willReadFrequently = false;
 enum ImageSmoothingQuality { "low", "medium", "high" };
@@ -1307,6 +1312,7 @@
   undefined save(); // push state on state stack
   undefined restore(); // pop state stack and restore state
   undefined reset(); // reset the rendering context to its default state
+  boolean isContextLost(); // return whether context is lost
 interface mixin CanvasTransform {
@@ -1446,7 +1452,7 @@
   attribute CanvasFontKerning fontKerning; // (default: "auto")
   attribute CanvasFontStretch fontStretch; // (default: "normal")
   attribute CanvasFontVariantCaps fontVariantCaps; // (default: "normal")
-  attribute CanvasTextRendering textRendering; // (default: "normal")
+  attribute CanvasTextRendering textRendering; // (default: "auto")
 interface mixin CanvasPath {
@@ -1458,6 +1464,7 @@
   undefined bezierCurveTo(unrestricted double cp1x, unrestricted double cp1y, unrestricted double cp2x, unrestricted double cp2y, unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y);
   undefined arcTo(unrestricted double x1, unrestricted double y1, unrestricted double x2, unrestricted double y2, unrestricted double radius);
   undefined rect(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, unrestricted double w, unrestricted double h);
+  undefined roundRect(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, unrestricted double w, unrestricted double h, sequence<(unrestricted double or DOMPointInit)> radii);
   undefined arc(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, unrestricted double radius, unrestricted double startAngle, unrestricted double endAngle, optional boolean counterclockwise = false);
   undefined ellipse(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, unrestricted double radiusX, unrestricted double radiusY, unrestricted double rotation, unrestricted double startAngle, unrestricted double endAngle, optional boolean counterclockwise = false);
@@ -1527,14 +1534,14 @@
   boolean alpha = true;
-typedef (OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D or ImageBitmapRenderingContext or WebGLRenderingContext or WebGL2RenderingContext) OffscreenRenderingContext;
+typedef (OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D or ImageBitmapRenderingContext or WebGLRenderingContext or WebGL2RenderingContext or GPUCanvasContext) OffscreenRenderingContext;
 dictionary ImageEncodeOptions {
   DOMString type = "image/png";
   unrestricted double quality;
-enum OffscreenRenderingContextId { "2d", "bitmaprenderer", "webgl", "webgl2" };
+enum OffscreenRenderingContextId { "2d", "bitmaprenderer", "webgl", "webgl2", "webgpu" };
 [Exposed=(Window,Worker), Transferable]
 interface OffscreenCanvas : EventTarget {
@@ -1546,6 +1553,9 @@
   OffscreenRenderingContext? getContext(OffscreenRenderingContextId contextId, optional any options = null);
   ImageBitmap transferToImageBitmap();
   Promise<Blob> convertToBlob(optional ImageEncodeOptions options = {});
+  attribute EventHandler oncontextlost;
+  attribute EventHandler oncontextrestored;
@@ -1724,6 +1734,7 @@
   // the user agent
   readonly attribute Navigator navigator;
+  readonly attribute Navigator clientInformation; // legacy alias of .navigator
   readonly attribute boolean originAgentCluster;
   // user prompts
@@ -1741,7 +1752,7 @@
 Window includes GlobalEventHandlers;
 Window includes WindowEventHandlers;
-dictionary WindowPostMessageOptions : PostMessageOptions {
+dictionary WindowPostMessageOptions : StructuredSerializeOptions {
   USVString targetOrigin = "/";
@@ -1877,7 +1888,9 @@
   attribute EventHandler onchange;
   attribute EventHandler onclick;
   attribute EventHandler onclose;
+  attribute EventHandler oncontextlost;
   attribute EventHandler oncontextmenu;
+  attribute EventHandler oncontextrestored;
   attribute EventHandler oncuechange;
   attribute EventHandler ondblclick;
   attribute EventHandler ondrag;
@@ -1968,6 +1981,8 @@
   readonly attribute boolean isSecureContext;
   readonly attribute boolean crossOriginIsolated;
+  undefined reportError(any e);
   // base64 utility methods
   DOMString btoa(DOMString data);
   ByteString atob(DOMString data);
@@ -1984,6 +1999,9 @@
   // ImageBitmap
   Promise<ImageBitmap> createImageBitmap(ImageBitmapSource image, optional ImageBitmapOptions options = {});
   Promise<ImageBitmap> createImageBitmap(ImageBitmapSource image, long sx, long sy, long sw, long sh, optional ImageBitmapOptions options = {});
+  // structured cloning
+  any structuredClone(any value, optional StructuredSerializeOptions options = {});
 Window includes WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope;
 WorkerGlobalScope includes WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope;
@@ -2050,6 +2068,49 @@
   readonly attribute boolean cookieEnabled;
+interface mixin NavigatorPlugins {
+  [SameObject] readonly attribute PluginArray plugins;
+  [SameObject] readonly attribute MimeTypeArray mimeTypes;
+  boolean javaEnabled();
+  readonly attribute boolean pdfViewerEnabled;
+ LegacyUnenumerableNamedProperties]
+interface PluginArray {
+  undefined refresh();
+  readonly attribute unsigned long length;
+  getter Plugin? item(unsigned long index);
+  getter Plugin? namedItem(DOMString name);
+ LegacyUnenumerableNamedProperties]
+interface MimeTypeArray {
+  readonly attribute unsigned long length;
+  getter MimeType? item(unsigned long index);
+  getter MimeType? namedItem(DOMString name);
+ LegacyUnenumerableNamedProperties]
+interface Plugin {
+  readonly attribute DOMString name;
+  readonly attribute DOMString description;
+  readonly attribute DOMString filename;
+  readonly attribute unsigned long length;
+  getter MimeType? item(unsigned long index);
+  getter MimeType? namedItem(DOMString name);
+interface MimeType {
+  readonly attribute DOMString type;
+  readonly attribute DOMString description;
+  readonly attribute DOMString suffixes;
+  readonly attribute Plugin enabledPlugin;
 [Exposed=(Window,Worker), Serializable, Transferable]
 interface ImageBitmap {
   readonly attribute unsigned long width;
@@ -2189,7 +2250,7 @@
 [Exposed=(Window,Worker,AudioWorklet), Transferable]
 interface MessagePort : EventTarget {
   undefined postMessage(any message, sequence<object> transfer);
-  undefined postMessage(any message, optional PostMessageOptions options = {});
+  undefined postMessage(any message, optional StructuredSerializeOptions options = {});
   undefined start();
   undefined close();
@@ -2198,7 +2259,7 @@
   attribute EventHandler onmessageerror;
-dictionary PostMessageOptions {
+dictionary StructuredSerializeOptions {
   sequence<object> transfer = [];
@@ -2233,7 +2294,7 @@
   [Replaceable] readonly attribute DOMString name;
   undefined postMessage(any message, sequence<object> transfer);
-  undefined postMessage(any message, optional PostMessageOptions options = {});
+  undefined postMessage(any message, optional StructuredSerializeOptions options = {});
   undefined close();
@@ -2261,7 +2322,7 @@
   undefined terminate();
   undefined postMessage(any message, sequence<object> transfer);
-  undefined postMessage(any message, optional PostMessageOptions options = {});
+  undefined postMessage(any message, optional StructuredSerializeOptions options = {});
   attribute EventHandler onmessage;
   attribute EventHandler onmessageerror;
@@ -2656,42 +2717,3 @@
   undefined AddSearchProvider();
   undefined IsSearchProviderInstalled();
-interface mixin NavigatorPlugins {
-  [SameObject] readonly attribute PluginArray plugins;
-  [SameObject] readonly attribute MimeTypeArray mimeTypes;
-  boolean javaEnabled();
-interface PluginArray {
-  undefined refresh();
-  readonly attribute unsigned long length;
-  getter object? item(unsigned long index);
-  object? namedItem(DOMString name);
-interface MimeTypeArray {
-  readonly attribute unsigned long length;
-  getter object? item(unsigned long index);
-  object? namedItem(DOMString name);
-interface Plugin {
-  readonly attribute undefined name;
-  readonly attribute undefined description;
-  readonly attribute undefined filename;
-  readonly attribute undefined length;
-  getter undefined item(unsigned long index);
-  undefined namedItem(DOMString name);
-interface MimeType {
-  readonly attribute undefined type;
-  readonly attribute undefined description;
-  readonly attribute undefined suffixes;
-  readonly attribute undefined enabledPlugin;
diff --git a/interfaces/ink-enhancement.idl b/interfaces/ink-enhancement.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..660e225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interfaces/ink-enhancement.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into webref
+// (
+// Source: Ink API (
+interface Ink {
+    Promise<InkPresenter> requestPresenter(
+        optional InkPresenterParam param = {});
+dictionary InkPresenterParam {
+    Element? presentationArea = null;
+interface InkPresenter {
+    readonly attribute Element? presentationArea;
+    readonly attribute unsigned long expectedImprovement;
+    undefined updateInkTrailStartPoint(PointerEvent event, InkTrailStyle style);
+dictionary InkTrailStyle {
+    required DOMString color;
+    required unrestricted double diameter;
+partial interface Navigator {
+    [SameObject] readonly attribute Ink ink;
diff --git a/interfaces/js-self-profiling.idl b/interfaces/js-self-profiling.idl
index 5285767..04cd1af 100644
--- a/interfaces/js-self-profiling.idl
+++ b/interfaces/js-self-profiling.idl
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // (
 // Source: JS Self-Profiling API (
 interface Profiler : EventTarget {
   readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp sampleInterval;
   readonly attribute boolean stopped;
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@
 dictionary ProfilerFrame {
-  DOMString name;
-  required unsigned long long resourceId;
-  required unsigned long long line;
-  required unsigned long long column;
+  required DOMString name;
+  unsigned long long resourceId;
+  unsigned long long line;
+  unsigned long long column;
 dictionary ProfilerInitOptions {
diff --git a/interfaces/local-font-access.idl b/interfaces/local-font-access.idl
index d7fb3c9..577cd36 100644
--- a/interfaces/local-font-access.idl
+++ b/interfaces/local-font-access.idl
@@ -25,8 +25,14 @@
 interface FontMetadata {
   Promise<Blob> blob();
+  // Names
   readonly attribute USVString postscriptName;
   readonly attribute USVString fullName;
   readonly attribute USVString family;
   readonly attribute USVString style;
+  // Metrics
+  readonly attribute boolean italic;
+  readonly attribute float stretch;
+  readonly attribute float weight;
diff --git a/interfaces/mathml-core.idl b/interfaces/mathml-core.idl
index 7ea1346..3989288 100644
--- a/interfaces/mathml-core.idl
+++ b/interfaces/mathml-core.idl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into webref
 // (
-// Source: MathML Core (
+// Source: MathML Core (
 interface MathMLElement : Element { };
diff --git a/interfaces/media-source.idl b/interfaces/media-source.idl
index ba57b13..36bce56 100644
--- a/interfaces/media-source.idl
+++ b/interfaces/media-source.idl
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 interface MediaSource : EventTarget {
     readonly        attribute SourceBufferList    sourceBuffers;
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
                     attribute EventHandler        onsourceopen;
                     attribute EventHandler        onsourceended;
                     attribute EventHandler        onsourceclose;
+    static readonly attribute boolean canConstructInDedicatedWorker;
     SourceBuffer   addSourceBuffer (DOMString type);
     undefined           removeSourceBuffer (SourceBuffer sourceBuffer);
     undefined           endOfStream (optional EndOfStreamError error);
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@
 interface SourceBuffer : EventTarget {
                     attribute AppendMode          mode;
     readonly        attribute boolean             updating;
@@ -55,10 +56,11 @@
                     attribute EventHandler        onabort;
     undefined appendBuffer (BufferSource data);
     undefined abort ();
+    undefined changeType (DOMString type);
     undefined remove (double start, unrestricted double end);
 interface SourceBufferList : EventTarget {
     readonly        attribute unsigned long length;
                     attribute EventHandler  onaddsourcebuffer;
@@ -66,14 +68,17 @@
     getter SourceBuffer (unsigned long index);
 partial interface AudioTrack {
     readonly        attribute SourceBuffer? sourceBuffer;
 partial interface VideoTrack {
     readonly        attribute SourceBuffer? sourceBuffer;
 partial interface TextTrack {
     readonly        attribute SourceBuffer? sourceBuffer;
diff --git a/interfaces/payment-handler.idl b/interfaces/payment-handler.idl
index 7636e8a..5360a83 100644
--- a/interfaces/payment-handler.idl
+++ b/interfaces/payment-handler.idl
@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@
   readonly attribute FrozenArray<PaymentMethodData> methodData;
   readonly attribute object total;
   readonly attribute FrozenArray<PaymentDetailsModifier> modifiers;
-  readonly attribute DOMString instrumentKey;
   Promise<WindowClient?> openWindow(USVString url);
   Promise<PaymentRequestDetailsUpdate?> changePaymentMethod(DOMString methodName, optional object? methodDetails = null);
   undefined respondWith(Promise<PaymentHandlerResponse> handlerResponsePromise);
@@ -88,7 +87,6 @@
   sequence<PaymentMethodData> methodData;
   PaymentCurrencyAmount total;
   sequence<PaymentDetailsModifier> modifiers;
-  DOMString instrumentKey;
 dictionary PaymentHandlerResponse {
diff --git a/interfaces/payment-method-basic-card.idl b/interfaces/payment-method-basic-card.idl
deleted file mode 100644
index 813fc6e..0000000
--- a/interfaces/payment-method-basic-card.idl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-// Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into webref
-// (
-// Source: Payment Method: Basic Card (
-dictionary BasicCardRequest {
-  sequence<DOMString> supportedNetworks = [];
-  boolean requestSecurityCode = true;
-dictionary BasicCardChangeDetails {
-  PaymentAddress? billingAddress = null;
-dictionary BasicCardResponse {
-  required DOMString cardNumber;
-  DOMString cardholderName = "";
-  DOMString cardSecurityCode = "";
-  DOMString expiryMonth = "";
-  DOMString expiryYear = "";
-  PaymentAddress? billingAddress = null;
-dictionary BasicCardErrors {
-  DOMString cardNumber;
-  DOMString cardholderName;
-  DOMString cardSecurityCode;
-  DOMString expiryMonth;
-  DOMString expiryYear;
-  AddressErrors billingAddress;
diff --git a/interfaces/payment-request.idl b/interfaces/payment-request.idl
index cd16e2a..b66bb15 100644
--- a/interfaces/payment-request.idl
+++ b/interfaces/payment-request.idl
@@ -103,31 +103,3 @@
 dictionary PaymentRequestUpdateEventInit : EventInit {};
-[SecureContext, Exposed=(Window)]
-interface PaymentAddress {
-  [Default] object toJSON();
-  readonly attribute DOMString city;
-  readonly attribute DOMString country;
-  readonly attribute DOMString dependentLocality;
-  readonly attribute DOMString organization;
-  readonly attribute DOMString phone;
-  readonly attribute DOMString postalCode;
-  readonly attribute DOMString recipient;
-  readonly attribute DOMString region;
-  readonly attribute DOMString sortingCode;
-  readonly attribute FrozenArray<DOMString> addressLine;
-dictionary AddressErrors {
-  DOMString addressLine;
-  DOMString city;
-  DOMString country;
-  DOMString dependentLocality;
-  DOMString organization;
-  DOMString phone;
-  DOMString postalCode;
-  DOMString recipient;
-  DOMString region;
-  DOMString sortingCode;
diff --git a/interfaces/permissions.idl b/interfaces/permissions.idl
index 0ad42ff..a15bc21 100644
--- a/interfaces/permissions.idl
+++ b/interfaces/permissions.idl
@@ -3,22 +3,6 @@
 // (
 // Source: Permissions (
-dictionary PermissionDescriptor {
-  required PermissionName name;
-enum PermissionState {
-  "granted",
-  "denied",
-  "prompt",
-interface PermissionStatus : EventTarget {
-  readonly attribute PermissionState state;
-  attribute EventHandler onchange;
 partial interface Navigator {
   [SameObject] readonly attribute Permissions permissions;
@@ -34,6 +18,23 @@
   Promise<PermissionStatus> query(object permissionDesc);
+dictionary PermissionDescriptor {
+  required PermissionName name;
+interface PermissionStatus : EventTarget {
+  readonly attribute PermissionState state;
+  readonly attribute PermissionName name;
+  attribute EventHandler onchange;
+enum PermissionState {
+  "granted",
+  "denied",
+  "prompt",
 enum PermissionName {
@@ -41,8 +42,6 @@
-  "clipboard-write",
-  "device-info",
@@ -53,7 +52,9 @@
+  "screen-wake-lock",
+  "xr-spatial-tracking",
 dictionary PushPermissionDescriptor : PermissionDescriptor {
@@ -71,9 +72,3 @@
 dictionary CameraDevicePermissionDescriptor : DevicePermissionDescriptor {
   boolean panTiltZoom = false;
-dictionary PermissionSetParameters {
-  required PermissionDescriptor descriptor;
-  required PermissionState state;
-  boolean oneRealm = false;
diff --git a/interfaces/pointerlock.idl b/interfaces/pointerlock.idl
index 873a965..0204bf5 100644
--- a/interfaces/pointerlock.idl
+++ b/interfaces/pointerlock.idl
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
 partial interface MouseEvent {
-  readonly attribute long movementX;
-  readonly attribute long movementY;
+  readonly attribute double movementX;
+  readonly attribute double movementY;
 partial dictionary MouseEventInit {
-  long movementX = 0;
-  long movementY = 0;
+  double movementX = 0;
+  double movementY = 0;
diff --git a/interfaces/portals.idl b/interfaces/portals.idl
index a88e6ac..5d85cce 100644
--- a/interfaces/portals.idl
+++ b/interfaces/portals.idl
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
     [CEReactions] attribute DOMString referrerPolicy;
     [NewObject] Promise<undefined> activate(optional PortalActivateOptions options = {});
-    undefined postMessage(any message, optional PostMessageOptions options = {});
+    undefined postMessage(any message, optional StructuredSerializeOptions options = {});
     attribute EventHandler onmessage;
     attribute EventHandler onmessageerror;
-dictionary PortalActivateOptions : PostMessageOptions {
+dictionary PortalActivateOptions : StructuredSerializeOptions {
     any data;
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 interface PortalHost : EventTarget {
-    undefined postMessage(any message, optional PostMessageOptions options = {});
+    undefined postMessage(any message, optional StructuredSerializeOptions options = {});
     attribute EventHandler onmessage;
     attribute EventHandler onmessageerror;
diff --git a/interfaces/prefer-current-tab.idl b/interfaces/prefer-current-tab.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86445e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interfaces/prefer-current-tab.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into webref
+// (
+// Source: preferCurrentTab (
+partial dictionary MediaStreamConstraints {
+  boolean preferCurrentTab = false;
diff --git a/interfaces/private-click-measurement.idl b/interfaces/private-click-measurement.idl
index 9a7c8dd..3bed7cc 100644
--- a/interfaces/private-click-measurement.idl
+++ b/interfaces/private-click-measurement.idl
@@ -5,5 +5,4 @@
 partial interface HTMLAnchorElement {
     [CEReactions] attribute unsigned long attributionSourceId;
-    [CEReactions] attribute DOMString attributionDestination;
diff --git a/interfaces/resource-timing.idl b/interfaces/resource-timing.idl
index 1122668..235963b 100644
--- a/interfaces/resource-timing.idl
+++ b/interfaces/resource-timing.idl
@@ -5,28 +5,28 @@
 interface PerformanceResourceTiming : PerformanceEntry {
-    readonly        attribute DOMString           initiatorType;
-    readonly        attribute DOMString           nextHopProtocol;
-    readonly        attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp workerStart;
-    readonly        attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp redirectStart;
-    readonly        attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp redirectEnd;
-    readonly        attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp fetchStart;
-    readonly        attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp domainLookupStart;
-    readonly        attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp domainLookupEnd;
-    readonly        attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp connectStart;
-    readonly        attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp connectEnd;
-    readonly        attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp secureConnectionStart;
-    readonly        attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp requestStart;
-    readonly        attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp responseStart;
-    readonly        attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp responseEnd;
-    readonly        attribute unsigned long long  transferSize;
-    readonly        attribute unsigned long long  encodedBodySize;
-    readonly        attribute unsigned long long  decodedBodySize;
+    readonly attribute DOMString initiatorType;
+    readonly attribute ByteString nextHopProtocol;
+    readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp workerStart;
+    readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp redirectStart;
+    readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp redirectEnd;
+    readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp fetchStart;
+    readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp domainLookupStart;
+    readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp domainLookupEnd;
+    readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp connectStart;
+    readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp connectEnd;
+    readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp secureConnectionStart;
+    readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp requestStart;
+    readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp responseStart;
+    readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp responseEnd;
+    readonly attribute unsigned long long  transferSize;
+    readonly attribute unsigned long long  encodedBodySize;
+    readonly attribute unsigned long long  decodedBodySize;
     [Default] object toJSON();
 partial interface Performance {
   undefined clearResourceTimings ();
   undefined setResourceTimingBufferSize (unsigned long maxSize);
-              attribute EventHandler onresourcetimingbufferfull;
+  attribute EventHandler onresourcetimingbufferfull;
diff --git a/interfaces/sanitizer-api.idl b/interfaces/sanitizer-api.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b98da2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interfaces/sanitizer-api.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into webref
+// (
+// Source: HTML Sanitizer API (
+  Exposed=(Window),
+  SecureContext
+] interface Sanitizer {
+  constructor(optional SanitizerConfig config = {});
+  DocumentFragment sanitize((Document or DocumentFragment) input);
+  Element? sanitizeFor(DOMString element, DOMString input);
+  SanitizerConfig getConfiguration();
+  static SanitizerConfig getDefaultConfiguration();
+partial interface Element {
+  undefined setHTML(DOMString input, Sanitizer sanitizer);
+dictionary SanitizerConfig {
+  sequence<DOMString> allowElements;
+  sequence<DOMString> blockElements;
+  sequence<DOMString> dropElements;
+  AttributeMatchList allowAttributes;
+  AttributeMatchList dropAttributes;
+  boolean allowCustomElements;
+  boolean allowComments;
+typedef record<DOMString, sequence<DOMString>> AttributeMatchList;
diff --git a/interfaces/scheduling-apis.idl b/interfaces/scheduling-apis.idl
index 82162b5..8722eba 100644
--- a/interfaces/scheduling-apis.idl
+++ b/interfaces/scheduling-apis.idl
@@ -34,9 +34,13 @@
   required TaskPriority previousPriority;
+dictionary TaskControllerInit {
+  TaskPriority priority = "user-visible";
 interface TaskController : AbortController {
-  constructor(optional TaskPriority priority = "user-visible");
+  constructor(optional TaskControllerInit init = {});
   undefined setPriority(TaskPriority priority);
diff --git a/interfaces/screen-capture.idl b/interfaces/screen-capture.idl
index 38f077d..5fb7eb8 100644
--- a/interfaces/screen-capture.idl
+++ b/interfaces/screen-capture.idl
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
   boolean logicalSurface = true;
   boolean cursor = true;
   boolean restrictOwnAudio = true;
+  boolean suppressLocalAudioPlayback = true;
 partial dictionary MediaTrackConstraintSet {
@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@
   ConstrainBoolean logicalSurface;
   ConstrainDOMString cursor;
   ConstrainBoolean restrictOwnAudio;
+  ConstrainBoolean suppressLocalAudioPlayback;
 partial dictionary MediaTrackSettings {
diff --git a/interfaces/scroll-animations.idl b/interfaces/scroll-animations.idl
index 872c1dd..bdd4118 100644
--- a/interfaces/scroll-animations.idl
+++ b/interfaces/scroll-animations.idl
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
   Element? source;
   ScrollDirection orientation = "block";
   sequence<ScrollTimelineOffset> scrollOffsets = [];
-  (double or ScrollTimelineAutoKeyword) timeRange = "auto";
@@ -28,7 +27,6 @@
   readonly attribute Element? source;
   readonly attribute ScrollDirection orientation;
   readonly attribute FrozenArray<ScrollTimelineOffset> scrollOffsets;
-  readonly attribute (double or ScrollTimelineAutoKeyword) timeRange;
 enum Edge { "start", "end" };
@@ -41,9 +39,8 @@
 interface CSSScrollTimelineRule : CSSRule {
-    readonly attribute CSSOMString name;
-    readonly attribute CSSOMString source;
-    readonly attribute CSSOMString orientation;
-    readonly attribute CSSOMString scrollOffsets;
-    readonly attribute CSSOMString timeRange;
+  readonly attribute CSSOMString name;
+  readonly attribute CSSOMString source;
+  readonly attribute CSSOMString orientation;
+  readonly attribute CSSOMString scrollOffsets;
diff --git a/interfaces/secure-payment-confirmation.idl b/interfaces/secure-payment-confirmation.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47ed64c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interfaces/secure-payment-confirmation.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into webref
+// (
+// Source: Secure Payment Confirmation (
+dictionary SecurePaymentConfirmationRequest {
+    required BufferSource challenge;
+    required FrozenArray<BufferSource> credentialIds;
+    required PaymentCredentialInstrument instrument;
+    unsigned long timeout;
+    required USVString payeeOrigin;
+    AuthenticationExtensionsClientInputs extensions;
+partial dictionary AuthenticationExtensionsClientInputs {
+  AuthenticationExtensionsPaymentInputs payment;
+dictionary AuthenticationExtensionsPaymentInputs {
+  boolean isPayment;
+  // Only used for authentication.
+  USVString rp;
+  USVString topOrigin;
+  USVString payeeOrigin;
+  PaymentCurrencyAmount total;
+  PaymentCredentialInstrument instrument;
+dictionary CollectedClientPaymentData : CollectedClientData {
+    required CollectedClientAdditionalPaymentData payment;
+dictionary CollectedClientAdditionalPaymentData {
+    required USVString rp;
+    required USVString topOrigin;
+    required USVString payeeOrigin;
+    required PaymentCurrencyAmount total;
+    required PaymentCredentialInstrument instrument;
+dictionary PaymentCredentialInstrument {
+    required DOMString displayName;
+    required USVString icon;
diff --git a/interfaces/service-workers.idl b/interfaces/service-workers.idl
index 6af2c3e..b50f6dd 100644
--- a/interfaces/service-workers.idl
+++ b/interfaces/service-workers.idl
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
   readonly attribute USVString scriptURL;
   readonly attribute ServiceWorkerState state;
   undefined postMessage(any message, sequence<object> transfer);
-  undefined postMessage(any message, optional PostMessageOptions options = {});
+  undefined postMessage(any message, optional StructuredSerializeOptions options = {});
   // event
   attribute EventHandler onstatechange;
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
   readonly attribute DOMString id;
   readonly attribute ClientType type;
   undefined postMessage(any message, sequence<object> transfer);
-  undefined postMessage(any message, optional PostMessageOptions options = {});
+  undefined postMessage(any message, optional StructuredSerializeOptions options = {});
diff --git a/interfaces/streams.idl b/interfaces/streams.idl
index 99c3a5d..d411162 100644
--- a/interfaces/streams.idl
+++ b/interfaces/streams.idl
@@ -159,6 +159,8 @@
 interface WritableStreamDefaultController {
+  readonly attribute any abortReason;
+  readonly attribute AbortSignal signal;
   undefined error(optional any e);
@@ -198,7 +200,7 @@
   QueuingStrategySize size;
-callback QueuingStrategySize = unrestricted double (optional any chunk);
+callback QueuingStrategySize = unrestricted double (any chunk);
 dictionary QueuingStrategyInit {
   required unrestricted double highWaterMark;
diff --git a/interfaces/urlpattern.idl b/interfaces/urlpattern.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e38ae1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interfaces/urlpattern.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into webref
+// (
+// Source: URLPattern API (
+typedef (USVString or URLPatternInit) URLPatternInput;
+interface URLPattern {
+  constructor(optional URLPatternInput input = {}, optional USVString baseURL);
+  boolean test(optional URLPatternInput input = {}, optional USVString baseURL);
+  URLPatternResult? exec(optional URLPatternInput input = {}, optional USVString baseURL);
+  readonly attribute USVString protocol;
+  readonly attribute USVString username;
+  readonly attribute USVString password;
+  readonly attribute USVString hostname;
+  readonly attribute USVString port;
+  readonly attribute USVString pathname;
+  readonly attribute USVString search;
+  readonly attribute USVString hash;
+dictionary URLPatternInit {
+  USVString protocol;
+  USVString username;
+  USVString password;
+  USVString hostname;
+  USVString port;
+  USVString pathname;
+  USVString search;
+  USVString hash;
+  USVString baseURL;
+dictionary URLPatternResult {
+  sequence<URLPatternInput> inputs;
+  URLPatternComponentResult protocol;
+  URLPatternComponentResult username;
+  URLPatternComponentResult password;
+  URLPatternComponentResult hostname;
+  URLPatternComponentResult port;
+  URLPatternComponentResult pathname;
+  URLPatternComponentResult search;
+  URLPatternComponentResult hash;
+dictionary URLPatternComponentResult {
+  USVString input;
+  record<USVString, USVString> groups;
diff --git a/interfaces/uuid.idl b/interfaces/uuid.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92bed29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interfaces/uuid.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+// Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into webref
+// (
+// Source: uuid (
+partial interface Crypto {
+  [SecureContext] DOMString randomUUID();
diff --git a/interfaces/virtual-keyboard.idl b/interfaces/virtual-keyboard.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74dafc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interfaces/virtual-keyboard.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into webref
+// (
+// Source: VirtualKeyboard API (
+partial interface Navigator {
+    [SecureContext, SameObject] readonly attribute VirtualKeyboard virtualKeyboard;
+[Exposed=Window, SecureContext]
+interface VirtualKeyboard : EventTarget {
+    undefined show();
+    undefined hide();
+    readonly attribute DOMRect boundingRect;
+    attribute boolean overlaysContent;
+    attribute EventHandler ongeometrychange;
+partial interface mixin ElementContentEditable {
+     [CEReactions] attribute DOMString virtualKeyboardPolicy;
diff --git a/interfaces/visual-viewport.idl b/interfaces/visual-viewport.idl
index e4507ae..516f8bd 100644
--- a/interfaces/visual-viewport.idl
+++ b/interfaces/visual-viewport.idl
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
   readonly attribute double scale;
-  readonly attribute FrozenArray<DOMRect>? segments;
+  readonly attribute FrozenArray<DOMRect> segments;
   attribute EventHandler onresize;
   attribute EventHandler onscroll;
diff --git a/interfaces/web-animations-2.idl b/interfaces/web-animations-2.idl
index bf4f9aa..2bc7aa4 100644
--- a/interfaces/web-animations-2.idl
+++ b/interfaces/web-animations-2.idl
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 partial interface AnimationTimeline {
+    readonly attribute CSSNumberish? duration;
     Animation play (optional AnimationEffect? effect = null);
@@ -30,7 +31,11 @@
 partial dictionary ComputedEffectTiming {
-    double startTime;
+    CSSNumberish         startTime;
+    CSSNumberish         endTime;
+    CSSNumberish         activeDuration;
+    CSSNumberish?        localTime;
+    CSSNumberish?        progress;
diff --git a/interfaces/web-animations.idl b/interfaces/web-animations.idl
index 6e973d1..626c823 100644
--- a/interfaces/web-animations.idl
+++ b/interfaces/web-animations.idl
@@ -86,10 +86,6 @@
 enum PlaybackDirection { "normal", "reverse", "alternate", "alternate-reverse" };
 dictionary ComputedEffectTiming : EffectTiming {
-    unrestricted double  endTime;
-    unrestricted double  activeDuration;
-    double?              localTime;
-    double?              progress;
     unrestricted double? currentIteration;
diff --git a/interfaces/web-share.idl b/interfaces/web-share.idl
index 4d17f5b..6ba7407 100644
--- a/interfaces/web-share.idl
+++ b/interfaces/web-share.idl
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
 partial interface Navigator {
   [SecureContext] Promise<undefined> share(optional ShareData data = {});
+  [SecureContext] boolean canShare(optional ShareData data = {});
 dictionary ShareData {
diff --git a/interfaces/webauthn.idl b/interfaces/webauthn.idl
index 07c8c5d..939b89b 100644
--- a/interfaces/webauthn.idl
+++ b/interfaces/webauthn.idl
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
     required DOMString           challenge;
     required DOMString           origin;
     boolean                      crossOrigin;
-    TokenBinding                 tokenBinding;
 dictionary TokenBinding {
diff --git a/interfaces/webcodecs.idl b/interfaces/webcodecs.idl
index 16d6bd5..e042f19 100644
--- a/interfaces/webcodecs.idl
+++ b/interfaces/webcodecs.idl
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // (
 // Source: WebCodecs (
+[Exposed=(Window,DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface AudioDecoder {
   constructor(AudioDecoderInit init);
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 callback AudioDataOutputCallback = undefined(AudioData output);
+[Exposed=(Window,DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface VideoDecoder {
   constructor(VideoDecoderInit init);
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 callback VideoFrameOutputCallback = undefined(VideoFrame output);
+[Exposed=(Window,DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface AudioEncoder {
   constructor(AudioEncoderInit init);
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
   AudioDecoderConfig decoderConfig;
+[Exposed=(Window,DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface VideoEncoder {
   constructor(VideoEncoderInit init);
@@ -105,6 +105,11 @@
 dictionary EncodedVideoChunkMetadata {
   VideoDecoderConfig decoderConfig;
+  SvcOutputMetadata svc;
+  BufferSource alphaSideData;
+dictionary SvcOutputMetadata {
   unsigned long temporalLayerId;
@@ -142,7 +147,9 @@
   [EnforceRange] unsigned long codedHeight;
   [EnforceRange] unsigned long displayAspectWidth;
   [EnforceRange] unsigned long displayAspectHeight;
-  HardwareAcceleration hardwareAcceleration = "allow";
+  VideoColorSpaceInit colorSpace;
+  HardwareAcceleration hardwareAcceleration = "no-preference";
+  boolean optimizeForLatency;
 dictionary AudioEncoderConfig {
@@ -154,19 +161,33 @@
 dictionary VideoEncoderConfig {
   required DOMString codec;
-  [EnforceRange] unsigned long long bitrate;
   [EnforceRange] required unsigned long width;
   [EnforceRange] required unsigned long height;
   [EnforceRange] unsigned long displayWidth;
   [EnforceRange] unsigned long displayHeight;
-  HardwareAcceleration hardwareAcceleration = "allow";
+  [EnforceRange] unsigned long long bitrate;
+  [EnforceRange] double framerate;
+  HardwareAcceleration hardwareAcceleration = "no-preference";
+  AlphaOption alpha = "discard";
   DOMString scalabilityMode;
+  BitrateMode bitrateMode = "variable";
+  LatencyMode latencyMode = "quality";
 enum HardwareAcceleration {
-  "allow",
-  "deny",
-  "require",
+  "no-preference",
+  "prefer-hardware",
+  "prefer-software",
+enum AlphaOption {
+  "keep",
+  "discard",
+enum LatencyMode {
+  "quality",
+  "realtime"
 dictionary VideoEncoderEncodeOptions {
@@ -185,8 +206,8 @@
 interface EncodedAudioChunk {
   constructor(EncodedAudioChunkInit init);
   readonly attribute EncodedAudioChunkType type;
-  readonly attribute long long timestamp;    // microseconds
-  readonly attribute unsigned long duration; // microseconds
+  readonly attribute long long timestamp;          // microseconds
+  readonly attribute unsigned long long? duration; // microseconds
   readonly attribute unsigned long byteLength;
   undefined copyTo([AllowShared] BufferSource destination);
@@ -195,6 +216,7 @@
 dictionary EncodedAudioChunkInit {
   required EncodedAudioChunkType type;
   [EnforceRange] required long long timestamp;    // microseconds
+  [EnforceRange] unsigned long long duration;     // microseconds
   required BufferSource data;
@@ -226,11 +248,11 @@
+[Exposed=(Window,DedicatedWorker), Serializable, Transferable]
 interface AudioData {
   constructor(AudioDataInit init);
-  readonly attribute AudioSampleFormat format;
+  readonly attribute AudioSampleFormat? format;
   readonly attribute float sampleRate;
   readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfFrames;
   readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfChannels;
@@ -245,7 +267,7 @@
 dictionary AudioDataInit {
   required AudioSampleFormat format;
-  [EnforceRange] required float sampleRate;
+  required float sampleRate;
   [EnforceRange] required unsigned long numberOfFrames;
   [EnforceRange] required unsigned long numberOfChannels;
   [EnforceRange] required long long timestamp;  // microseconds
@@ -253,43 +275,44 @@
 dictionary AudioDataCopyToOptions {
-  required unsigned long planeIndex;
-  unsigned long frameOffset = 0;
-  unsigned long frameCount;
+  [EnforceRange] required unsigned long planeIndex;
+  [EnforceRange] unsigned long frameOffset = 0;
+  [EnforceRange] unsigned long frameCount;
+  AudioSampleFormat format;
 enum AudioSampleFormat {
-  "U8",
-  "S16",
-  "S24",
-  "S32",
-  "FLT",
-  "U8P",
-  "S16P",
-  "S24P",
-  "S32P",
-  "FLTP",
+  "u8",
+  "s16",
+  "s32",
+  "f32",
+  "u8-planar",
+  "s16-planar",
+  "s32-planar",
+  "f32-planar",
+[Exposed=(Window,DedicatedWorker), Serializable, Transferable]
 interface VideoFrame {
   constructor(CanvasImageSource image, optional VideoFrameInit init = {});
-  constructor(sequence<(Plane or PlaneInit)> planes,
-              VideoFramePlaneInit init);
+  constructor([AllowShared] BufferSource data, VideoFrameBufferInit init);
-  readonly attribute PixelFormat format;
-  readonly attribute FrozenArray<Plane>? planes;
+  readonly attribute VideoPixelFormat? format;
   readonly attribute unsigned long codedWidth;
   readonly attribute unsigned long codedHeight;
-  readonly attribute unsigned long cropLeft;
-  readonly attribute unsigned long cropTop;
-  readonly attribute unsigned long cropWidth;
-  readonly attribute unsigned long cropHeight;
+  readonly attribute DOMRectReadOnly? codedRect;
+  readonly attribute DOMRectReadOnly? visibleRect;
   readonly attribute unsigned long displayWidth;
   readonly attribute unsigned long displayHeight;
   readonly attribute unsigned long long? duration;  // microseconds
   readonly attribute long long? timestamp;          // microseconds
+  readonly attribute VideoColorSpace colorSpace;
+  unsigned long allocationSize(
+      optional VideoFrameCopyToOptions options = {});
+  Promise<sequence<PlaneLayout>> copyTo(
+      [AllowShared] BufferSource destination,
+      optional VideoFrameCopyToOptions options = {});
   VideoFrame clone();
   undefined close();
@@ -297,42 +320,108 @@
 dictionary VideoFrameInit {
   unsigned long long duration;  // microseconds
   long long timestamp;          // microseconds
+  AlphaOption alpha = "keep";
-dictionary VideoFramePlaneInit {
-  required PixelFormat format;
-  [EnforceRange] required unsigned long codedWidth;
-  [EnforceRange] required unsigned long codedHeight;
-  [EnforceRange] unsigned long cropLeft;
-  [EnforceRange] unsigned long cropTop;
-  [EnforceRange] unsigned long cropWidth;
-  [EnforceRange] unsigned long cropHeight;
+  // Default matches image. May be used to efficiently crop. Will trigger
+  // new computation of displayWidth and displayHeight using image’s pixel
+  // aspect ratio unless an explicit displayWidth and displayHeight are given.
+  DOMRectInit visibleRect;
+  // Default matches image unless visibleRect is provided.
   [EnforceRange] unsigned long displayWidth;
   [EnforceRange] unsigned long displayHeight;
+dictionary VideoFrameBufferInit {
+  required VideoPixelFormat format;
+  required [EnforceRange] unsigned long codedWidth;
+  required [EnforceRange] unsigned long codedHeight;
+  required [EnforceRange] long long timestamp;  // microseconds
   [EnforceRange] unsigned long long duration;  // microseconds
-  [EnforceRange] long long timestamp;          // microseconds
+  // Default layout is tightly-packed.
+  sequence<PlaneLayout> layout;
+  // Default visible rect is coded size positioned at (0,0)
+  DOMRectInit visibleRect;
+  // Default display dimensions match visibleRect.
+  [EnforceRange] unsigned long displayWidth;
+  [EnforceRange] unsigned long displayHeight;
+  VideoColorSpaceInit colorSpace;
-interface Plane {
-  readonly attribute unsigned long stride;
-  readonly attribute unsigned long rows;
-  readonly attribute unsigned long length;
-  undefined readInto(ArrayBufferView dst);
+dictionary VideoFrameCopyToOptions {
+  DOMRectInit rect;
+  sequence<PlaneLayout> layout;
-dictionary PlaneInit {
-  required BufferSource src;
+dictionary PlaneLayout {
+  [EnforceRange] required unsigned long offset;
   [EnforceRange] required unsigned long stride;
-  [EnforceRange] required unsigned long rows;
-enum PixelFormat {
-  "I420"
+enum VideoPixelFormat {
+  // 4:2:0 Y, U, V
+  "I420",
+  // 4:2:0 Y, U, V, A
+  "I420A",
+  // 4:2:2 Y, U, V
+  "I422",
+  // 4:4:4 Y, U, V
+  "I444",
+  // 4:2:0 Y, UV
+  "NV12",
+  // 32bpp RGBA
+  "RGBA",
+  // 32bpp RGBX (opaque)
+  "RGBX",
+  // 32bpp BGRA
+  "BGRA",
+  // 32bpp BGRX (opaque)
+  "BGRX",
+interface VideoColorSpace {
+  constructor(optional VideoColorSpaceInit init = {});
+  readonly attribute VideoColorPrimaries? primaries;
+  readonly attribute VideoTransferCharacteristics? transfer;
+  readonly attribute VideoMatrixCoefficients? matrix;
+  readonly attribute boolean? fullRange;
+  [Default] VideoColorSpaceInit toJSON();
+dictionary VideoColorSpaceInit {
+  VideoColorPrimaries primaries;
+  VideoTransferCharacteristics transfer;
+  VideoMatrixCoefficients matrix;
+  boolean fullRange;
+enum VideoColorPrimaries {
+  "bt709",      // BT.709, sRGB
+  "bt470bg",    // BT.601 PAL
+  "smpte170m",  // BT.601 NTSC
+enum VideoTransferCharacteristics {
+  "bt709",         // BT.709
+  "smpte170m",     // BT.601 (functionally the same as bt709)
+  "iec61966-2-1",  // sRGB
+enum VideoMatrixCoefficients {
+  "rgb",        // sRGB
+  "bt709",      // BT.709
+  "bt470bg",    // BT.601 PAL
+  "smpte170m",  // BT.601 NTSC (functionally the same as bt470bg)
+[Exposed=(Window,DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface ImageDecoder {
   constructor(ImageDecoderInit init);
diff --git a/interfaces/webgl1.idl b/interfaces/webgl1.idl
index cd9eaa1..bebb864 100644
--- a/interfaces/webgl1.idl
+++ b/interfaces/webgl1.idl
@@ -86,7 +86,8 @@
          HTMLImageElement or
          HTMLCanvasElement or
          HTMLVideoElement or
-         OffscreenCanvas) TexImageSource;
+         OffscreenCanvas or
+         VideoFrame) TexImageSource;
 typedef ([AllowShared] Float32Array or sequence<GLfloat>) Float32List;
 typedef ([AllowShared] Int32Array or sequence<GLint>) Int32List;
@@ -512,8 +513,7 @@
     const GLenum BROWSER_DEFAULT_WEBGL          = 0x9244;
-    [Exposed=Window] readonly attribute (HTMLCanvasElement or OffscreenCanvas) canvas;
-    [Exposed=Worker] readonly attribute OffscreenCanvas canvas;
+    readonly attribute (HTMLCanvasElement or OffscreenCanvas) canvas;
     readonly attribute GLsizei drawingBufferWidth;
     readonly attribute GLsizei drawingBufferHeight;
diff --git a/interfaces/webgpu.idl b/interfaces/webgpu.idl
index 9141df0..ffcd65c 100644
--- a/interfaces/webgpu.idl
+++ b/interfaces/webgpu.idl
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
     USVString label;
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker)]
 interface GPUSupportedLimits {
     readonly attribute unsigned long maxTextureDimension1D;
     readonly attribute unsigned long maxTextureDimension2D;
@@ -25,14 +25,23 @@
     readonly attribute unsigned long maxStorageBuffersPerShaderStage;
     readonly attribute unsigned long maxStorageTexturesPerShaderStage;
     readonly attribute unsigned long maxUniformBuffersPerShaderStage;
-    readonly attribute unsigned long maxUniformBufferBindingSize;
-    readonly attribute unsigned long maxStorageBufferBindingSize;
+    readonly attribute unsigned long long maxUniformBufferBindingSize;
+    readonly attribute unsigned long long maxStorageBufferBindingSize;
+    readonly attribute unsigned long minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment;
+    readonly attribute unsigned long minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment;
     readonly attribute unsigned long maxVertexBuffers;
     readonly attribute unsigned long maxVertexAttributes;
     readonly attribute unsigned long maxVertexBufferArrayStride;
+    readonly attribute unsigned long maxInterStageShaderComponents;
+    readonly attribute unsigned long maxComputeWorkgroupStorageSize;
+    readonly attribute unsigned long maxComputeInvocationsPerWorkgroup;
+    readonly attribute unsigned long maxComputeWorkgroupSizeX;
+    readonly attribute unsigned long maxComputeWorkgroupSizeY;
+    readonly attribute unsigned long maxComputeWorkgroupSizeZ;
+    readonly attribute unsigned long maxComputeWorkgroupsPerDimension;
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker)]
 interface GPUSupportedFeatures {
     readonly setlike<DOMString>;
@@ -42,19 +51,19 @@
 interface mixin NavigatorGPU {
-    [SameObject] readonly attribute GPU gpu;
+    [SameObject, SecureContext] readonly attribute GPU gpu;
 Navigator includes NavigatorGPU;
 WorkerNavigator includes NavigatorGPU;
-[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker)]
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface GPU {
     Promise<GPUAdapter?> requestAdapter(optional GPURequestAdapterOptions options = {});
 dictionary GPURequestAdapterOptions {
     GPUPowerPreference powerPreference;
-    boolean forceSoftware = false;
+    boolean forceFallbackAdapter = false;
 enum GPUPowerPreference {
@@ -62,19 +71,19 @@
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface GPUAdapter {
     readonly attribute DOMString name;
     [SameObject] readonly attribute GPUSupportedFeatures features;
     [SameObject] readonly attribute GPUSupportedLimits limits;
-    readonly attribute boolean isSoftware;
+    readonly attribute boolean isFallbackAdapter;
     Promise<GPUDevice> requestDevice(optional GPUDeviceDescriptor descriptor = {});
 dictionary GPUDeviceDescriptor : GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
-    sequence<GPUFeatureName> nonGuaranteedFeatures = [];
-    record<DOMString, GPUSize32> nonGuaranteedLimits = {};
+    sequence<GPUFeatureName> requiredFeatures = [];
+    record<DOMString, GPUSize64> requiredLimits = {};
 enum GPUFeatureName {
@@ -86,7 +95,7 @@
-[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), Serializable]
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface GPUDevice : EventTarget {
     [SameObject] readonly attribute GPUSupportedFeatures features;
     [SameObject] readonly attribute GPUSupportedLimits limits;
@@ -117,7 +126,7 @@
 GPUDevice includes GPUObjectBase;
-[Exposed=Window, Serializable]
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface GPUBuffer {
     Promise<undefined> mapAsync(GPUMapModeFlags mode, optional GPUSize64 offset = 0, optional GPUSize64 size);
     ArrayBuffer getMappedRange(optional GPUSize64 offset = 0, optional GPUSize64 size);
@@ -134,7 +143,7 @@
 typedef [EnforceRange] unsigned long GPUBufferUsageFlags;
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker)]
 interface GPUBufferUsage {
     const GPUFlagsConstant MAP_READ      = 0x0001;
     const GPUFlagsConstant MAP_WRITE     = 0x0002;
@@ -149,13 +158,13 @@
 typedef [EnforceRange] unsigned long GPUMapModeFlags;
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker)]
 interface GPUMapMode {
     const GPUFlagsConstant READ  = 0x0001;
     const GPUFlagsConstant WRITE = 0x0002;
-[Exposed=Window, Serializable]
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface GPUTexture {
     GPUTextureView createView(optional GPUTextureViewDescriptor descriptor = {});
@@ -179,16 +188,16 @@
 typedef [EnforceRange] unsigned long GPUTextureUsageFlags;
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker)]
 interface GPUTextureUsage {
     const GPUFlagsConstant COPY_SRC          = 0x01;
     const GPUFlagsConstant COPY_DST          = 0x02;
-    const GPUFlagsConstant SAMPLED           = 0x04;
-    const GPUFlagsConstant STORAGE           = 0x08;
+    const GPUFlagsConstant TEXTURE_BINDING   = 0x04;
+    const GPUFlagsConstant STORAGE_BINDING   = 0x08;
     const GPUFlagsConstant RENDER_ATTACHMENT = 0x10;
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface GPUTextureView {
 GPUTextureView includes GPUObjectBase;
@@ -297,7 +306,7 @@
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface GPUExternalTexture {
 GPUExternalTexture includes GPUObjectBase;
@@ -307,7 +316,7 @@
     GPUPredefinedColorSpace colorSpace = "srgb";
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface GPUSampler {
 GPUSampler includes GPUObjectBase;
@@ -320,7 +329,7 @@
     GPUFilterMode minFilter = "nearest";
     GPUFilterMode mipmapFilter = "nearest";
     float lodMinClamp = 0;
-    float lodMaxClamp = 0xffffffff; // TODO: What should this be? Was Number.MAX_VALUE.
+    float lodMaxClamp = 32;
     GPUCompareFunction compare;
     [Clamp] unsigned short maxAnisotropy = 1;
@@ -347,7 +356,7 @@
-[Exposed=Window, Serializable]
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface GPUBindGroupLayout {
 GPUBindGroupLayout includes GPUObjectBase;
@@ -357,7 +366,7 @@
 typedef [EnforceRange] unsigned long GPUShaderStageFlags;
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker)]
 interface GPUShaderStage {
     const GPUFlagsConstant VERTEX   = 0x1;
     const GPUFlagsConstant FRAGMENT = 0x2;
@@ -412,12 +421,11 @@
 enum GPUStorageTextureAccess {
-    "read-only",
 dictionary GPUStorageTextureBindingLayout {
-    required GPUStorageTextureAccess access;
+    GPUStorageTextureAccess access = "write-only";
     required GPUTextureFormat format;
     GPUTextureViewDimension viewDimension = "2d";
@@ -425,7 +433,7 @@
 dictionary GPUExternalTextureBindingLayout {
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface GPUBindGroup {
 GPUBindGroup includes GPUObjectBase;
@@ -448,7 +456,7 @@
     GPUSize64 size;
-[Exposed=Window, Serializable]
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface GPUPipelineLayout {
 GPUPipelineLayout includes GPUObjectBase;
@@ -457,7 +465,7 @@
     required sequence<GPUBindGroupLayout> bindGroupLayouts;
-[Exposed=Window, Serializable]
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface GPUShaderModule {
     Promise<GPUCompilationInfo> compilationInfo();
@@ -474,7 +482,7 @@
-[Exposed=Window, Serializable]
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), Serializable, SecureContext]
 interface GPUCompilationMessage {
     readonly attribute DOMString message;
     readonly attribute GPUCompilationMessageType type;
@@ -484,7 +492,7 @@
     readonly attribute unsigned long long length;
-[Exposed=Window, Serializable]
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), Serializable, SecureContext]
 interface GPUCompilationInfo {
     readonly attribute FrozenArray<GPUCompilationMessage> messages;
@@ -505,7 +513,7 @@
 typedef double GPUPipelineConstantValue; // May represent WGSL’s bool, f32, i32, u32.
-[Exposed=Window, Serializable]
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface GPUComputePipeline {
 GPUComputePipeline includes GPUObjectBase;
@@ -515,7 +523,7 @@
     required GPUProgrammableStage compute;
-[Exposed=Window, Serializable]
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface GPURenderPipeline {
 GPURenderPipeline includes GPUObjectBase;
@@ -581,7 +589,7 @@
 typedef [EnforceRange] unsigned long GPUColorWriteFlags;
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker)]
 interface GPUColorWrite {
     const GPUFlagsConstant RED   = 0x1;
     const GPUFlagsConstant GREEN = 0x2;
@@ -591,9 +599,9 @@
 dictionary GPUBlendComponent {
+    GPUBlendOperation operation = "add";
     GPUBlendFactor srcFactor = "one";
     GPUBlendFactor dstFactor = "zero";
-    GPUBlendOperation operation = "add";
 enum GPUBlendFactor {
@@ -693,7 +701,7 @@
-enum GPUInputStepMode {
+enum GPUVertexStepMode {
@@ -704,7 +712,7 @@
 dictionary GPUVertexBufferLayout {
     required GPUSize64 arrayStride;
-    GPUInputStepMode stepMode = "vertex";
+    GPUVertexStepMode stepMode = "vertex";
     required sequence<GPUVertexAttribute> attributes;
@@ -715,7 +723,7 @@
     required GPUIndex32 shaderLocation;
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface GPUCommandBuffer {
     readonly attribute Promise<double> executionTime;
@@ -724,7 +732,7 @@
 dictionary GPUCommandBufferDescriptor : GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface GPUCommandEncoder {
     GPURenderPassEncoder beginRenderPass(GPURenderPassDescriptor descriptor);
     GPUComputePassEncoder beginComputePass(optional GPUComputePassDescriptor descriptor = {});
@@ -770,8 +778,6 @@
 dictionary GPUCommandEncoderDescriptor : GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
     boolean measureExecutionTime = false;
-    // TODO: reusability flag?
 dictionary GPUImageDataLayout {
@@ -791,6 +797,11 @@
     GPUTextureAspect aspect = "all";
+dictionary GPUImageCopyTextureTagged : GPUImageCopyTexture {
+    GPUPredefinedColorSpace colorSpace = "srgb";
+    boolean premultipliedAlpha = false;
 dictionary GPUImageCopyExternalImage {
     required (ImageBitmap or HTMLCanvasElement or OffscreenCanvas) source;
     GPUOrigin2D origin = {};
@@ -810,7 +821,7 @@
     undefined insertDebugMarker(USVString markerLabel);
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface GPUComputePassEncoder {
     undefined setPipeline(GPUComputePipeline pipeline);
     undefined dispatch(GPUSize32 x, optional GPUSize32 y = 1, optional GPUSize32 z = 1);
@@ -832,8 +843,8 @@
 interface mixin GPURenderEncoderBase {
     undefined setPipeline(GPURenderPipeline pipeline);
-    undefined setIndexBuffer(GPUBuffer buffer, GPUIndexFormat indexFormat, optional GPUSize64 offset = 0, optional GPUSize64 size = 0);
-    undefined setVertexBuffer(GPUIndex32 slot, GPUBuffer buffer, optional GPUSize64 offset = 0, optional GPUSize64 size = 0);
+    undefined setIndexBuffer(GPUBuffer buffer, GPUIndexFormat indexFormat, optional GPUSize64 offset = 0, optional GPUSize64 size);
+    undefined setVertexBuffer(GPUIndex32 slot, GPUBuffer buffer, optional GPUSize64 offset = 0, optional GPUSize64 size);
     undefined draw(GPUSize32 vertexCount, optional GPUSize32 instanceCount = 1,
               optional GPUSize32 firstVertex = 0, optional GPUSize32 firstInstance = 0);
@@ -846,7 +857,7 @@
     undefined drawIndexedIndirect(GPUBuffer indirectBuffer, GPUSize64 indirectOffset);
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface GPURenderPassEncoder {
     undefined setViewport(float x, float y,
                      float width, float height,
@@ -908,7 +919,13 @@
+dictionary GPURenderPassLayout: GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
+    required sequence<GPUTextureFormat> colorFormats;
+    GPUTextureFormat depthStencilFormat;
+    GPUSize32 sampleCount = 1;
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface GPURenderBundle {
 GPURenderBundle includes GPUObjectBase;
@@ -916,7 +933,7 @@
 dictionary GPURenderBundleDescriptor : GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface GPURenderBundleEncoder {
     GPURenderBundle finish(optional GPURenderBundleDescriptor descriptor = {});
@@ -924,13 +941,12 @@
 GPURenderBundleEncoder includes GPUProgrammablePassEncoder;
 GPURenderBundleEncoder includes GPURenderEncoderBase;
-dictionary GPURenderBundleEncoderDescriptor : GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
-    required sequence<GPUTextureFormat> colorFormats;
-    GPUTextureFormat depthStencilFormat;
-    GPUSize32 sampleCount = 1;
+dictionary GPURenderBundleEncoderDescriptor : GPURenderPassLayout {
+    boolean depthReadOnly = false;
+    boolean stencilReadOnly = false;
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface GPUQueue {
     undefined submit(sequence<GPUCommandBuffer> commandBuffers);
@@ -951,12 +967,12 @@
     undefined copyExternalImageToTexture(
         GPUImageCopyExternalImage source,
-        GPUImageCopyTexture destination,
+        GPUImageCopyTextureTagged destination,
         GPUExtent3D copySize);
 GPUQueue includes GPUObjectBase;
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface GPUQuerySet {
     undefined destroy();
@@ -982,11 +998,15 @@
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker), SecureContext]
 interface GPUCanvasContext {
-    GPUSwapChain configureSwapChain(GPUSwapChainDescriptor descriptor);
+    readonly attribute (HTMLCanvasElement or OffscreenCanvas) canvas;
-    GPUTextureFormat getSwapChainPreferredFormat(GPUAdapter adapter);
+    undefined configure(GPUCanvasConfiguration configuration);
+    undefined unconfigure();
+    GPUTextureFormat getPreferredFormat(GPUAdapter adapter);
+    GPUTexture getCurrentTexture();
 enum GPUCanvasCompositingAlphaMode {
@@ -994,25 +1014,20 @@
-dictionary GPUSwapChainDescriptor : GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
+dictionary GPUCanvasConfiguration {
     required GPUDevice device;
     required GPUTextureFormat format;
     GPUTextureUsageFlags usage = 0x10;  // GPUTextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT
+    GPUPredefinedColorSpace colorSpace = "srgb";
     GPUCanvasCompositingAlphaMode compositingAlphaMode = "opaque";
     GPUExtent3D size;
-interface GPUSwapChain {
-    GPUTexture getCurrentTexture();
-GPUSwapChain includes GPUObjectBase;
 enum GPUDeviceLostReason {
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker)]
 interface GPUDeviceLostInfo {
     readonly attribute (GPUDeviceLostReason or undefined) reason;
     readonly attribute DOMString message;
@@ -1027,12 +1042,12 @@
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker)]
 interface GPUOutOfMemoryError {
+[Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker)]
 interface GPUValidationError {
     constructor(DOMString message);
     readonly attribute DOMString message;
diff --git a/interfaces/webhid.idl b/interfaces/webhid.idl
index ffc9609..d4ce439 100644
--- a/interfaces/webhid.idl
+++ b/interfaces/webhid.idl
@@ -3,21 +3,11 @@
 // (
 // Source: WebHID API (
-dictionary HIDDeviceFilter {
-    unsigned long vendorId;
-    unsigned short productId;
-    unsigned short usagePage;
-    unsigned short usage;
+[SecureContext] partial interface Navigator {
+    [SameObject] readonly attribute HID hid;
-dictionary HIDDeviceRequestOptions {
-    required sequence<HIDDeviceFilter> filters;
-    Exposed=Window,
-    SecureContext
+[Exposed=Window, SecureContext]
 interface HID : EventTarget {
     attribute EventHandler onconnect;
     attribute EventHandler ondisconnect;
@@ -26,20 +16,50 @@
         HIDDeviceRequestOptions options);
-[SecureContext] partial interface Navigator {
-    [SameObject] readonly attribute HID hid;
+dictionary HIDDeviceRequestOptions {
+    required sequence<HIDDeviceFilter> filters;
+dictionary HIDDeviceFilter {
+    unsigned long vendorId;
+    unsigned short productId;
+    unsigned short usagePage;
+    unsigned short usage;
+[Exposed=Window, SecureContext]
+interface HIDDevice : EventTarget {
+    attribute EventHandler oninputreport;
+    readonly attribute boolean opened;
+    readonly attribute unsigned short vendorId;
+    readonly attribute unsigned short productId;
+    readonly attribute DOMString productName;
+    readonly attribute FrozenArray<HIDCollectionInfo> collections;
+    Promise<undefined> open();
+    Promise<undefined> close();
+    Promise<undefined> sendReport([EnforceRange] octet reportId, BufferSource data);
+    Promise<undefined> sendFeatureReport(
+        [EnforceRange] octet reportId,
+        BufferSource data);
+    Promise<DataView> receiveFeatureReport([EnforceRange] octet reportId);
+[Exposed=Window, SecureContext]
+interface HIDConnectionEvent : Event {
+    constructor(DOMString type, HIDConnectionEventInit eventInitDict);
+    [SameObject] readonly attribute HIDDevice device;
 dictionary HIDConnectionEventInit : EventInit {
     required HIDDevice device;
-    Exposed=Window,
-    SecureContext
-] interface HIDConnectionEvent : Event {
-    constructor(DOMString type, HIDConnectionEventInit eventInitDict);
+[Exposed=Window, SecureContext]
+interface HIDInputReportEvent : Event {
+    constructor(DOMString type, HIDInputReportEventInit eventInitDict);
     [SameObject] readonly attribute HIDDevice device;
+    readonly attribute octet reportId;
+    readonly attribute DataView data;
 dictionary HIDInputReportEventInit : EventInit {
@@ -48,19 +68,19 @@
     required DataView data;
-    Exposed=Window,
-    SecureContext
-] interface HIDInputReportEvent : Event {
-    constructor(DOMString type, HIDInputReportEventInit eventInitDict);
-    [SameObject] readonly attribute HIDDevice device;
-    readonly attribute octet reportId;
-    readonly attribute DataView data;
+dictionary HIDCollectionInfo {
+    unsigned short usagePage;
+    unsigned short usage;
+    octet type;
+    sequence<HIDCollectionInfo> children;
+    sequence<HIDReportInfo> inputReports;
+    sequence<HIDReportInfo> outputReports;
+    sequence<HIDReportInfo> featureReports;
-enum HIDUnitSystem {
-    "none", "si-linear", "si-rotation", "english-linear",
-    "english-rotation", "vendor-defined", "reserved"
+dictionary HIDReportInfo {
+    octet reportId;
+    sequence<HIDReportItem> items;
 dictionary HIDReportItem {
@@ -94,34 +114,7 @@
     sequence<DOMString> strings;
-dictionary HIDReportInfo {
-    octet reportId;
-    sequence<HIDReportItem> items;
-dictionary HIDCollectionInfo {
-    unsigned short usagePage;
-    unsigned short usage;
-    octet type;
-    sequence<HIDCollectionInfo> children;
-    sequence<HIDReportInfo> inputReports;
-    sequence<HIDReportInfo> outputReports;
-    sequence<HIDReportInfo> featureReports;
-    Exposed=Window,
-    SecureContext
-] interface HIDDevice : EventTarget {
-    attribute EventHandler oninputreport;
-    readonly attribute boolean opened;
-    readonly attribute unsigned short vendorId;
-    readonly attribute unsigned short productId;
-    readonly attribute DOMString productName;
-    readonly attribute FrozenArray<HIDCollectionInfo> collections;
-    Promise<undefined> open();
-    Promise<undefined> close();
-    Promise<undefined> sendReport([EnforceRange] octet reportId, BufferSource data);
-    Promise<undefined> sendFeatureReport([EnforceRange] octet reportId, BufferSource data);
-    Promise<DataView> receiveFeatureReport([EnforceRange] octet reportId);
+enum HIDUnitSystem {
+    "none", "si-linear", "si-rotation", "english-linear",
+    "english-rotation", "vendor-defined", "reserved"
diff --git a/interfaces/webnn.idl b/interfaces/webnn.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbd64c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interfaces/webnn.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+// Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into webref
+// (
+// Source: Web Neural Network API (
+interface mixin NavigatorML {
+  [SecureContext, SameObject] readonly attribute ML ml;
+Navigator includes NavigatorML;
+WorkerNavigator includes NavigatorML;
+enum MLDevicePreference {
+  "default",
+  "gpu",
+  "cpu"
+enum MLPowerPreference {
+  // Let the user agent select the most suitable behavior.
+  "default",
+  // Prioritizes execution speed over power consumption.
+  "high-performance",
+  // Prioritizes power consumption over other considerations such as execution speed.
+  "low-power"
+dictionary MLContextOptions {
+  // Preferred kind of device used
+  MLDevicePreference devicePreference = "default";
+  // Preference as related to power consumption
+  MLPowerPreference powerPreference = "default";
+[SecureContext, Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker)]
+interface ML {
+  // Create a context with options
+  MLContext createContext(optional MLContextOptions options = {});
+  // Create a context from WebGL rendering context
+  MLContext createContext(WebGLRenderingContext glContext);
+  // Create a context from WebGPU device
+  MLContext createContext(GPUDevice gpuDevice);
+[SecureContext, Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker)]
+interface MLContext {};
+enum MLInputOperandLayout {
+  "nchw",
+  "nhwc"
+enum MLOperandType {
+  "float32",
+  "float16",
+  "int32",
+  "uint32",
+  "int8",
+  "uint8"
+dictionary MLOperandDescriptor {
+  // The operand type.
+  required MLOperandType type;
+  // The dimensions field is only required for tensor operands.
+  // The negative value means an unknown dimension.
+  sequence<long> dimensions;
+[SecureContext, Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker)]
+interface MLOperand {};
+[SecureContext, Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker)]
+interface MLOperator {};
+typedef record<DOMString, MLOperand> MLNamedOperands;
+dictionary MLBufferResourceView {
+  required (WebGLBuffer or GPUBuffer) resource;
+  unsigned long long offset = 0;
+  unsigned long long size;
+typedef (ArrayBufferView or MLBufferResourceView) MLBufferView;
+[SecureContext, Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker)]
+interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  // Construct the graph builder from the context.
+  constructor(MLContext context);
+  // Create an operand for a graph input.
+  MLOperand input(DOMString name, MLOperandDescriptor desc);
+  // Create an operand for a graph constant.
+  MLOperand constant(MLOperandDescriptor desc, MLBufferView bufferView);
+  // Create a single-value operand from the specified number of the specified type.
+  MLOperand constant(double value, optional MLOperandType type = "float32");
+  // Compile the graph up to the specified output operands
+  MLGraph build(MLNamedOperands outputs);
+dictionary MLBatchNormalizationOptions {
+  MLOperand scale;
+  MLOperand bias;
+  long axis = 1;
+  float epsilon = 1e-5;
+  MLOperator activation;
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand batchNormalization(MLOperand input, MLOperand mean, MLOperand variance,
+                             optional MLBatchNormalizationOptions options = {});
+dictionary MLClampOptions {
+  float minValue;
+  float maxValue;
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand clamp(MLOperand x, optional MLClampOptions options = {});
+  MLOperator clamp(optional MLClampOptions options = {});
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand concat(sequence<MLOperand> inputs, long axis);
+enum MLFilterOperandLayout {
+  "oihw",
+  "hwio",
+  "ohwi",
+  "ihwo"
+enum MLAutoPad {
+  "explicit",
+  "same-upper",
+  "same-lower"
+dictionary MLConv2dOptions {
+  sequence<long> padding;
+  sequence<long> strides;
+  sequence<long> dilations;
+  sequence<long> outputPadding;
+  sequence<long> outputSizes;
+  MLAutoPad autoPad = "explicit";
+  boolean transpose = false;
+  long groups = 1;
+  MLInputOperandLayout inputLayout = "nchw";
+  MLFilterOperandLayout filterLayout = "oihw";
+  MLOperand bias;
+  MLOperator activation;
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand conv2d(MLOperand input, MLOperand filter, optional MLConv2dOptions options = {});
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand add(MLOperand a, MLOperand b);
+  MLOperand sub(MLOperand a, MLOperand b);
+  MLOperand mul(MLOperand a, MLOperand b);
+  MLOperand div(MLOperand a, MLOperand b);
+  MLOperand max(MLOperand a, MLOperand b);
+  MLOperand min(MLOperand a, MLOperand b);
+  MLOperand pow(MLOperand a, MLOperand b);
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand abs(MLOperand x);
+  MLOperand ceil(MLOperand x);
+  MLOperand cos(MLOperand x);
+  MLOperand exp(MLOperand x);
+  MLOperand floor(MLOperand x);
+  MLOperand log(MLOperand x);
+  MLOperand neg(MLOperand x);
+  MLOperand sin(MLOperand x);
+  MLOperand tan(MLOperand x);
+dictionary MLEluOptions {
+  float alpha = 1;
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand elu(MLOperand x, optional MLEluOptions options = {});
+  MLOperator elu(optional MLEluOptions options = {});
+dictionary MLGemmOptions {
+  MLOperand c;
+  float alpha = 1.0;
+  float beta = 1.0;
+  boolean aTranspose = false;
+  boolean bTranspose = false;
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand gemm(MLOperand a, MLOperand b, optional MLGemmOptions options = {});
+enum MLRecurrentNetworkWeightLayout {
+  "zrn",  // update-reset-new gate ordering
+  "rzn"   // reset-update-new gate ordering
+enum MLRecurrentNetworkDirection {
+  "forward",
+  "backward",
+  "both"
+dictionary MLGruOptions {
+  MLOperand bias;
+  MLOperand recurrentBias;
+  MLOperand initialHiddenState;
+  boolean resetAfter = true;
+  boolean returnSequence = false;
+  MLRecurrentNetworkDirection direction = "forward";
+  MLRecurrentNetworkWeightLayout layout = "zrn";
+  sequence<MLOperator> activations;
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  sequence<MLOperand> gru(MLOperand input, MLOperand weight, MLOperand recurrentWeight,
+                        long steps, long hiddenSize, optional MLGruOptions options = {});
+dictionary MLGruCellOptions {
+  MLOperand bias;
+  MLOperand recurrentBias;
+  boolean resetAfter = true;
+  MLRecurrentNetworkWeightLayout layout = "zrn";
+  sequence<MLOperator> activations;
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand gruCell(MLOperand input, MLOperand weight, MLOperand recurrentWeight,
+                  MLOperand hiddenState, long hiddenSize, optional MLGruCellOptions options = {});
+dictionary MLHardSigmoidOptions {
+  float alpha = 0.2;
+  float beta = 0.5;
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand hardSigmoid(MLOperand x, optional MLHardSigmoidOptions options = {});
+  MLOperator hardSigmoid(optional MLHardSigmoidOptions options = {});
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand hardSwish(MLOperand x);
+  MLOperator hardSwish();
+dictionary MLInstanceNormalizationOptions {
+  MLOperand scale;
+  MLOperand bias;
+  float epsilon = 1e-5;
+  MLInputOperandLayout layout = "nchw";
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand instanceNormalization(MLOperand input,
+                                optional MLInstanceNormalizationOptions options = {});
+dictionary MLLeakyReluOptions {
+  float alpha = 0.01;
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand leakyRelu(MLOperand x, optional MLLeakyReluOptions options = {});
+  MLOperator leakyRelu(optional MLLeakyReluOptions options = {});
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand matmul(MLOperand a, MLOperand b);
+dictionary MLLinearOptions {
+  float alpha = 1;
+  float beta = 0;
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand linear(MLOperand x, optional MLLinearOptions options = {});
+  MLOperator linear(optional MLLinearOptions options = {});
+enum MLPaddingMode {
+  "constant",
+  "edge",
+  "reflection",
+  "symmetric"
+dictionary MLPadOptions {
+  MLPaddingMode mode = "constant";
+  float value = 0;
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand pad(MLOperand input, MLOperand padding, optional MLPadOptions options = {});
+dictionary MLPool2dOptions {
+  sequence<long> windowDimensions;
+  sequence<long> padding;
+  sequence<long> strides;
+  sequence<long> dilations;
+  MLAutoPad autoPad = "explicit";
+  MLInputOperandLayout layout = "nchw";
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand averagePool2d(MLOperand input, optional MLPool2dOptions options = {});
+  MLOperand l2Pool2d(MLOperand input, optional MLPool2dOptions options = {});
+  MLOperand maxPool2d(MLOperand input, optional MLPool2dOptions options = {});
+dictionary MLReduceOptions {
+  sequence<long> axes = null;
+  boolean keepDimensions = false;
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand reduceL1(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
+  MLOperand reduceL2(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
+  MLOperand reduceLogSum(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
+  MLOperand reduceLogSumExp(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
+  MLOperand reduceMax(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
+  MLOperand reduceMean(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
+  MLOperand reduceMin(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
+  MLOperand reduceProduct(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
+  MLOperand reduceSum(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
+  MLOperand reduceSumSquare(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand relu(MLOperand x);
+  MLOperator relu();
+enum MLInterpolationMode {
+  "nearest-neighbor",
+  "linear"
+dictionary MLResampleOptions {
+  MLInterpolationMode mode = "nearest-neighbor";
+  sequence<float> scales;
+  sequence<long> sizes;
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand resample(MLOperand input, optional MLResampleOptions options = {});
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand reshape(MLOperand input, sequence<long> newShape);
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand sigmoid(MLOperand x);
+  MLOperator sigmoid();
+dictionary MLSliceOptions {
+  sequence<long> axes;
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand slice(MLOperand input, sequence<long> starts, sequence<long> sizes,
+                optional MLSliceOptions options = {});
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand softmax(MLOperand x);
+dictionary MLSoftplusOptions {
+  float steepness = 1;
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand softplus(MLOperand x, optional MLSoftplusOptions options = {});
+  MLOperator softplus(optional MLSoftplusOptions options = {});
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand softsign(MLOperand x);
+  MLOperator softsign();
+dictionary MLSplitOptions {
+  long axis = 0;
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  sequence<MLOperand> split(MLOperand input,
+                          (unsigned long or sequence<unsigned long>) splits,
+                          optional MLSplitOptions options = {});
+dictionary MLSqueezeOptions {
+  sequence<long> axes;
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand squeeze(MLOperand input, optional MLSqueezeOptions options = {});
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand tanh(MLOperand x);
+  MLOperator tanh();
+dictionary MLTransposeOptions {
+  sequence<long> permutation;
+partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
+  MLOperand transpose(MLOperand input, optional MLTransposeOptions options = {});
+typedef (MLBufferView or WebGLTexture or GPUTexture) MLResource;
+dictionary MLInput {
+  required MLResource resource;
+  required sequence<long> dimensions;
+typedef record<DOMString, (MLResource or MLInput)> MLNamedInputs;
+typedef record<DOMString, MLResource> MLNamedOutputs;
+[SecureContext, Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker)]
+interface MLGraph {
+  undefined compute(MLNamedInputs inputs, MLNamedOutputs outputs);
diff --git a/interfaces/webrtc-encoded-transform.idl b/interfaces/webrtc-encoded-transform.idl
index 2ceb935..0026232 100644
--- a/interfaces/webrtc-encoded-transform.idl
+++ b/interfaces/webrtc-encoded-transform.idl
@@ -36,9 +36,31 @@
 interface SFrameTransform {
     constructor(optional SFrameTransformOptions options = {});
     Promise<undefined> setEncryptionKey(CryptoKey key, optional CryptoKeyID keyID);
+    attribute EventHandler onerror;
 SFrameTransform includes GenericTransformStream;
+enum SFrameTransformErrorEventType {
+    "authentication",
+    "keyID",
+    "syntax"
+interface SFrameTransformErrorEvent : Event {
+    constructor(DOMString type, SFrameTransformErrorEventInit eventInitDict);
+    readonly attribute SFrameTransformErrorEventType errorType;
+    readonly attribute CryptoKeyID? keyID;
+    readonly attribute any frame;
+dictionary SFrameTransformErrorEventInit : EventInit {
+    required SFrameTransformErrorEventType errorType;
+    required any frame;
+    CryptoKeyID? keyID;
 // New enum for video frame types. Will eventually re-use the equivalent defined
 // by WebCodecs.
 enum RTCEncodedVideoFrameType {
diff --git a/interfaces/webrtc-identity.idl b/interfaces/webrtc-identity.idl
index d7a40b0..3b8e264 100644
--- a/interfaces/webrtc-identity.idl
+++ b/interfaces/webrtc-identity.idl
@@ -3,15 +3,14 @@
 // (
 // Source: Identity for WebRTC 1.0 (
- Exposed=RTCIdentityProviderGlobalScope]
+[Global, Exposed=RTCIdentityProviderGlobalScope]
 interface RTCIdentityProviderGlobalScope : WorkerGlobalScope {
-    readonly attribute RTCIdentityProviderRegistrar rtcIdentityProvider;
+    readonly        attribute RTCIdentityProviderRegistrar rtcIdentityProvider;
 interface RTCIdentityProviderRegistrar {
-    undefined register(RTCIdentityProvider idp);
+    undefined register (RTCIdentityProvider idp);
 dictionary RTCIdentityProvider {
@@ -19,12 +18,11 @@
     required ValidateAssertionCallback validateAssertion;
-callback GenerateAssertionCallback = Promise<RTCIdentityAssertionResult> (DOMString contents,
-DOMString origin,
-RTCIdentityProviderOptions options);
+callback GenerateAssertionCallback = Promise<RTCIdentityAssertionResult>
+(DOMString contents, DOMString origin, RTCIdentityProviderOptions options);
-callback ValidateAssertionCallback = Promise<RTCIdentityValidationResult> (DOMString assertion,
-DOMString origin);
+callback ValidateAssertionCallback = Promise<RTCIdentityValidationResult>
+(DOMString assertion, DOMString origin);
 dictionary RTCIdentityAssertionResult {
     required RTCIdentityProviderDetails idp;
@@ -50,7 +48,7 @@
 partial dictionary RTCConfiguration {
-    DOMString peerIdentity;
+  DOMString peerIdentity;
 dictionary RTCIdentityProviderOptions {
diff --git a/interfaces/webtransport.idl b/interfaces/webtransport.idl
index 4862bef..ce9abde 100644
--- a/interfaces/webtransport.idl
+++ b/interfaces/webtransport.idl
@@ -3,57 +3,46 @@
 // (
 // Source: WebTransport (
-interface mixin UnidirectionalStreamsTransport {
-  Promise<SendStream> createUnidirectionalStream(optional SendStreamParameters parameters = {});
-  /* a ReadableStream of ReceiveStream objects */
-  readonly attribute ReadableStream incomingUnidirectionalStreams;
-dictionary SendStreamParameters {
-interface DatagramDuplexStream {
+[Exposed=(Window,Worker), SecureContext]
+interface WebTransportDatagramDuplexStream {
   readonly attribute ReadableStream readable;
   readonly attribute WritableStream writable;
+  readonly attribute unsigned long maxDatagramSize;
+  attribute double? incomingMaxAge;
+  attribute double? outgoingMaxAge;
+  attribute long incomingHighWaterMark;
+  attribute long outgoingHighWaterMark;
+[Exposed=(Window,Worker), SecureContext]
 interface WebTransport {
   constructor(USVString url, optional WebTransportOptions options = {});
   Promise<WebTransportStats> getStats();
-  readonly attribute WebTransportState state;
   readonly attribute Promise<undefined> ready;
   readonly attribute Promise<WebTransportCloseInfo> closed;
   undefined close(optional WebTransportCloseInfo closeInfo = {});
-  attribute EventHandler onstatechange;
-  readonly attribute unsigned short maxDatagramSize;
-  readonly attribute DatagramDuplexStream datagrams;
+  readonly attribute WebTransportDatagramDuplexStream datagrams;
-  Promise<BidirectionalStream> createBidirectionalStream();
-  /* a ReadableStream of BidirectionalStream objects */
+  Promise<WebTransportBidirectionalStream> createBidirectionalStream();
+  /* a ReadableStream of WebTransportBidirectionalStream objects */
   readonly attribute ReadableStream incomingBidirectionalStreams;
-WebTransport includes UnidirectionalStreamsTransport;
+  Promise<WritableStream> createUnidirectionalStream();
+  /* a ReadableStream of ReceiveStreams */
+  readonly attribute ReadableStream incomingUnidirectionalStreams;
 dictionary WebTransportOptions {
   boolean allowPooling;
   sequence<RTCDtlsFingerprint> serverCertificateFingerprints;
-enum WebTransportState {
-  "connecting",
-  "connected",
-  "closed",
-  "failed"
 dictionary WebTransportCloseInfo {
-  unsigned long long errorCode = 0;
-  DOMString reason = "";
+  unsigned long errorCode;
+  DOMString reason;
 dictionary WebTransportStats {
@@ -68,23 +57,26 @@
   unsigned long numReceivedDatagramsDropped;
-[ Exposed=(Window,Worker) ]
-interface SendStream : WritableStream /* of Uint8Array */ {
-  readonly attribute Promise<StreamAbortInfo> remoteCanceled;
-  undefined reset(optional StreamAbortInfo abortInfo = {});
+[Exposed=(Window,Worker), SecureContext]
+interface WebTransportBidirectionalStream {
+  readonly attribute ReadableStream readable;
+  readonly attribute WritableStream writable;
-dictionary StreamAbortInfo {
-  [EnforceRange] octet errorCode = 0;
+[Exposed=(Window,Worker), SecureContext]
+interface WebTransportError : DOMException {
+  constructor(optional WebTransportErrorInit init = {});
+  readonly attribute WebTransportErrorSource source;
+  readonly attribute octet? streamErrorCode;
-[ Exposed=(Window,Worker) ]
-interface ReceiveStream : ReadableStream /* of Uint8Array */ {
-  readonly attribute Promise<StreamAbortInfo> remoteReset;
+dictionary WebTransportErrorInit {
+  [Clamp] octet streamErrorCode;
+  DOMString message;
-[ Exposed=(Window,Worker) ]
-interface BidirectionalStream {
-  readonly attribute ReceiveStream readable;
-  readonly attribute SendStream writable;
+enum WebTransportErrorSource {
+  "stream",
+  "session",
diff --git a/interfaces/depth-sensing.idl b/interfaces/webxr-depth-sensing.idl
similarity index 100%
rename from interfaces/depth-sensing.idl
rename to interfaces/webxr-depth-sensing.idl
diff --git a/interfaces/webxr-hand-input.idl b/interfaces/webxr-hand-input.idl
index e89210c..9a11277 100644
--- a/interfaces/webxr-hand-input.idl
+++ b/interfaces/webxr-hand-input.idl
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 // Source: WebXR Hand Input Module - Level 1 (
 partial interface XRInputSource {
-   readonly attribute XRHand? hand;
+   [SameObject] readonly attribute XRHand? hand;
 enum XRHandJoint {
diff --git a/interfaces/webxr.idl b/interfaces/webxr.idl
index 3e5b432..14eaebb 100644
--- a/interfaces/webxr.idl
+++ b/interfaces/webxr.idl
@@ -36,11 +36,14 @@
 [SecureContext, Exposed=Window] interface XRSession : EventTarget {
   // Attributes
   readonly attribute XRVisibilityState visibilityState;
+  readonly attribute float? frameRate;
+  readonly attribute Float32Array? supportedFrameRates;
   [SameObject] readonly attribute XRRenderState renderState;
   [SameObject] readonly attribute XRInputSourceArray inputSources;
   // Methods
   undefined updateRenderState(optional XRRenderStateInit state = {});
+  Promise<undefined> updateTargetFrameRate(float rate);
   [NewObject] Promise<XRReferenceSpace> requestReferenceSpace(XRReferenceSpaceType type);
   unsigned long requestAnimationFrame(XRFrameRequestCallback callback);
@@ -58,6 +61,7 @@
   attribute EventHandler onsqueezestart;
   attribute EventHandler onsqueezeend;
   attribute EventHandler onvisibilitychange;
+  attribute EventHandler onframeratechange;
 dictionary XRRenderStateInit {