Same events at the same time don't replace each other

Previously, if multiple events of the same type were scheduled at the
same time, then each new event would replace the existing event.  This
is incorrect according to the spec.  There is no special treatment
here and events are inserted in the order in which they're received.

This change only affects linear and exponential ramps.  The result is
that the ramp preceeds up to the first event value, and then at the
event time, the output instantly jumps to the last event value.

Bug: 925037
Test: the-audioparam-interface/event-insertion.html updated
Change-Id: I2de32c7a71c12e5673b2db8cf81f9dc48f3ee458
Reviewed-by: Hongchan Choi <>
Commit-Queue: Raymond Toy <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#654242}
diff --git a/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audioparam-interface/event-insertion.html b/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audioparam-interface/event-insertion.html
index 07a54c3..2eef895 100644
--- a/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audioparam-interface/event-insertion.html
+++ b/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-audioparam-interface/event-insertion.html
@@ -211,6 +211,31 @@
                 .then(() => task.done());
+      audit.define(
+          {
+            label: 'Multiple linear ramps at the same time',
+            description: 'Verify output'
+          },
+          (task, should) => {
+            testMultipleSameEvents(should, {
+              method: 'linearRampToValueAtTime',
+              prefix: 'Multiple linear ramps: ',
+              threshold: 0
+            }).then(() => task.done());
+          });
+      audit.define(
+          {
+            label: 'Multiple exponential ramps at the same time',
+            description: 'Verify output'
+          },
+          (task, should) => {
+            testMultipleSameEvents(should, {
+              method: 'exponentialRampToValueAtTime',
+              prefix: 'Multiple exponential ramps: ',
+              threshold: 5.3924e-7
+            }).then(() => task.done());
+          });;
@@ -297,6 +322,71 @@
+      // Test output when two events of the same time are scheduled at the same
+      // time.
+      function testMultipleSameEvents(should, options) {
+        let {method, prefix, threshold} = options;
+        // Context for testing.
+        let context =
+            new OfflineAudioContext({length: 16384, sampleRate: sampleRate});
+        let src = new ConstantSourceNode(context);
+        src.connect(context.destination);
+        let initialValue = 1;
+        // Informative print
+        should(() => {
+          src.offset.setValueAtTime(initialValue, 0);
+        }, prefix + `setValueAtTime(${initialValue}, 0)`).notThrow();
+        let frame = 64;
+        let time = frame / context.sampleRate;
+        let values = [2, 7, 10];
+        // Schedule two events of the same type at the same time, but with
+        // different values.
+        values.forEach(value => {
+          // Informative prints to show what we're doing in this test.
+          should(
+              () => {
+                src.offset[method](value, time);
+              },
+              prefix +
+                  eventToString(
+                      method,
+                      value,
+                      time,
+                      ))
+              .notThrow();
+        })
+        src.start();
+        return context.startRendering().then(audioBuffer => {
+          let actual = audioBuffer.getChannelData(0);
+          // The output should be a ramp from time 0 to the event time.  But we
+          // only verify the value just before the event time, which should be
+          // fairly close to values[0].  (But compute the actual expected value
+          // to be sure.)
+          let expected = methodMap[method](
+              (frame - 1) / context.sampleRate, initialValue, 0, values[0],
+              time);
+          should(actual[frame - 1], prefix + `Output at frame ${frame - 1}`)
+              .beCloseTo(expected, {threshold: threshold, precision: 3});
+          // Any other values shouldn't show up in the output.  Only the value
+          // from last event should appear.  We only check the value at the
+          // event time.
+          should(
+              actual[frame], prefix + `Output at frame ${frame} (${time} sec)`)
+              .beEqualTo(values[values.length - 1]);
+        });
+      }
       // Convert an automation method to a string for printing.
       function eventToString(method, value, time, extras) {
         let string = method + '(';