IDB: Extend some WPTs to cover workers in addition to window.

web_tests/external/wpt/IndexedDB/ Tests currently only verify in window
environment. Extend tests to cover dedicated, shared & service workers.
Tests related to idbindex_getKey.htm have been extended and
consolidated into one file.
Additionally, file idbindex_getAll.htm has also been extended and
previously extended idbindex_get files have also been consolidated into
one file.

Bug: 41455766
Change-Id: I542b22d318e76efe2ff7a62e875ece2f940b0237
Reviewed-by: Evan Stade <>
Reviewed-by: Ayu Ishii <>
Commit-Queue: Sneha Agarwal <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#1267478}
diff --git a/IndexedDB/idbindex_get.any.js b/IndexedDB/idbindex_get.any.js
index 601d41d..0da228f 100644
--- a/IndexedDB/idbindex_get.any.js
+++ b/IndexedDB/idbindex_get.any.js
@@ -1,32 +1,190 @@
 // META: global=window,worker
-// META: title=IDBIndex.get() - returns the record
+// META: title=IDBIndex.get()
 // META: script=resources/support.js
 // @author Microsoft <>
+// @author Intel <>
-let db;
-let index;
-const t = async_test(),
-    record = { key: 1, indexedProperty: "data" };
+async_test(t => {
+  let db;
+  let index;
+  const record = { key: 1, indexedProperty: "data" };
-const open_rq = createdb(t);
-open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
+  const open_rq = createdb(t);
+  open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
     db =;
     const objStore = db.createObjectStore("store", { keyPath: "key" });
     index = objStore.createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
+  };
-open_rq.onsuccess = function(e) {
-    const rq = db.transaction("store", "readonly", {durability: 'relaxed'})
-                .objectStore("store")
-                .index("index")
-                .get(record.indexedProperty);
+  open_rq.onsuccess = function(e) {
+    const rq = db.transaction("store", "readonly", { durability: 'relaxed' })
+      .objectStore("store")
+      .index("index")
+      .get(record.indexedProperty);
     rq.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(e) {
-        assert_equals(, record.key);
-        t.done();
+      assert_equals(, record.key);
+      t.done();
+  };
+}, 'get() returns the record');
+async_test(t => {
+  let db;
+  const records = [
+    { key: 1, indexedProperty: "data" },
+    { key: 2, indexedProperty: "data" },
+    { key: 3, indexedProperty: "data" }
+  ];
+  const open_rq = createdb(t);
+  open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
+    db =;
+    const objStore = db.createObjectStore("test", { keyPath: "key" });
+    objStore.createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
+    for (let i = 0; i < records.length; i++)
+      objStore.add(records[i]);
+  };
+  open_rq.onsuccess = function(e) {
+    const rq = db.transaction("test", "readonly", { durability: 'relaxed' })
+      .objectStore("test")
+      .index("index")
+      .get("data");
+    rq.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(e) {
+      assert_equals(, records[0].key);
+      t.done();
+    });
+  };
+}, 'get() returns the record where the index contains duplicate values');
+async_test(t => {
+  let db;
+  const open_rq = createdb(t);
+  open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
+    db =;
+    const rq = db.createObjectStore("test", { keyPath: "key" })
+      .createIndex("index", "indexedProperty")
+      .get(1);
+    rq.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(e) {
+      assert_equals(, undefined);
+      t.done();
+    });
+  };
+}, 'get() attempts to retrieve a record that does not exist');
+async_test(t => {
+  let db;
+  const open_rq = createdb(t);
+  open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
+    db =;
+    const store = db.createObjectStore("store", { keyPath: "key" });
+    store.createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
+    for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+      store.add({ key: i, indexedProperty: "data" + i });
+    }
+  };
+  open_rq.onsuccess = function(e) {
+    const rq = db.transaction("store", "readonly", { durability: 'relaxed' })
+      .objectStore("store")
+      .index("index")
+      .get(IDBKeyRange.bound('data4', 'data7'));
+    rq.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(e) {
+      assert_equals(, 4);
+      assert_equals(, 'data4');
+      step_timeout(function () { t.done(); }, 4);
+    });
+  };
+}, 'get() returns the record with the first key in the range');
+async_test(t => {
+  let db;
+  const open_rq = createdb(t);
+  open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
+    db =;
+    const index = db.createObjectStore("test", { keyPath: "key" })
+      .createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
+    assert_throws_dom("DataError", function () {
+      index.get(NaN);
+    });
+    t.done();
+  };
+}, 'get() throws DataError when using invalid key');
+async_test(t => {
+  let db;
+  const open_rq = createdb(t);
+  open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
+    db =;
+    const store = db.createObjectStore("store", { keyPath: "key" });
+    const index = store.createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
+    store.add({ key: 1, indexedProperty: "data" });
+    store.deleteIndex("index");
+    assert_throws_dom("InvalidStateError", function () {
+      index.get("data");
+    });
+    t.done();
+  };
+}, 'get() throws InvalidStateError when the index is deleted');
+async_test(t => {
+  let db;
+  const open_rq = createdb(t);
+  open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
+    db =;
+    const store = db.createObjectStore("store", { keyPath: "key" });
+    const index = store.createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
+    store.add({ key: 1, indexedProperty: "data" });
+  };
+  open_rq.onsuccess = function(e) {
+    db =;
+    const tx = db.transaction('store', 'readonly', { durability: 'relaxed' });
+    const index = tx.objectStore('store').index('index');
+    tx.abort();
+    assert_throws_dom("TransactionInactiveError", function () {
+      index.get("data");
+    });
+    t.done();
+  };
+}, 'get() throws TransactionInactiveError on aborted transaction');
+async_test(t => {
+  let db;
+  const open_rq = createdb(t);
+  open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
+    db =;
+    const store = db.createObjectStore("store", { keyPath: "key" });
+    const index = store.createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
+    store.add({ key: 1, indexedProperty: "data" });
+    assert_throws_dom("InvalidStateError", function () {
+      index.get("data");
+    });
+    t.done();
+  };
+}, 'get() throws InvalidStateError on index deleted by aborted upgrade');
diff --git a/IndexedDB/idbindex_get2.any.js b/IndexedDB/idbindex_get2.any.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6790a60..0000000
--- a/IndexedDB/idbindex_get2.any.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-// META: global=window,worker
-// META: title=IDBIndex.get() - returns the record where the index contains duplicate values
-// META: script=resources/support.js
-// @author Microsoft <>
-let db;
-const t = async_test();
-const records = [ { key:1, indexedProperty:"data" },
-                { key:2, indexedProperty:"data" },
-                { key:3, indexedProperty:"data" } ];
-const open_rq = createdb(t);
-open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
-    db =;
-    const objStore = db.createObjectStore("test", { keyPath: "key" });
-    objStore.createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
-    for (let i = 0; i < records.length; i++)
-        objStore.add(records[i]);
-open_rq.onsuccess = function(e) {
-    const rq = db.transaction("test", "readonly", {durability: 'relaxed'})
-                .objectStore("test")
-                .index("index")
-                .get("data");
-    rq.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(e) {
-        assert_equals(, records[0].key);
-        t.done();
-    });
diff --git a/IndexedDB/idbindex_get3.any.js b/IndexedDB/idbindex_get3.any.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 673621b..0000000
--- a/IndexedDB/idbindex_get3.any.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-// META: global=window,worker
-// META: title=IDBIndex.get() - attempt to retrieve a record that doesn't exist
-// META: script=resources/support.js
-// @author Microsoft <>
-let db;
-const t = async_test();
-const open_rq = createdb(t);
-open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
-    db =;
-    const rq = db.createObjectStore("test", { keyPath: "key" })
-                .createIndex("index", "indexedProperty")
-                .get(1);
-    rq.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(e) {
-        assert_equals(, undefined);
-        t.done();
-    });
diff --git a/IndexedDB/idbindex_get4.any.js b/IndexedDB/idbindex_get4.any.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 096a29e..0000000
--- a/IndexedDB/idbindex_get4.any.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-// META: global=window,worker
-// META: title=IDBIndex.get() - returns the record with the first key in the range
-// META: script=resources/support.js
-// @author Microsoft <>
-let db;
-const t = async_test();
-const open_rq = createdb(t);
-open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
-    db =;
-    const store = db.createObjectStore("store", { keyPath: "key" });
-    store.createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
-    for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-        store.add({ key: i, indexedProperty: "data" + i });
-    }
-open_rq.onsuccess = function(e) {
-    const rq = db.transaction("store", "readonly", {durability: 'relaxed'})
-                .objectStore("store")
-                .index("index")
-                .get(IDBKeyRange.bound('data4', 'data7'));
-    rq.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(e) {
-        assert_equals(, 4);
-        assert_equals(, 'data4');
-        step_timeout(function() { t.done(); }, 4);
-    });
diff --git a/IndexedDB/idbindex_get5.any.js b/IndexedDB/idbindex_get5.any.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d99dfdc..0000000
--- a/IndexedDB/idbindex_get5.any.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-// META: global=window,worker
-// META: title=IDBIndex.get() - throw DataError when using invalid key
-// META: script=resources/support.js
-// @author Intel <>
-let db;
-const t = async_test();
-const open_rq = createdb(t);
-open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
-    db =;
-    const index = db.createObjectStore("test", { keyPath: "key" })
-                    .createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
-    assert_throws_dom("DataError",function(){
-        index.get(NaN);
-    });
-    t.done();
diff --git a/IndexedDB/idbindex_get6.any.js b/IndexedDB/idbindex_get6.any.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cbbe16..0000000
--- a/IndexedDB/idbindex_get6.any.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-// META: global=window,worker
-// META: title=IDBIndex.get() - throw InvalidStateError when the index is deleted
-// META: script=resources/support.js
-// @author Intel <>
-let db;
-const t = async_test();
-const open_rq = createdb(t);
-open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
-    db =;
-    const store = db.createObjectStore("store", { keyPath: "key" });
-    const index = store.createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
-    store.add({ key: 1, indexedProperty: "data" });
-    store.deleteIndex("index");
-    assert_throws_dom("InvalidStateError", function(){
-        index.get("data");
-    });
-    t.done();
diff --git a/IndexedDB/idbindex_get7.any.js b/IndexedDB/idbindex_get7.any.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 35c8cc8..0000000
--- a/IndexedDB/idbindex_get7.any.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-// META: global=window,worker
-// META: title=IDBIndex.get() - throw TransactionInactiveError on aborted transaction
-// META: script=resources/support.js
-// @author Intel <>
-let db;
-const t = async_test();
-const open_rq = createdb(t);
-open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
-    db =;
-    const store = db.createObjectStore("store", { keyPath: "key" });
-    const index = store.createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
-    store.add({ key: 1, indexedProperty: "data" });
-open_rq.onsuccess = function(e) {
-    db =;
-    const tx = db.transaction('store', 'readonly', {durability: 'relaxed'});
-    const index = tx.objectStore('store').index('index');
-    tx.abort();
-    assert_throws_dom("TransactionInactiveError", function(){
-        index.get("data");
-    });
-    t.done();
diff --git a/IndexedDB/idbindex_get8.any.js b/IndexedDB/idbindex_get8.any.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d6183c1..0000000
--- a/IndexedDB/idbindex_get8.any.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-// META: global=window,worker
-// META: title=IDBIndex.get() - throw InvalidStateError on index deleted by aborted upgrade
-// META: script=resources/support.js
-let db;
-const t = async_test();
-const open_rq = createdb(t);
-open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
-    db =;
-    const store = db.createObjectStore("store", { keyPath: "key" });
-    const index = store.createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
-    store.add({ key: 1, indexedProperty: "data" });
-    assert_throws_dom("InvalidStateError", function(){
-        index.get("data");
-    });
-    t.done();
diff --git a/IndexedDB/idbindex_getAll.html b/IndexedDB/idbindex_getAll.any.js
similarity index 77%
rename from IndexedDB/idbindex_getAll.html
rename to IndexedDB/idbindex_getAll.any.js
index bd2a021..36b4c02 100644
--- a/IndexedDB/idbindex_getAll.html
+++ b/IndexedDB/idbindex_getAll.any.js
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<title>IndexedDB: Test IDBIndex.getAll.</title>
-<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
-<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
-<script src="resources/support.js"></script>
-var alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split('');
+// META: global=window,worker
+// META: title=IndexedDB: Test IDBIndex.getAll
+// META: script=resources/support.js
+const alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split('');
 function getall_test(func, name) {
     function(t, connection, tx) {
-      var store = connection.createObjectStore('generated',
+      let store = connection.createObjectStore('generated',
             {autoIncrement: true, keyPath: 'id'});
-      var index = store.createIndex('test_idx', 'upper');
+      let index = store.createIndex('test_idx', 'upper');
       alphabet.forEach(function(letter) {
         store.put({ch: letter, upper: letter.toUpperCase()});
@@ -56,18 +56,18 @@
 function createGetAllRequest(t, storeName, connection, range, maxCount) {
-    var transaction = connection.transaction(storeName, 'readonly');
-    var store = transaction.objectStore(storeName);
-    var index = store.index('test_idx');
-    var req = index.getAll(range, maxCount);
+    const transaction = connection.transaction(storeName, 'readonly');
+    const store = transaction.objectStore(storeName);
+    const index = store.index('test_idx');
+    const req = index.getAll(range, maxCount);
     req.onerror = t.unreached_func('getAll request should succeed');
     return req;
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection, 'C');
+      const req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection, 'C');
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
-          var data =;
+          const data =;
           assert_class_string(data, 'Array', 'result should be an array');
           assert_array_equals( { return; }), ['c']);
           assert_array_equals( { return e.upper; }), ['C']);
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
     }, 'Single item get');
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'empty', connection);
+      const req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'empty', connection);
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
           assert_array_equals(, [],
               'getAll() on empty object store should return an empty array');
@@ -85,9 +85,9 @@
     }, 'Empty object store');
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection);
+      const req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection);
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
-          var data =;
+          const data =;
           assert_class_string(data, 'Array', 'result should be an array');
           assert_array_equals( { return; }), alphabet);
           assert_array_equals( { return e.upper; }), ALPHABET);
@@ -96,10 +96,10 @@
     }, 'Get all keys');
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection, undefined,
+      const req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection, undefined,
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
-          var data =;
+          const data =;
           assert_class_string(data, 'Array', 'result should be an array');
           assert_array_equals( { return; }), 'abcdefghij'.split(''));
           assert_array_equals( { return e.upper; }), 'ABCDEFGHIJ'.split(''));
@@ -108,10 +108,10 @@
     }, 'maxCount=10');
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection,
+      const req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection,
                                     IDBKeyRange.bound('G', 'M'));
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
-          var data =;
+          const data =;
           assert_array_equals( { return; }), 'ghijklm'.split(''));
           assert_array_equals( { return e.upper; }), 'GHIJKLM'.split(''));
@@ -119,10 +119,10 @@
     }, 'Get bound range');
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection,
+      const req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection,
                                     IDBKeyRange.bound('G', 'M'), 3);
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
-          var data =;
+          const data =;
           assert_class_string(data, 'Array', 'result should be an array');
           assert_array_equals( { return; }), 'ghi'.split(''));
           assert_array_equals( { return e.upper; }), 'GHI'.split(''));
@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@
     }, 'Get bound range with maxCount');
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection,
+      const req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection,
           IDBKeyRange.bound('G', 'K', false, true));
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
-          var data =;
+          const data =;
           assert_class_string(data, 'Array', 'result should be an array');
           assert_array_equals( { return; }), 'ghij'.split(''));
           assert_array_equals( { return e.upper; }), 'GHIJ'.split(''));
@@ -143,10 +143,10 @@
     }, 'Get upper excluded');
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection,
+      const req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection,
           IDBKeyRange.bound('G', 'K', true, false));
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
-          var data =;
+          const data =;
           assert_class_string(data, 'Array', 'result should be an array');
           assert_array_equals( { return; }), 'hijk'.split(''));
           assert_array_equals( { return e.upper; }), 'HIJK'.split(''));
@@ -155,10 +155,10 @@
     }, 'Get lower excluded');
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'generated',
+      const req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'generated',
           connection, IDBKeyRange.bound(4, 15), 3);
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
-          var data =;
+          const data =;
           assert_equals(data.length, 0);
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
     }, 'Get bound range (generated) with maxCount');
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'out-of-line',
+      const req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'out-of-line',
           connection, "Doesn't exist");
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
           assert_array_equals(, [],
@@ -177,10 +177,10 @@
     }, 'Non existent key');
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection,
+      const req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection,
           undefined, 0);
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
-          var data =;
+          const data =;
           assert_class_string(data, 'Array', 'result should be an array');
           assert_array_equals( { return; }), alphabet);
           assert_array_equals( { return e.upper; }), ALPHABET);
@@ -189,10 +189,10 @@
     }, 'maxCount=0');
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'out-of-line-not-unique', connection,
+      const req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'out-of-line-not-unique', connection,
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
-          var data =;
+          const data =;
           assert_class_string(data, 'Array', 'result should be an array');
           assert_array_equals( { return; }), 'abcdefghijklm'.split(''));
           assert_true(data.every(function(e) { return e.half === 'first'; }));
@@ -201,10 +201,10 @@
     }, 'Retrieve multiEntry key');
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'out-of-line-multi', connection,
+      const req = createGetAllRequest(t, 'out-of-line-multi', connection,
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
-          var data =;
+          const data =;
           assert_class_string(data, 'Array', 'result should be an array');
           assert_array_equals( { return; }), ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']);
           assert_array_equals(data[0].attribs, ['vowel', 'first']);
@@ -212,5 +212,3 @@
     }, 'Retrieve one key multiple values');
diff --git a/IndexedDB/idbindex_getAllKeys.html b/IndexedDB/idbindex_getAllKeys.any.js
similarity index 78%
rename from IndexedDB/idbindex_getAllKeys.html
rename to IndexedDB/idbindex_getAllKeys.any.js
index 5640bfd..92f3cc1 100644
--- a/IndexedDB/idbindex_getAllKeys.html
+++ b/IndexedDB/idbindex_getAllKeys.any.js
@@ -1,18 +1,17 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<title>IndexedDB: Test IDBIndex.getAllKeys.</title>
-<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
-<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
-<script src="resources/support.js"></script>
+// META: global=window,worker
+// META: title=IndexedDB: Test IDBIndex.getAllKeys.
+// META: script=resources/support.js
-var alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split('');
+const alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split('');
 function getall_test(func, name) {
     function(t, connection, tx) {
-      var store = connection.createObjectStore('generated',
+      let store = connection.createObjectStore('generated',
             {autoIncrement: true, keyPath: 'id'});
-      var index = store.createIndex('test_idx', 'upper');
+      let index = store.createIndex('test_idx', 'upper');
       alphabet.forEach(function(letter) {
         store.put({ch: letter, upper: letter.toUpperCase()});
@@ -47,25 +46,25 @@
 function createGetAllKeysRequest(t, storeName, connection, range, maxCount) {
-    var transaction = connection.transaction(storeName, 'readonly');
-    var store = transaction.objectStore(storeName);
-    var index = store.index('test_idx');
-    var req = index.getAllKeys(range, maxCount);
+    const transaction = connection.transaction(storeName, 'readonly');
+    const store = transaction.objectStore(storeName);
+    const index = store.index('test_idx');
+    const req = index.getAllKeys(range, maxCount);
     req.onerror = t.unreached_func('getAllKeys request should succeed');
     return req;
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection, 'C');
+      const req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection, 'C');
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
-          var data =;
+          const data =;
           assert_array_equals(, ['c']);
     }, 'Single item get');
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'empty', connection);
+      const req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'empty', connection);
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
           assert_array_equals(, [],
               'getAllKeys() on empty object store should return empty array');
@@ -74,7 +73,7 @@
     }, 'Empty object store');
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection);
+      const req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection);
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
           assert_array_equals(, alphabet,
               'getAllKeys() should return a..z');
@@ -83,7 +82,7 @@
     }, 'Get all keys');
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'generated', connection);
+      const req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'generated', connection);
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
               [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
@@ -94,7 +93,7 @@
     }, 'Get all generated keys');
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection, undefined,
+      const req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection, undefined,
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
@@ -105,7 +104,7 @@
     }, 'maxCount=10');
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection,
+      const req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection,
                                     IDBKeyRange.bound('G', 'M'));
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
@@ -116,7 +115,7 @@
     }, 'Get bound range');
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection,
+      const req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection,
                                     IDBKeyRange.bound('G', 'M'), 3);
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
@@ -127,7 +126,7 @@
     }, 'Get bound range with maxCount');
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection,
+      const req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection,
           IDBKeyRange.bound('G', 'K', false, true));
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
@@ -138,7 +137,7 @@
     }, 'Get upper excluded');
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection,
+      const req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection,
           IDBKeyRange.bound('G', 'K', true, false));
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
@@ -149,7 +148,7 @@
     }, 'Get lower excluded');
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'generated',
+      const req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'generated',
           connection, IDBKeyRange.bound(4, 15), 3);
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
           assert_array_equals(, [],
@@ -159,7 +158,7 @@
     }, 'Get bound range (generated) with maxCount');
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'out-of-line',
+      const req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'out-of-line',
           connection, "Doesn't exist");
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
           assert_array_equals(, [],
@@ -170,7 +169,7 @@
     }, 'Non existent key');
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection,
+      const req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'out-of-line', connection,
           undefined, 0);
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
           assert_array_equals(, alphabet,
@@ -180,7 +179,7 @@
     }, 'maxCount=0');
 getall_test(function(t, connection) {
-      var req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'out-of-line-multi', connection,
+      const req = createGetAllKeysRequest(t, 'out-of-line-multi', connection,
       req.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(evt) {
         assert_array_equals(, ['A','E','I','O','U'])
@@ -188,5 +187,3 @@
       req.onerror = t.unreached_func('getAllKeys request should succeed');
     }, 'Retrieve multiEntry keys');
diff --git a/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey.any.js b/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey.any.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..677a70e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey.any.js
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+// META: global=window,worker
+// META: title=IDBIndex.getKey()
+// META: script=resources/support.js
+// @author Microsoft <>
+// @author Intel <>
+async_test(t => {
+    let db;
+    const record = { key: 1, indexedProperty: "data" };
+    const open_rq = createdb(t);
+    open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
+      db =;
+      const objStore = db.createObjectStore("test", { keyPath: "key" });
+      objStore.createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
+      objStore.add(record);
+    };
+    open_rq.onsuccess = function(e) {
+      let rq = db.transaction("test", "readonly", { durability: 'relaxed' })
+        .objectStore("test");
+      rq = rq.index("index");
+      rq = rq.getKey("data");
+      rq.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(e) {
+        assert_equals(, record.key);
+        t.done();
+      });
+    };
+}, 'getKey() returns the record\'s primary key');
+async_test(t => {
+    let db;
+    const records = [
+      { key: 1, indexedProperty: "data" },
+      { key: 2, indexedProperty: "data" },
+      { key: 3, indexedProperty: "data" }
+    ];
+    const open_rq = createdb(t);
+    open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
+      db =;
+      var objStore = db.createObjectStore("test", { keyPath: "key" });
+      objStore.createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
+      for (let i = 0; i < records.length; i++)
+        objStore.add(records[i]);
+    };
+    open_rq.onsuccess = function(e) {
+      const rq = db.transaction("test", "readonly", { durability: 'relaxed' })
+        .objectStore("test")
+        .index("index")
+        .getKey("data");
+      rq.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(e) {
+        assert_equals(, records[0].key);
+        t.done();
+      });
+    };
+}, 'getKey() returns the record\'s primary key where the index contains duplicate values');
+async_test(t => {
+    let db;
+    const open_rq = createdb(t);
+    open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
+      db =;
+      const rq = db.createObjectStore("test", { keyPath: "key" })
+                  .createIndex("index", "indexedProperty")
+                  .getKey(1);
+      rq.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(e) {
+          assert_equals(, undefined);
+          t.done();
+      });
+    };
+}, 'getKey() attempt to retrieve the primary key of a record that doesn\'t exist');
+async_test(t => {
+    let db;
+    const open_rq = createdb(t);
+    open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
+      db =;
+      const store = db.createObjectStore("store", { keyPath: "key" });
+      store.createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
+      for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+        store.add({ key: i, indexedProperty: "data" + i });
+      }
+    };
+    open_rq.onsuccess = function(e) {
+      const rq = db.transaction("store", "readonly", { durability: 'relaxed' })
+        .objectStore("store")
+        .index("index")
+        .getKey(IDBKeyRange.bound('data4', 'data7'));
+      rq.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(e) {
+        assert_equals(, 4);
+        step_timeout(function () { t.done(); }, 4)
+      });
+    };
+}, 'getKey() returns the key of the first record within the range');
+async_test(t => {
+    let db;
+    const open_rq = createdb(t);
+    open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
+      db =;
+      const index = db.createObjectStore("test", { keyPath: "key" })
+        .createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
+      assert_throws_dom("DataError", function () {
+        index.getKey(NaN);
+      });
+      t.done();
+    };
+}, 'getKey() throws DataError when using invalid key');
+async_test(t => {
+    let db;
+    const open_rq = createdb(t);
+    open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
+      db =;
+      const store = db.createObjectStore("store", { keyPath: "key" });
+      const index = store.createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
+      store.add({ key: 1, indexedProperty: "data" });
+      store.deleteIndex("index");
+      assert_throws_dom("InvalidStateError", function () {
+        index.getKey("data");
+      });
+      t.done();
+    };
+}, 'getKey() throws InvalidStateError when the index is deleted');
+async_test(t => {
+    let db;
+    const open_rq = createdb(t);
+    open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
+      db =;
+      const store = db.createObjectStore("store", { keyPath: "key" });
+      const index = store.createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
+      store.add({ key: 1, indexedProperty: "data" });
+    };
+    open_rq.onsuccess = function(e) {
+      db =;
+      const tx = db.transaction('store', 'readonly', { durability: 'relaxed' });
+      const index = tx.objectStore('store').index('index');
+      tx.abort();
+      assert_throws_dom("TransactionInactiveError", function () {
+        index.getKey("data");
+      });
+      t.done();
+    };
+}, 'getKey() throws TransactionInactiveError on aborted transaction');
+async_test(t => {
+    let db;
+    const open_rq = createdb(t);
+    open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
+        db =;
+        const store = db.createObjectStore("store", { keyPath: "key" });
+        const index = store.createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
+        store.add({ key: 1, indexedProperty: "data" });
+        assert_throws_dom("InvalidStateError", function () {
+        index.getKey("data");
+        });
+        t.done();
+    };
+}, 'getKey() throws InvalidStateError on index deleted by aborted upgrade');
diff --git a/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey.htm b/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey.htm
deleted file mode 100644
index 101e8f0..0000000
--- a/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey.htm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset="utf-8">
-<title>IDBIndex.getKey() - returns the record's primary key </title>
-<link rel="author" title="Microsoft" href="">
-<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
-<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
-<script src="resources/support.js"></script>
-    var db,
-      t = async_test(),
-      record = { key:1, indexedProperty:"data" };
-    var open_rq = createdb(t);
-    open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
-        db =;
-        var objStore = db.createObjectStore("test", { keyPath: "key" });
-        objStore.createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
-        objStore.add(record);
-    };
-    open_rq.onsuccess = function(e) {
-        var rq = db.transaction("test", "readonly", {durability: 'relaxed'})
-                   .objectStore("test");
-        rq = rq.index("index");
-        rq = rq.getKey("data");
-        rq.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(e) {
-            assert_equals(, record.key);
-            t.done();
-        });
-    };
-<div id="log"></div>
diff --git a/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey2.htm b/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey2.htm
deleted file mode 100644
index 488368d..0000000
--- a/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey2.htm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset="utf-8">
-<title>IDBIndex.getKey() - returns the record's primary key where the index contains duplicate values </title>
-<link rel="author" title="Microsoft" href="">
-<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
-<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
-<script src="resources/support.js"></script>
-    var db,
-      t = async_test(),
-      records = [ { key:1, indexedProperty:"data" },
-                  { key:2, indexedProperty:"data" },
-                  { key:3, indexedProperty:"data" } ];
-    var open_rq = createdb(t);
-    open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
-        db =;
-        var objStore = db.createObjectStore("test", { keyPath: "key" });
-        objStore.createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
-        for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++)
-            objStore.add(records[i]);
-    };
-    open_rq.onsuccess = function(e) {
-        var rq = db.transaction("test", "readonly", {durability: 'relaxed'})
-                   .objectStore("test")
-                   .index("index")
-                   .getKey("data");
-        rq.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(e) {
-            assert_equals(, records[0].key);
-            t.done();
-        });
-    };
-<div id="log"></div>
diff --git a/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey3.htm b/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey3.htm
deleted file mode 100644
index 40ed76d..0000000
--- a/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey3.htm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset="utf-8">
-<title>IDBIndex.getKey() - attempt to retrieve the primary key of a record that doesn't exist</title>
-<link rel="author" title="Microsoft" href="">
-<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
-<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
-<script src="resources/support.js"></script>
-    var db,
-      t = async_test();
-    var open_rq = createdb(t);
-    open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
-        db =;
-        var rq = db.createObjectStore("test", { keyPath: "key" })
-                   .createIndex("index", "indexedProperty")
-                   .getKey(1);
-        rq.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(e) {
-            assert_equals(, undefined);
-            t.done();
-        });
-    };
-<div id="log"></div>
diff --git a/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey4.htm b/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey4.htm
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c81a27..0000000
--- a/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey4.htm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset=utf-8>
-<title>IDBIndex.getKey() - returns the key of the first record within the range </title>
-<link rel="author" title="Microsoft" href="">
-<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
-<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
-<script src=resources/support.js></script>
-    var db, t = async_test();
-    var open_rq = createdb(t);
-    open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
-        db =;
-        var store = db.createObjectStore("store", { keyPath: "key" });
-        store.createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
-        for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-            store.add({ key: i, indexedProperty: "data" + i });
-        }
-    }
-    open_rq.onsuccess = function(e) {
-        var rq = db.transaction("store", "readonly", {durability: 'relaxed'})
-                   .objectStore("store")
-                   .index("index")
-                   .getKey(IDBKeyRange.bound('data4', 'data7'));
-        rq.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(e) {
-            assert_equals(, 4);
-            step_timeout(function() { t.done(); }, 4)
-        });
-    }
-<div id=log></div>
diff --git a/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey5.htm b/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey5.htm
deleted file mode 100644
index 3155131..0000000
--- a/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey5.htm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset="utf-8">
-<title>IDBIndex.getKey() - throw DataError when using invalid key </title>
-<link rel="author" title="Intel" href="">
-<link rel="help" href="">
-<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
-<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
-<script src="resources/support.js"></script>
-<div id="log"></div>
-    var db,
-        t = async_test();
-    var open_rq = createdb(t);
-    open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
-        db =;
-        var index = db.createObjectStore("test", { keyPath: "key" })
-                      .createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
-        assert_throws_dom("DataError",function(){
-            index.getKey(NaN);
-        });
-        t.done();
-    };
diff --git a/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey6.htm b/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey6.htm
deleted file mode 100644
index b71967d..0000000
--- a/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey6.htm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset="utf-8">
-<title>IDBIndex.getKey() - throw InvalidStateError when the index is deleted</title>
-<link rel="author" title="Intel" href="">
-<link rel="help" href="">
-<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
-<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
-<script src=resources/support.js></script>
-<div id="log"></div>
-    var db,
-        t = async_test();
-    var open_rq = createdb(t);
-    open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
-        db =;
-        var store = db.createObjectStore("store", { keyPath: "key" });
-        var index = store.createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
-        store.add({ key: 1, indexedProperty: "data" });
-        store.deleteIndex("index");
-        assert_throws_dom("InvalidStateError", function(){
-            index.getKey("data");
-        });
-        t.done();
-    }
diff --git a/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey7.htm b/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey7.htm
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a64df3..0000000
--- a/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey7.htm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset="utf-8">
-<title>IDBIndex.getKey() - throw TransactionInactiveError on aborted transaction</title>
-<link rel="author" title="Intel" href="">
-<link rel="help" href="">
-<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
-<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
-<script src=resources/support.js></script>
-<div id="log"></div>
-    var db,
-        t = async_test();
-    var open_rq = createdb(t);
-    open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
-        db =;
-        var store = db.createObjectStore("store", { keyPath: "key" });
-        var index = store.createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
-        store.add({ key: 1, indexedProperty: "data" });
-    }
-    open_rq.onsuccess = function(e) {
-        db =;
-        var tx = db.transaction('store', 'readonly', {durability: 'relaxed'});
-        var index = tx.objectStore('store').index('index');
-        tx.abort();
-        assert_throws_dom("TransactionInactiveError", function(){
-            index.getKey("data");
-        });
-        t.done();
-    }
diff --git a/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey8.htm b/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey8.htm
deleted file mode 100644
index cf0affb..0000000
--- a/IndexedDB/idbindex_getKey8.htm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset="utf-8">
-<title>IDBIndex.getKey() - throw InvalidStateError on index deleted by aborted upgrade</title>
-<link rel="help" href="">
-<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
-<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
-<script src=resources/support.js></script>
-<div id="log"></div>
-    var db,
-        t = async_test();
-    var open_rq = createdb(t);
-    open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
-        db =;
-        var store = db.createObjectStore("store", { keyPath: "key" });
-        var index = store.createIndex("index", "indexedProperty");
-        store.add({ key: 1, indexedProperty: "data" });
-        assert_throws_dom("InvalidStateError", function(){
-            index.getKey("data");
-        });
-        t.done();
-    }