blob: b0c6b642d74e47007021aba8d80eb97c381c28ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Content of this file was automatically extracted from the
// "Web Animations" spec.
// See:
interface AnimationTimeline {
readonly attribute double? currentTime;
dictionary DocumentTimelineOptions {
DOMHighResTimeStamp originTime = 0;
Constructor (optional DocumentTimelineOptions options)]
interface DocumentTimeline : AnimationTimeline {
Constructor (optional AnimationEffect? effect = null,
optional AnimationTimeline? timeline)]
interface Animation : EventTarget {
attribute DOMString id;
attribute AnimationEffect? effect;
attribute AnimationTimeline? timeline;
attribute double? startTime;
attribute double? currentTime;
attribute double playbackRate;
readonly attribute AnimationPlayState playState;
readonly attribute boolean pending;
readonly attribute Promise<Animation> ready;
readonly attribute Promise<Animation> finished;
attribute EventHandler onfinish;
attribute EventHandler oncancel;
void cancel ();
void finish ();
void play ();
void pause ();
void updatePlaybackRate (double playbackRate);
void reverse ();
enum AnimationPlayState { "idle", "running", "paused", "finished" };
interface AnimationEffect {
EffectTiming getTiming();
ComputedEffectTiming getComputedTiming();
void updateTiming(optional OptionalEffectTiming timing);
dictionary EffectTiming {
double delay = 0;
double endDelay = 0;
FillMode fill = "auto";
double iterationStart = 0.0;
unrestricted double iterations = 1.0;
(unrestricted double or DOMString) duration = "auto";
PlaybackDirection direction = "normal";
DOMString easing = "linear";
dictionary OptionalEffectTiming {
double delay;
double endDelay;
FillMode fill;
double iterationStart;
unrestricted double iterations;
(unrestricted double or DOMString) duration;
PlaybackDirection direction;
DOMString easing;
enum FillMode { "none", "forwards", "backwards", "both", "auto" };
enum PlaybackDirection { "normal", "reverse", "alternate", "alternate-reverse" };
dictionary ComputedEffectTiming : EffectTiming {
unrestricted double endTime;
unrestricted double activeDuration;
double? localTime;
double? progress;
unrestricted double? currentIteration;
Constructor ((Element or CSSPseudoElement)? target,
object? keyframes,
optional (unrestricted double or KeyframeEffectOptions) options),
Constructor (KeyframeEffect source)]
interface KeyframeEffect : AnimationEffect {
attribute (Element or CSSPseudoElement)? target;
attribute IterationCompositeOperation iterationComposite;
attribute CompositeOperation composite;
sequence<object> getKeyframes ();
void setKeyframes (object? keyframes);
dictionary BaseComputedKeyframe {
double? offset = null;
double computedOffset;
DOMString easing = "linear";
CompositeOperation? composite = null;
dictionary BasePropertyIndexedKeyframe {
(double? or sequence<double?>) offset = [];
(DOMString or sequence<DOMString>) easing = [];
(CompositeOperation? or sequence<CompositeOperation?>) composite = [];
dictionary BaseKeyframe {
double? offset = null;
DOMString easing = "linear";
CompositeOperation? composite = null;
dictionary KeyframeEffectOptions : EffectTiming {
IterationCompositeOperation iterationComposite = "replace";
CompositeOperation composite = "replace";
enum IterationCompositeOperation {"replace", "accumulate"};
enum CompositeOperation {"replace", "add", "accumulate"};
interface mixin Animatable {
Animation animate (object? keyframes,
optional (unrestricted double or KeyframeAnimationOptions) options);
sequence<Animation> getAnimations ();
dictionary KeyframeAnimationOptions : KeyframeEffectOptions {
DOMString id = "";
partial interface Document {
readonly attribute DocumentTimeline timeline;
sequence<Animation> getAnimations();
Element includes Animatable;
CSSPseudoElement includes Animatable;
Constructor (DOMString type, optional AnimationPlaybackEventInit eventInitDict)]
interface AnimationPlaybackEvent : Event {
readonly attribute double? currentTime;
readonly attribute double? timelineTime;
dictionary AnimationPlaybackEventInit : EventInit {
double? currentTime = null;
double? timelineTime = null;