blob: 74a7cc4b7fc686318b9944272dc4118ae3cb95e4 [file] [log] [blame]
import traceback
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
class Protocol(object):
"""Backend for a specific browser-control protocol.
Each Protocol is composed of a set of ProtocolParts that implement
the APIs required for specific interactions. This reflects the fact
that not all implementaions will support exactly the same feature set.
Each ProtocolPart is exposed directly on the protocol through an accessor
attribute with a name given by its `name` property.
:param Executor executor: The Executor instance that's using this Protocol
:param Browser browser: The Browser using this protocol"""
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
implements = []
def __init__(self, executor, browser):
self.executor = executor
self.browser = browser
for cls in self.implements:
name =
assert not hasattr(self, name)
setattr(self, name, cls(self))
def logger(self):
""":returns: Current logger"""
return self.executor.logger
def is_alive(self):
"""Is the browser connection still active
:returns: A boolean indicating whether the connection is still active."""
return True
def setup(self, runner):
"""Handle protocol setup, and send a message to the runner to indicate
success or failure."""
msg = None
msg = "Failed to start protocol connection"
msg = None
for cls in self.implements:
msg = "Post-connection steps failed"
except IOError:
self.logger.warning("Timed out waiting for browser to start")
except Exception:
if msg is not None:
def connect(self):
"""Make a connection to the remote browser"""
def after_connect(self):
"""Run any post-connection steps. This happens after the ProtocolParts are
initalized so can depend on a fully-populated object."""
def teardown(self):
"""Run cleanup steps after the tests are finished."""
for cls in self.implements:
class ProtocolPart(object):
"""Base class for all ProtocolParts.
:param Protocol parent: The parent protocol"""
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
name = None
def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
def logger(self):
""":returns: Current logger"""
return self.parent.logger
def setup(self):
"""Run any setup steps required for the ProtocolPart."""
def teardown(self):
"""Run any teardown steps required for the ProtocolPart."""
class BaseProtocolPart(ProtocolPart):
"""Generic bits of protocol that are required for multiple test types"""
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
name = "base"
def execute_script(self, script, async=False):
"""Execute javascript in the current Window.
:param str script: The js source to execute. This is implicitly wrapped in a function.
:param bool async: Whether the script is asynchronous in the webdriver
sense i.e. whether the return value is the result of
the initial function call or if it waits for some callback.
:returns: The result of the script execution.
def set_timeout(self, timeout):
"""Set the timeout for script execution.
:param timeout: Script timeout in seconds"""
def wait(self):
"""Wait indefinitely for the browser to close"""
def current_window(self):
"""Return a handle identifying the current top level browsing context
:returns: A protocol-specific handle"""
def set_window(self, handle):
"""Set the top level browsing context to one specified by a given handle.
:param handle: A protocol-specific handle identifying a top level browsing
class TestharnessProtocolPart(ProtocolPart):
"""Protocol part required to run testharness tests."""
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
name = "testharness"
def load_runner(self, url_protocol):
"""Load the initial page used to control the tests.
:param str url_protocol: "https" or "http" depending on the test metadata.
def close_old_windows(self, url_protocol):
"""Close existing windows except for the initial runner window.
After calling this method there must be exactly one open window that
contains the initial runner page.
:param str url_protocol: "https" or "http" depending on the test metadata.
def get_test_window(self, window_id, parent):
"""Get the window handle dorresponding to the window containing the
currently active test.
:param window_id: A string containing the DOM name of the Window that
contains the test, or None.
:param parent: The handle of the runner window.
:returns: A protocol-specific window handle.
class PrefsProtocolPart(ProtocolPart):
"""Protocol part that allows getting and setting browser prefs."""
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
name = "prefs"
def set(self, name, value):
"""Set the named pref to value.
:param name: A pref name of browser-specific type
:param value: A pref value of browser-specific type"""
def get(self, name):
"""Get the current value of a named pref
:param name: A pref name of browser-specific type
:returns: A pref value of browser-specific type"""
def clear(self, name):
"""Reset the value of a named pref back to the default.
:param name: A pref name of browser-specific type"""
class StorageProtocolPart(ProtocolPart):
"""Protocol part for manipulating browser storage."""
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
name = "storage"
def clear_origin(self, url):
"""Clear all the storage for a specified origin.
:param url: A url belonging to the origin"""
class SelectorProtocolPart(ProtocolPart):
"""Protocol part for selecting elements on the page."""
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
name = "select"
def element_by_selector(self, selector):
elements = self.elements_by_selector(selector)
if len(elements) == 0:
raise ValueError("Selector '%s' matches no elements" % selector)
elif len(elements) > 1:
raise ValueError("Selector '%s' matches multiple elements" % selector)
return elements[0]
def elements_by_selector(self, selector):
"""Select elements matching a CSS selector
:param str selector: The CSS selector
:returns: A list of protocol-specific handles to elements"""
class ClickProtocolPart(ProtocolPart):
"""Protocol part for performing trusted clicks"""
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
name = "click"
def element(self, element):
"""Perform a trusted click somewhere on a specific element.
:param element: A protocol-specific handle to an element."""
class SendKeysProtocolPart(ProtocolPart):
"""Protocol part for performing trusted clicks"""
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
name = "send_keys"
def send_keys(self, element, keys):
"""Send keys to a specific element.
:param element: A protocol-specific handle to an element.
:param keys: A protocol-specific handle to a string of input keys."""
class ActionSequenceProtocolPart(ProtocolPart):
"""Protocol part for performing trusted clicks"""
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
name = "action_sequence"
def send_actions(self, actions):
"""Send a sequence of actions to the window.
:param actions: A protocol-specific handle to an array of actions."""
class TestDriverProtocolPart(ProtocolPart):
"""Protocol part that implements the basic functionality required for
all testdriver-based tests."""
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
name = "testdriver"
def send_message(self, message_type, status, message=None):
"""Send a testdriver message to the browser.
:param str message_type: The kind of the message.
:param str status: Either "failure" or "success" depending on whether the
previous command succeeded.
:param str message: Additional data to add to the message."""
class AssertsProtocolPart(ProtocolPart):
"""ProtocolPart that implements the functionality required to get a count of non-fatal
assertions triggered"""
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
name = "asserts"
def get(self):
"""Get a count of assertions since the last browser start"""
class CoverageProtocolPart(ProtocolPart):
"""Protocol part for collecting per-test coverage data."""
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
name = "coverage"
def reset(self):
"""Reset coverage counters"""
def dump(self):
"""Dump coverage counters"""