blob: 223f5ed0fb5ce643d9f121f9af136e88a5d9e34d [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<title>Event Timing: buffer long-latency events before onload</title>
<button id='button' onclick='clickDelay()'>Generate a 'click' event</button>
<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
<script src=/resources/testdriver.js></script>
<script src=/resources/testdriver-vendor.js></script>
<script src=resources/event-timing-support.js></script>
<img src=resources/>
let clickTimeMin;
let processingStartMin;
let onloadStart;
let firstClickStart = 0;
let firstClickEnd = 0;
function clickDelay() {
const onclickStart =;
if (firstClickStart === 0)
firstClickStart = onclickStart;
while( < onclickStart + 60) {}
if (firstClickEnd === 0)
firstClickEnd =;
function validateEntries() {
const entries = performance.getEntriesByName('click', 'event');
const entriesBeforeOnload = entries.filter(
e => e.startTime < onloadStart);
assert_equals(entriesBeforeOnload.length, 1,
"Long latency events before onload should be buffered.");
const entry = entriesBeforeOnload[0];
verifyClickEvent(entry, true);
assert_greater_than_equal(entry.startTime, clickTimeMin,
"The entry's start time should be later than clickTimeMin.");
assert_greater_than_equal(entry.processingStart, processingStartMin,
"The entry should be processed later than processingStartMin.");
assert_less_than_equal(entry.processingStart, firstClickStart,
"The processingStart must be before firstClickStart.")
assert_greater_than_equal(entry.processingEnd, firstClickEnd,
"The processingEnd must be after firstClickEnd.");
const entriesAfterOnload = entries.filter(
e => e.startTime >= onloadStart);
assert_equals(entriesAfterOnload.length, 0,
"Events after onload shouldn't be buffered.");
/* Timeline:
Begin Busy Loop
Click 1 arrives
End Busy Loop
(Dispatch and Process Click 1 - buffered)
Onload Event Fires
Begin Busy Loop
Click 2 arrives
End Busy Loop
(Dispatch and Process Click 2 - not buffered)
async_test(function(t) {
clickTimeMin =;
// Event handlers will be dispatched asynchronously, so this will be called
// before processing begins.
processingStartMin =;
on_event(window, 'load', e => {
onloadStart =;
}, "Event Timing: click, onload.");