blob: 82513899b2666619718fdcddea7c374a2e05e190 [file] [log] [blame]
Example HTTP/2-only WSGI Server
This example is a more complex HTTP/2 server that acts as a WSGI server,
passing data to an arbitrary WSGI application. This example is written using
`asyncio`_. The server supports most of PEP-3333, and so could in principle be
used as a production WSGI server: however, that's *not recommended* as certain
shortcuts have been taken to ensure ease of implementation and understanding.
The main advantages of this example are:
1. It properly demonstrates HTTP/2 flow control management.
2. It demonstrates how to plug hyper-h2 into a larger, more complex
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/asyncio/
:language: python
:encoding: utf-8
.. _asyncio: