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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>CSS Test (Selectors): Keyboard focus enables :focus-visible</title>
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:focus:not(:focus-visible) { background-color: rgb(128, 196, 128); }
label:focus-within:not(:focus-visible) { background-color: rgb(128, 196, 128); }
* { -webkit-appearance: none }
<ol id="instructions">
<li>If the user-agent does not claim to support the <code>:focus-visible</code> pseudo-class then SKIP this test.</li>
<li>Click each element element below to focus it.</li>
<li>If the element does not have a green background, then the test result is FAILURE. If the element has a green background, then the test result is SUCCESS.</li>
<br />
<span data-tested="false" id="el-1" tabindex="1">Focus me</span>
<span data-tested="false" id="el-2" tabindex="-1">Focus me</span>
<span data-tested="false" id="el-3" tabindex="0">Focus me</span>
<button data-tested="false" id="el-4">Focus me</span>
<input data-tested="false" id="el-5" type="button" value="Focus me"</input>
<input data-tested="false" id="el-6" type="image" alt="Focus me."></input>
<input data-tested="false" id="el-7" type="reset" value="Focus me."></input>
<input data-tested="false" id="el-8" type="submit" value="Focus me."></input>
<label><input data-tested="false" id="el-9" type="checkbox"></input> Focus me.</label>
<label><input data-tested="false" id="el-10" type="radio"></input> Focus me.</label>
<label><input data-tested="false" id="el-11" type="color"></input> Focus me.</label>
<!-- Focusing file input triggers a modal, so only test manually -->
<input id="el-12" type="file" value="Focus me."></input>
<label><input data-tested="false" id="el-13" type="range"></input> Focus me.</label>
async_test(function(t) {
document.querySelectorAll("[data-tested]").forEach((el) => {
el.addEventListener("click", t.step_func((e) => {
let el =;
"rgb(128, 196, 128)");
el.dataset.tested = true;
if (document.querySelector("[data-tested=false]")) {
} else {
}, "Mouse focus on input elements which do not show a virtual keyboard should NOT match :focus-visible - not affected by -webkit-appearance");