blob: 82a6aebcdb17dda71925a1398a890e2b89e0d8ec [file] [log] [blame]
# mypy: allow-untyped-defs
from .base import RefTestExecutor, RefTestImplementation, CrashtestExecutor, TestharnessExecutor
from .executorchrome import make_sanitizer_mixin
from .protocol import Protocol, ProtocolPart
from time import time
from queue import Empty
from base64 import b64encode
import json
class CrashError(BaseException):
class LeakError(BaseException):
def _read_line(io_queue, deadline=None, encoding=None, errors="strict", raise_crash_leak=True):
"""Reads a single line from the io queue. The read must succeed before `deadline` or
a TimeoutError is raised. The line is returned as a bytestring or optionally with the
specified `encoding`. If `raise_crash_leak` is set, a CrashError is raised if the line
happens to be a crash message, or a LeakError is raised if the line happens to be a
leak message.
current_time = time()
if deadline and current_time > deadline:
raise TimeoutError()
line = io_queue.get(True, deadline - current_time if deadline else None)
if raise_crash_leak and line.startswith(b"#CRASHED"):
raise CrashError()
if raise_crash_leak and line.startswith(b"#LEAK"):
raise LeakError()
except Empty as e:
raise TimeoutError() from e
return line.decode(encoding, errors) if encoding else line
class ContentShellTestPart(ProtocolPart):
"""This protocol part is responsible for running tests via content_shell's protocol mode.
For more details, see:
name = "content_shell_test"
eof_marker = '#EOF\n' # Marker sent by content_shell after blocks.
def __init__(self, parent):
self.stdout_queue = parent.browser.stdout_queue
self.stdin_queue = parent.browser.stdin_queue
def do_test(self, command, timeout=None):
"""Send a command to content_shell and return the resulting outputs.
A command consists of a URL to navigate to, followed by an optional
expected image hash and 'print' mode specifier. The syntax looks like:
deadline = time() + timeout if timeout else None
# The first block can also contain audio data but not in WPT.
text = self._read_block(deadline)
image = self._read_block(deadline)
return text, image
def _send_command(self, command):
"""Sends a single `command`, i.e. a URL to open, to content_shell.
self.stdin_queue.put((command + "\n").encode("utf-8"))
def _read_block(self, deadline=None):
"""Tries to read a single block of content from stdout before the `deadline`.
while True:
line = _read_line(self.stdout_queue, deadline, "latin-1").rstrip()
if line == "Content-Type: text/plain":
return self._read_text_block(deadline)
if line == "Content-Type: image/png":
return self._read_image_block(deadline)
if line == "#EOF":
return None
def _read_text_block(self, deadline=None):
"""Tries to read a plain text block in utf-8 encoding before the `deadline`.
result = ""
while True:
line = _read_line(self.stdout_queue, deadline, "utf-8", "replace", False)
if line.endswith(self.eof_marker):
result += line[:-len(self.eof_marker)]
elif line.endswith('#EOF\r\n'):
result += line[:-len('#EOF\r\n')]
self.logger.warning('Got a CRLF-terminated #EOF - this is a driver bug.')
result += line
return result
def _read_image_block(self, deadline=None):
"""Tries to read an image block (as a binary png) before the `deadline`.
content_length_line = _read_line(self.stdout_queue, deadline, "utf-8")
assert content_length_line.startswith("Content-Length:")
content_length = int(content_length_line[15:])
result = bytearray()
while True:
line = _read_line(self.stdout_queue, deadline, raise_crash_leak=False)
excess = len(line) + len(result) - content_length
if excess > 0:
# This is the line that contains the EOF marker.
assert excess == len(self.eof_marker)
result += line[:-excess]
result += line
return result
class ContentShellErrorsPart(ProtocolPart):
"""This protocol part is responsible for collecting the errors reported by content_shell.
name = "content_shell_errors"
def __init__(self, parent):
self.stderr_queue = parent.browser.stderr_queue
def read_errors(self):
"""Reads the entire content of the stderr queue as is available right now (no blocking).
result = ""
while not self.stderr_queue.empty():
# There is no potential for race conditions here because this is the only place
# where we read from the stderr queue.
result += _read_line(self.stderr_queue, None, "utf-8", "replace", False)
return result
class ContentShellBasePart(ProtocolPart):
"""This protocol part provides functionality common to all executors.
In particular, this protocol part implements `wait()`, which, when
`--pause-after-test` is enabled, test runners block on until the next test
should run.
name = "base"
def __init__(self, parent):
self.io_stopped = parent.browser.io_stopped
def wait(self):
# This worker is unpaused when the browser window is closed, which this
# `multiprocessing.Event` signals.
# Never rerun the test.
return False
class ContentShellProtocol(Protocol):
implements = [
init_timeout = 10 # Timeout (seconds) to wait for #READY message.
def connect(self):
"""Waits for content_shell to emit its "#READY" message which signals that it is fully
initialized. We wait for a maximum of self.init_timeout seconds.
deadline = time() + self.init_timeout
while True:
if _read_line(self.browser.stdout_queue, deadline).rstrip() == b"#READY":
def after_connect(self):
def teardown(self):
# Close the queue properly to avoid broken pipe spam in the log.
def is_alive(self):
"""Checks if content_shell is alive by determining if the IO pipes are still
open. This does not guarantee that the process is responsive.
return self.browser.io_stopped.is_set()
def _convert_exception(test, exception, errors):
"""Converts our TimeoutError and CrashError exceptions into test results.
if isinstance(exception, TimeoutError):
return (test.make_result("EXTERNAL-TIMEOUT", errors), [])
if isinstance(exception, CrashError):
return (test.make_result("CRASH", errors), [])
if isinstance(exception, LeakError):
# TODO: the internal error is to force a restart, but it doesn't correctly
# describe what the issue is. Need to find a way to return a "FAIL",
# and restart the content_shell after the test run.
return (test.make_result("INTERNAL-ERROR", errors), [])
raise exception
def timeout_for_test(executor, test):
if executor.debug_info and executor.debug_info.interactive:
return None
return test.timeout * executor.timeout_multiplier
class ContentShellCrashtestExecutor(CrashtestExecutor):
def __init__(self, logger, browser, server_config, timeout_multiplier=1, debug_info=None,
super().__init__(logger, browser, server_config, timeout_multiplier, debug_info, **kwargs)
self.protocol = ContentShellProtocol(self, browser)
def do_test(self, test):
_ = self.protocol.content_shell_test.do_test(self.test_url(test),
timeout_for_test(self, test))
return self.convert_result(test, {"status": "PASS", "message": None})
except BaseException as exception:
return _convert_exception(test, exception, self.protocol.content_shell_errors.read_errors())
_SanitizerMixin = make_sanitizer_mixin(ContentShellCrashtestExecutor)
class ContentShellRefTestExecutor(RefTestExecutor, _SanitizerMixin): # type: ignore
def __init__(self, logger, browser, server_config, timeout_multiplier=1, screenshot_cache=None,
debug_info=None, reftest_screenshot="unexpected", **kwargs):
super().__init__(logger, browser, server_config, timeout_multiplier, screenshot_cache,
debug_info, reftest_screenshot, **kwargs)
self.implementation = RefTestImplementation(self)
self.protocol = ContentShellProtocol(self, browser)
def reset(self):
def do_test(self, test):
result = self.implementation.run_test(test)
return self.convert_result(test, result)
except BaseException as exception:
return _convert_exception(test, exception, self.protocol.content_shell_errors.read_errors())
def screenshot(self, test, viewport_size, dpi, page_ranges):
# Currently, the page size and DPI are hardcoded for print-reftests:
# Content shell has an internal `window.testRunner.setPrintingSize(...)`
# API, but it's not callable with protocol mode.
assert dpi is None
command = self.test_url(test)
if self.is_print:
# Currently, `content_shell` uses the expected image hash to avoid
# dumping a matching image as an optimization. In Chromium, the
# hash can be computed from an expected screenshot checked into the
# source tree (i.e., without looking at a reference). This is not
# possible in `wpt`, so pass an empty hash here to force a dump.
command += "''print"
_, image = self.protocol.content_shell_test.do_test(command,
timeout_for_test(self, test))
if not image:
return False, ("ERROR", self.protocol.content_shell_errors.read_errors())
return True, b64encode(image).decode()
class ContentShellPrintRefTestExecutor(ContentShellRefTestExecutor):
is_print = True
class ContentShellTestharnessExecutor(TestharnessExecutor, _SanitizerMixin): # type: ignore
# Chromium's `testdriver-vendor.js` partially implements testdriver support
# with internal APIs [1].
# [1]:
supports_testdriver = True
def __init__(self, logger, browser, server_config, timeout_multiplier=1, debug_info=None,
super().__init__(logger, browser, server_config, timeout_multiplier, debug_info, **kwargs)
self.protocol = ContentShellProtocol(self, browser)
def do_test(self, test):
text, _ = self.protocol.content_shell_test.do_test(self.test_url(test),
timeout_for_test(self, test))
errors = self.protocol.content_shell_errors.read_errors()
if not text:
return (test.make_result("ERROR", errors), [])
result_url, status, message, stack, subtest_results = json.loads(text)
if result_url != test.url:
# Suppress `convert_result`'s URL validation.
# See `testharnessreport-content-shell.js` for details.
self.logger.warning('Got results from %s, expected %s' % (result_url, test.url))
self.logger.warning('URL mismatch may be a false positive '
'if the test navigates')
result_url = test.url
raw_result = result_url, status, message, stack, subtest_results
return self.convert_result(test, raw_result)
except BaseException as exception:
return _convert_exception(test, exception, self.protocol.content_shell_errors.read_errors())