blob: 9dc80d812178a49e47595e73ee096b00ccc6e813 [file] [log] [blame]
# mypy: allow-untyped-defs
import asyncio
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Awaitable, Callable, List, Optional, Mapping, MutableMapping
from urllib.parse import urljoin, urlparse
from . import modules
from .error import from_error_details
from .transport import get_running_loop, Transport
class BidiSession:
"""A WebDriver BiDi session.
This is the main representation of a BiDi session and provides the
interface for running commands in the session, and for attaching
event handlers to the session. For example:
async def on_log(method, data):
session = BidiSession("ws://localhost:4445", capabilities)
remove_listener = session.add_event_listener("log.entryAdded", on_log)
await session.start()
await session.subscribe("log.entryAdded")
# Do some stuff with the session
If the session id is provided it's assumed that the underlying
WebDriver session was already created, and the WebSocket URL was
taken from the new session response. If no session id is provided, it's
assumed that a BiDi-only session should be created when start() is called.
It can also be used as a context manager, with the WebSocket transport
implictly being created when the context is entered, and closed when
the context is exited.
:param websocket_url: WebSockets URL on which to connect to the session.
This excludes any path component.
:param session_id: String id of existing HTTP session
:param capabilities: Capabilities response of existing session
:param requested_capabilities: Dictionary representing the capabilities request.
def __init__(self,
websocket_url: str,
session_id: Optional[str] = None,
capabilities: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None,
requested_capabilities: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None):
self.transport: Optional[Transport] = None
# The full URL for a websocket looks like
# ws://<host>:<port>/session when we're creating a session and
# ws://<host>:<port>/session/<sessionid> when we're connecting to an existing session.
# To be user friendly, handle the case where the class was created with either a
# full URL including the path, and also the case where just a server url is passed in.
parsed_url = urlparse(websocket_url)
if parsed_url.path == "" or parsed_url.path == "/":
if session_id is None:
websocket_url = urljoin(websocket_url, "session")
websocket_url = urljoin(websocket_url, f"session/{session_id}")
if session_id is not None:
if parsed_url.path != f"/session/{session_id}":
raise ValueError(f"WebSocket URL {session_id} doesn't match session id")
if parsed_url.path != "/session":
raise ValueError(f"WebSocket URL {session_id} doesn't match session url")
if session_id is None and capabilities is not None:
raise ValueError("Tried to create BiDi-only session with existing capabilities")
self.websocket_url = websocket_url
self.requested_capabilities = requested_capabilities
self.capabilities = capabilities
self.session_id = session_id
self.command_id = 0
self.pending_commands: MutableMapping[int, "asyncio.Future[Any]"] = {}
self.event_listeners: MutableMapping[
List[Callable[[str, Mapping[str, Any]], Any]]
] = defaultdict(list)
# Modules.
# For each module, have a property representing that module
self.session = modules.Session(self)
self.browsing_context = modules.BrowsingContext(self)
self.script = modules.Script(self)
def event_loop(self):
if self.transport:
return self.transport.loop
return None
def from_http(cls,
session_id: str,
capabilities: Mapping[str, Any]) -> "BidiSession":
"""Create a BiDi session from an existing HTTP session
:param session_id: String id of the session
:param capabilities: Capabilities returned in the New Session HTTP response."""
websocket_url = capabilities.get("webSocketUrl")
if websocket_url is None:
raise ValueError("No webSocketUrl found in capabilities")
if not isinstance(websocket_url, str):
raise ValueError("webSocketUrl is not a string")
return cls(websocket_url, session_id=session_id, capabilities=capabilities)
def bidi_only(cls,
websocket_url: str,
requested_capabilities: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None) -> "BidiSession":
"""Create a BiDi session where there is no existing HTTP session
:param webdocket_url: URL to the WebSocket server listening for BiDi connections
:param requested_capabilities: Capabilities request for establishing the session."""
return cls(websocket_url, requested_capabilities=requested_capabilities)
async def __aenter__(self) -> "BidiSession":
await self.start()
return self
async def __aexit__(self, *args: Any) -> None:
await self.end()
async def start(self,
loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None) -> None:
"""Connect to the WebDriver BiDi remote via WebSockets"""
if loop is None:
loop = get_running_loop()
self.transport = Transport(self.websocket_url, self.on_message, loop=loop)
await self.transport.start()
if self.session_id is None:
self.session_id, self.capabilities = await
async def send_command(
method: str,
params: Mapping[str, Any]
) -> Awaitable[Mapping[str, Any]]:
"""Send a command to the remote server"""
# this isn't threadsafe
self.command_id += 1
command_id = self.command_id
body = {
"id": command_id,
"method": method,
"params": params
assert command_id not in self.pending_commands
assert self.transport is not None
self.pending_commands[command_id] = self.transport.loop.create_future()
await self.transport.send(body)
return self.pending_commands[command_id]
async def on_message(self, data: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None:
"""Handle a message from the remote server"""
if "id" in data:
# This is a command response or error
future = self.pending_commands.get(data["id"])
if future is None:
raise ValueError(f"No pending command with id {data['id']}")
if "result" in data:
elif "error" in data and "message" in data:
assert isinstance(data["error"], str)
assert isinstance(data["message"], str)
exception = from_error_details(data["error"],
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected message: {data!r}")
elif "method" in data and "params" in data:
# This is an event
method = data["method"]
params = data["params"]
listeners = self.event_listeners.get(method, [])
if not listeners:
listeners = self.event_listeners.get(None, [])
for listener in listeners:
await listener(method, params)
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected message: {data!r}")
async def end(self) -> None:
"""Close websocket connection."""
assert self.transport is not None
await self.transport.end()
self.transport = None
def add_event_listener(
name: Optional[str],
fn: Callable[[str, Mapping[str, Any]], Awaitable[Any]]
) -> Callable[[], None]:
"""Add a listener for the event with a given name.
If name is None, the listener is called for all messages that are not otherwise
:param name: Name of event to listen for or None to register a default handler
:param fn: Async callback function that receives event data
:return: Function to remove the added listener
return lambda: self.event_listeners[name].remove(fn)