[WPT/common/security-features] Merge generator.py (2/2)

This CL actually merges the common parts of generator.py
into common/security-features/tools/generate.py as-is.

Bug: 906850
Change-Id: Ie17653d027531ee9197822193d735faef1fdbe91
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/1567234
Commit-Queue: Hiroshige Hayashizaki <hiroshige@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Jochen Eisinger <jochen@chromium.org>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#653820}
diff --git a/common/security-features/tools/generate.py b/common/security-features/tools/generate.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50c3a2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/security-features/tools/generate.py
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+from __future__ import print_function
+import copy
+import os, sys, json
+import spec_validator
+import argparse
+import util
+def expand_pattern(expansion_pattern, test_expansion_schema):
+    expansion = {}
+    for artifact_key in expansion_pattern:
+        artifact_value = expansion_pattern[artifact_key]
+        if artifact_value == '*':
+            expansion[artifact_key] = test_expansion_schema[artifact_key]
+        elif isinstance(artifact_value, list):
+            expansion[artifact_key] = artifact_value
+        elif isinstance(artifact_value, dict):
+            # Flattened expansion.
+            expansion[artifact_key] = []
+            values_dict = expand_pattern(artifact_value,
+                                         test_expansion_schema[artifact_key])
+            for sub_key in values_dict.keys():
+                expansion[artifact_key] += values_dict[sub_key]
+        else:
+            expansion[artifact_key] = [artifact_value]
+    return expansion
+def permute_expansion(expansion, artifact_order, selection = {}, artifact_index = 0):
+    assert isinstance(artifact_order, list), "artifact_order should be a list"
+    if artifact_index >= len(artifact_order):
+        yield selection
+        return
+    artifact_key = artifact_order[artifact_index]
+    for artifact_value in expansion[artifact_key]:
+        selection[artifact_key] = artifact_value
+        for next_selection in permute_expansion(expansion,
+                                                artifact_order,
+                                                selection,
+                                                artifact_index + 1):
+            yield next_selection
+def generate_selection(config, selection, spec, test_html_template_basename):
+    # TODO: Refactor out this referrer-policy-specific part.
+    if 'referrer_policy' in spec:
+      # Oddball: it can be None, so in JS it's null.
+      selection['referrer_policy'] = spec['referrer_policy']
+    test_parameters = json.dumps(selection, indent=2, separators=(',', ':'))
+    # Adjust the template for the test invoking JS. Indent it to look nice.
+    indent = "\n" + " " * 8
+    test_parameters = test_parameters.replace("\n", indent)
+    selection['test_js'] = '''
+      %s(
+        %s,
+        document.querySelector("meta[name=assert]").content,
+        new SanityChecker()
+      ).start();
+      ''' % (config.test_case_name, test_parameters)
+    selection['spec_name'] = spec['name']
+    selection['test_page_title'] = config.test_page_title_template % spec['title']
+    selection['spec_description'] = spec['description']
+    selection['spec_specification_url'] = spec['specification_url']
+    selection['helper_js'] = config.helper_js
+    selection['sanity_checker_js'] = config.sanity_checker_js
+    selection['spec_json_js'] = config.spec_json_js
+    test_filename = os.path.join(config.spec_directory, config.test_file_path_pattern % selection)
+    test_headers_filename = test_filename + ".headers"
+    test_directory = os.path.dirname(test_filename)
+    test_html_template = util.get_template(test_html_template_basename)
+    disclaimer_template = util.get_template('disclaimer.template')
+    html_template_filename = os.path.join(util.template_directory,
+                                          test_html_template_basename)
+    generated_disclaimer = disclaimer_template \
+        % {'generating_script_filename': os.path.relpath(__file__,
+                                                         util.test_root_directory),
+           'html_template_filename': os.path.relpath(html_template_filename,
+                                                     util.test_root_directory)}
+    # Adjust the template for the test invoking JS. Indent it to look nice.
+    selection['generated_disclaimer'] = generated_disclaimer.rstrip()
+    selection['test_description'] = config.test_description_template % selection
+    selection['test_description'] = \
+        selection['test_description'].rstrip().replace("\n", "\n" + " " * 33)
+    # Directory for the test files.
+    try:
+        os.makedirs(test_directory)
+    except:
+        pass
+    delivery = config.handleDelivery(selection, spec)
+    if len(delivery['headers']) > 0:
+        with open(test_headers_filename, "w") as f:
+            for header in delivery['headers']:
+                f.write(header)
+                f.write('\n')
+    selection['meta_delivery_method'] = delivery['meta']
+    # Obey the lint and pretty format.
+    if len(selection['meta_delivery_method']) > 0:
+        selection['meta_delivery_method'] = "\n    " + \
+                                            selection['meta_delivery_method']
+    # Write out the generated HTML file.
+    util.write_file(test_filename, test_html_template % selection)
+def generate_test_source_files(config, spec_json, target):
+    test_expansion_schema = spec_json['test_expansion_schema']
+    specification = spec_json['specification']
+    spec_json_js_template = util.get_template('spec_json.js.template')
+    generated_spec_json_filename = os.path.join(config.spec_directory, "spec_json.js")
+    util.write_file(generated_spec_json_filename,
+               spec_json_js_template % {'spec_json': json.dumps(spec_json)})
+    # Choose a debug/release template depending on the target.
+    html_template = "test.%s.html.template" % target
+    artifact_order = test_expansion_schema.keys() + ['name']
+    artifact_order.remove('expansion')
+    # Create list of excluded tests.
+    exclusion_dict = {}
+    for excluded_pattern in spec_json['excluded_tests']:
+        excluded_expansion = \
+            expand_pattern(excluded_pattern, test_expansion_schema)
+        for excluded_selection in permute_expansion(excluded_expansion,
+                                                    artifact_order):
+            excluded_selection_path = config.selection_pattern % excluded_selection
+            exclusion_dict[excluded_selection_path] = True
+    for spec in specification:
+        # Used to make entries with expansion="override" override preceding
+        # entries with the same |selection_path|.
+        output_dict = {}
+        for expansion_pattern in spec['test_expansion']:
+            expansion = expand_pattern(expansion_pattern, test_expansion_schema)
+            for selection in permute_expansion(expansion, artifact_order):
+                selection_path = config.selection_pattern % selection
+                if not selection_path in exclusion_dict:
+                    if selection_path in output_dict:
+                        if expansion_pattern['expansion'] != 'override':
+                            print("Error: %s's expansion is default but overrides %s" % (selection['name'], output_dict[selection_path]['name']))
+                            sys.exit(1)
+                    output_dict[selection_path] = copy.deepcopy(selection)
+                else:
+                    print('Excluding selection:', selection_path)
+        for selection_path in output_dict:
+            selection = output_dict[selection_path]
+            generate_selection(config,
+                               selection,
+                               spec,
+                               html_template)
+def main(config):
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Test suite generator utility')
+    parser.add_argument('-t', '--target', type = str,
+        choices = ("release", "debug"), default = "release",
+        help = 'Sets the appropriate template for generating tests')
+    parser.add_argument('-s', '--spec', type = str, default = None,
+        help = 'Specify a file used for describing and generating the tests')
+    # TODO(kristijanburnik): Add option for the spec_json file.
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    if args.spec:
+      config.spec_directory = args.spec
+    spec_filename = os.path.join(config.spec_directory, "spec.src.json")
+    spec_json = util.load_spec_json(spec_filename)
+    spec_validator.assert_valid_spec_json(spec_json)
+    generate_test_source_files(config, spec_json, args.target)
diff --git a/mixed-content/generic/tools/generate.py b/mixed-content/generic/tools/generate.py
index cb09f7c..fe4305c 100755
--- a/mixed-content/generic/tools/generate.py
+++ b/mixed-content/generic/tools/generate.py
@@ -1,196 +1,10 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-from __future__ import print_function
-import copy
-import os, sys, json
-import spec_validator
-import argparse
+import os
+import sys
 sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..', '..', '..', 'common', 'security-features', 'tools'))
-import util
-def expand_pattern(expansion_pattern, test_expansion_schema):
-    expansion = {}
-    for artifact_key in expansion_pattern:
-        artifact_value = expansion_pattern[artifact_key]
-        if artifact_value == '*':
-            expansion[artifact_key] = test_expansion_schema[artifact_key]
-        elif isinstance(artifact_value, list):
-            expansion[artifact_key] = artifact_value
-        elif isinstance(artifact_value, dict):
-            # Flattened expansion.
-            expansion[artifact_key] = []
-            values_dict = expand_pattern(artifact_value,
-                                         test_expansion_schema[artifact_key])
-            for sub_key in values_dict.keys():
-                expansion[artifact_key] += values_dict[sub_key]
-        else:
-            expansion[artifact_key] = [artifact_value]
-    return expansion
-def permute_expansion(expansion, artifact_order, selection = {}, artifact_index = 0):
-    assert isinstance(artifact_order, list), "artifact_order should be a list"
-    if artifact_index >= len(artifact_order):
-        yield selection
-        return
-    artifact_key = artifact_order[artifact_index]
-    for artifact_value in expansion[artifact_key]:
-        selection[artifact_key] = artifact_value
-        for next_selection in permute_expansion(expansion,
-                                                artifact_order,
-                                                selection,
-                                                artifact_index + 1):
-            yield next_selection
-def generate_selection(config, selection, spec, test_html_template_basename):
-    # TODO: Refactor out this referrer-policy-specific part.
-    if 'referrer_policy' in spec:
-      # Oddball: it can be None, so in JS it's null.
-      selection['referrer_policy'] = spec['referrer_policy']
-    test_parameters = json.dumps(selection, indent=2, separators=(',', ':'))
-    # Adjust the template for the test invoking JS. Indent it to look nice.
-    indent = "\n" + " " * 8
-    test_parameters = test_parameters.replace("\n", indent)
-    selection['test_js'] = '''
-      %s(
-        %s,
-        document.querySelector("meta[name=assert]").content,
-        new SanityChecker()
-      ).start();
-      ''' % (config.test_case_name, test_parameters)
-    selection['spec_name'] = spec['name']
-    selection['test_page_title'] = config.test_page_title_template % spec['title']
-    selection['spec_description'] = spec['description']
-    selection['spec_specification_url'] = spec['specification_url']
-    selection['helper_js'] = config.helper_js
-    selection['sanity_checker_js'] = config.sanity_checker_js
-    selection['spec_json_js'] = config.spec_json_js
-    test_filename = os.path.join(config.spec_directory, config.test_file_path_pattern % selection)
-    test_headers_filename = test_filename + ".headers"
-    test_directory = os.path.dirname(test_filename)
-    test_html_template = util.get_template(test_html_template_basename)
-    disclaimer_template = util.get_template('disclaimer.template')
-    html_template_filename = os.path.join(util.template_directory,
-                                          test_html_template_basename)
-    generated_disclaimer = disclaimer_template \
-        % {'generating_script_filename': os.path.relpath(__file__,
-                                                         util.test_root_directory),
-           'html_template_filename': os.path.relpath(html_template_filename,
-                                                     util.test_root_directory)}
-    # Adjust the template for the test invoking JS. Indent it to look nice.
-    selection['generated_disclaimer'] = generated_disclaimer.rstrip()
-    selection['test_description'] = config.test_description_template % selection
-    selection['test_description'] = \
-        selection['test_description'].rstrip().replace("\n", "\n" + " " * 33)
-    # Directory for the test files.
-    try:
-        os.makedirs(test_directory)
-    except:
-        pass
-    delivery = config.handleDelivery(selection, spec)
-    if len(delivery['headers']) > 0:
-        with open(test_headers_filename, "w") as f:
-            for header in delivery['headers']:
-                f.write(header)
-                f.write('\n')
-    selection['meta_delivery_method'] = delivery['meta']
-    # Obey the lint and pretty format.
-    if len(selection['meta_delivery_method']) > 0:
-        selection['meta_delivery_method'] = "\n    " + \
-                                            selection['meta_delivery_method']
-    # Write out the generated HTML file.
-    util.write_file(test_filename, test_html_template % selection)
-def generate_test_source_files(config, spec_json, target):
-    test_expansion_schema = spec_json['test_expansion_schema']
-    specification = spec_json['specification']
-    spec_json_js_template = util.get_template('spec_json.js.template')
-    generated_spec_json_filename = os.path.join(config.spec_directory, "spec_json.js")
-    util.write_file(generated_spec_json_filename,
-               spec_json_js_template % {'spec_json': json.dumps(spec_json)})
-    # Choose a debug/release template depending on the target.
-    html_template = "test.%s.html.template" % target
-    artifact_order = test_expansion_schema.keys() + ['name']
-    artifact_order.remove('expansion')
-    # Create list of excluded tests.
-    exclusion_dict = {}
-    for excluded_pattern in spec_json['excluded_tests']:
-        excluded_expansion = \
-            expand_pattern(excluded_pattern, test_expansion_schema)
-        for excluded_selection in permute_expansion(excluded_expansion,
-                                                    artifact_order):
-            excluded_selection_path = config.selection_pattern % excluded_selection
-            exclusion_dict[excluded_selection_path] = True
-    for spec in specification:
-        # Used to make entries with expansion="override" override preceding
-        # entries with the same |selection_path|.
-        output_dict = {}
-        for expansion_pattern in spec['test_expansion']:
-            expansion = expand_pattern(expansion_pattern, test_expansion_schema)
-            for selection in permute_expansion(expansion, artifact_order):
-                selection_path = config.selection_pattern % selection
-                if not selection_path in exclusion_dict:
-                    if selection_path in output_dict:
-                        if expansion_pattern['expansion'] != 'override':
-                            print("Error: %s's expansion is default but overrides %s" % (selection['name'], output_dict[selection_path]['name']))
-                            sys.exit(1)
-                    output_dict[selection_path] = copy.deepcopy(selection)
-                else:
-                    print('Excluding selection:', selection_path)
-        for selection_path in output_dict:
-            selection = output_dict[selection_path]
-            generate_selection(config,
-                               selection,
-                               spec,
-                               html_template)
-def main(config):
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Test suite generator utility')
-    parser.add_argument('-t', '--target', type = str,
-        choices = ("release", "debug"), default = "release",
-        help = 'Sets the appropriate template for generating tests')
-    parser.add_argument('-s', '--spec', type = str, default = None,
-        help = 'Specify a file used for describing and generating the tests')
-    # TODO(kristijanburnik): Add option for the spec_json file.
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    if args.spec:
-      config.spec_directory = args.spec
-    spec_filename = os.path.join(config.spec_directory, "spec.src.json")
-    spec_json = util.load_spec_json(spec_filename)
-    spec_validator.assert_valid_spec_json(spec_json)
-    generate_test_source_files(config, spec_json, args.target)
+import generate
 class MixedContentConfig(object):
@@ -248,4 +62,4 @@
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main(MixedContentConfig())
+    generate.main(MixedContentConfig())
diff --git a/referrer-policy/generic/tools/generate.py b/referrer-policy/generic/tools/generate.py
index e8f7e58..a59770f 100755
--- a/referrer-policy/generic/tools/generate.py
+++ b/referrer-policy/generic/tools/generate.py
@@ -1,197 +1,10 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-from __future__ import print_function
-import copy
-import os, sys, json
-import spec_validator
-import argparse
+import os
+import sys
 sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..', '..', '..', 'common', 'security-features', 'tools'))
-import util
-def expand_pattern(expansion_pattern, test_expansion_schema):
-    expansion = {}
-    for artifact_key in expansion_pattern:
-        artifact_value = expansion_pattern[artifact_key]
-        if artifact_value == '*':
-            expansion[artifact_key] = test_expansion_schema[artifact_key]
-        elif isinstance(artifact_value, list):
-            expansion[artifact_key] = artifact_value
-        elif isinstance(artifact_value, dict):
-            # Flattened expansion.
-            expansion[artifact_key] = []
-            values_dict = expand_pattern(artifact_value,
-                                         test_expansion_schema[artifact_key])
-            for sub_key in values_dict.keys():
-                expansion[artifact_key] += values_dict[sub_key]
-        else:
-            expansion[artifact_key] = [artifact_value]
-    return expansion
-def permute_expansion(expansion, artifact_order, selection = {}, artifact_index = 0):
-    assert isinstance(artifact_order, list), "artifact_order should be a list"
-    if artifact_index >= len(artifact_order):
-        yield selection
-        return
-    artifact_key = artifact_order[artifact_index]
-    for artifact_value in expansion[artifact_key]:
-        selection[artifact_key] = artifact_value
-        for next_selection in permute_expansion(expansion,
-                                                artifact_order,
-                                                selection,
-                                                artifact_index + 1):
-            yield next_selection
-def generate_selection(config, selection, spec, test_html_template_basename):
-    # TODO: Refactor out this referrer-policy-specific part.
-    if 'referrer_policy' in spec:
-      # Oddball: it can be None, so in JS it's null.
-      selection['referrer_policy'] = spec['referrer_policy']
-    test_parameters = json.dumps(selection, indent=2, separators=(',', ':'))
-    # Adjust the template for the test invoking JS. Indent it to look nice.
-    indent = "\n" + " " * 8
-    test_parameters = test_parameters.replace("\n", indent)
-    selection['test_js'] = '''
-      %s(
-        %s,
-        document.querySelector("meta[name=assert]").content,
-        new SanityChecker()
-      ).start();
-      ''' % (config.test_case_name, test_parameters)
-    selection['spec_name'] = spec['name']
-    selection['test_page_title'] = config.test_page_title_template % spec['title']
-    selection['spec_description'] = spec['description']
-    selection['spec_specification_url'] = spec['specification_url']
-    selection['helper_js'] = config.helper_js
-    selection['sanity_checker_js'] = config.sanity_checker_js
-    selection['spec_json_js'] = config.spec_json_js
-    test_filename = os.path.join(config.spec_directory, config.test_file_path_pattern % selection)
-    test_headers_filename = test_filename + ".headers"
-    test_directory = os.path.dirname(test_filename)
-    test_html_template = util.get_template(test_html_template_basename)
-    disclaimer_template = util.get_template('disclaimer.template')
-    html_template_filename = os.path.join(util.template_directory,
-                                          test_html_template_basename)
-    generated_disclaimer = disclaimer_template \
-        % {'generating_script_filename': os.path.relpath(__file__,
-                                                         util.test_root_directory),
-           'html_template_filename': os.path.relpath(html_template_filename,
-                                                     util.test_root_directory)}
-    # Adjust the template for the test invoking JS. Indent it to look nice.
-    selection['generated_disclaimer'] = generated_disclaimer.rstrip()
-    selection['test_description'] = config.test_description_template % selection
-    selection['test_description'] = \
-        selection['test_description'].rstrip().replace("\n", "\n" + " " * 33)
-    # Directory for the test files.
-    try:
-        os.makedirs(test_directory)
-    except:
-        pass
-    delivery = config.handleDelivery(selection, spec)
-    if len(delivery['headers']) > 0:
-        with open(test_headers_filename, "w") as f:
-            for header in delivery['headers']:
-                f.write(header)
-                f.write('\n')
-    selection['meta_delivery_method'] = delivery['meta']
-    # Obey the lint and pretty format.
-    if len(selection['meta_delivery_method']) > 0:
-        selection['meta_delivery_method'] = "\n    " + \
-                                            selection['meta_delivery_method']
-    # Write out the generated HTML file.
-    util.write_file(test_filename, test_html_template % selection)
-def generate_test_source_files(config, spec_json, target):
-    test_expansion_schema = spec_json['test_expansion_schema']
-    specification = spec_json['specification']
-    spec_json_js_template = util.get_template('spec_json.js.template')
-    generated_spec_json_filename = os.path.join(config.spec_directory, "spec_json.js")
-    util.write_file(generated_spec_json_filename,
-               spec_json_js_template % {'spec_json': json.dumps(spec_json)})
-    # Choose a debug/release template depending on the target.
-    html_template = "test.%s.html.template" % target
-    artifact_order = test_expansion_schema.keys() + ['name']
-    artifact_order.remove('expansion')
-    # Create list of excluded tests.
-    exclusion_dict = {}
-    for excluded_pattern in spec_json['excluded_tests']:
-        excluded_expansion = \
-            expand_pattern(excluded_pattern, test_expansion_schema)
-        for excluded_selection in permute_expansion(excluded_expansion,
-                                                    artifact_order):
-            excluded_selection_path = config.selection_pattern % excluded_selection
-            exclusion_dict[excluded_selection_path] = True
-    for spec in specification:
-        # Used to make entries with expansion="override" override preceding
-        # entries with the same |selection_path|.
-        output_dict = {}
-        for expansion_pattern in spec['test_expansion']:
-            expansion = expand_pattern(expansion_pattern, test_expansion_schema)
-            for selection in permute_expansion(expansion, artifact_order):
-                selection_path = config.selection_pattern % selection
-                if not selection_path in exclusion_dict:
-                    if selection_path in output_dict:
-                        if expansion_pattern['expansion'] != 'override':
-                            print("Error: %s's expansion is default but overrides %s" % (selection['name'], output_dict[selection_path]['name']))
-                            sys.exit(1)
-                    output_dict[selection_path] = copy.deepcopy(selection)
-                else:
-                    print('Excluding selection:', selection_path)
-        for selection_path in output_dict:
-            selection = output_dict[selection_path]
-            generate_selection(config,
-                               selection,
-                               spec,
-                               html_template)
-def main(config):
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Test suite generator utility')
-    parser.add_argument('-t', '--target', type = str,
-        choices = ("release", "debug"), default = "release",
-        help = 'Sets the appropriate template for generating tests')
-    parser.add_argument('-s', '--spec', type = str, default = None,
-        help = 'Specify a file used for describing and generating the tests')
-    # TODO(kristijanburnik): Add option for the spec_json file.
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    if args.spec:
-      config.spec_directory = args.spec
-    spec_filename = os.path.join(config.spec_directory, "spec.src.json")
-    spec_json = util.load_spec_json(spec_filename)
-    spec_validator.assert_valid_spec_json(spec_json)
-    generate_test_source_files(config, spec_json, args.target)
+import generate
 class ReferrerPolicyConfig(object):
   def __init__(self):
@@ -252,4 +65,4 @@
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main(ReferrerPolicyConfig())
+    generate.main(ReferrerPolicyConfig())