blob: bb552e42b9bdb2c4be2560e43650b3a0905397fe [file] [log] [blame]
from copy import copy
from six import iteritems
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin, urlparse
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty
MYPY = False
if MYPY:
# MYPY is set to True when run under Mypy.
from typing import Optional
item_types = {}
class ManifestItemMeta(ABCMeta):
"""Custom metaclass that registers all the subclasses in the
item_types dictionary according to the value of their item_type
attribute, and otherwise behaves like an ABCMeta."""
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs, **kwargs):
rv = ABCMeta.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs, **kwargs)
if rv.item_type:
item_types[rv.item_type] = rv
return rv
class ManifestItem(object):
__metaclass__ = ManifestItemMeta
__slots__ = ("_tests_root", "path")
item_type = None # type: Optional[str]
def __init__(self, tests_root=None, path=None):
self._tests_root = tests_root
self.path = path
def id(self):
"""The test's id (usually its url)"""
def key(self):
"""A unique identifier for the test"""
return (self.item_type,
def __eq__(self, other):
if not hasattr(other, "key"):
return False
return self.key() == other.key()
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.key())
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s.%s id=%s, path=%s>" % (self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__,, self.path)
def to_json(self):
return [{}]
def from_json(cls, manifest, path, obj):
return cls(manifest.tests_root, path)
class URLManifestItem(ManifestItem):
__slots__ = ("url_base", "_url", "_extras")
def __init__(self, tests_root, path, url_base, url, **extras):
super(URLManifestItem, self).__init__(tests_root, path)
assert url_base[0] == "/"
self.url_base = url_base
assert url[0] != "/"
self._url = url
self._extras = extras
def id(self):
return self.url
def url(self):
# we can outperform urljoin, because we know we just have path relative URLs
if self.url_base == "/":
return "/" + self._url
return urljoin(self.url_base, self._url)
def https(self):
flags = set(urlparse(self.url).path.rsplit("/", 1)[1].split(".")[1:-1])
return ("https" in flags or "serviceworker" in flags)
def to_json(self):
rv = [self._url, {}]
return rv
def from_json(cls, manifest, path, obj):
url, extras = obj
return cls(manifest.tests_root,
class TestharnessTest(URLManifestItem):
item_type = "testharness"
def timeout(self):
return self._extras.get("timeout")
def testdriver(self):
return self._extras.get("testdriver")
def jsshell(self):
return self._extras.get("jsshell")
def script_metadata(self):
return self._extras.get("script_metadata")
def to_json(self):
rv = super(TestharnessTest, self).to_json()
if self.timeout is not None:
rv[-1]["timeout"] = self.timeout
if self.testdriver:
rv[-1]["testdriver"] = self.testdriver
if self.jsshell:
rv[-1]["jsshell"] = True
if self.script_metadata:
rv[-1]["script_metadata"] = self.script_metadata
return rv
class RefTestBase(URLManifestItem):
__slots__ = ("references",)
item_type = "reftest_base"
def __init__(self, tests_root, path, url_base, url, references=None, **extras):
super(RefTestBase, self).__init__(tests_root, path, url_base, url, **extras)
if references is None:
self.references = []
self.references = references
def timeout(self):
return self._extras.get("timeout")
def viewport_size(self):
return self._extras.get("viewport_size")
def dpi(self):
return self._extras.get("dpi")
def fuzzy(self):
fuzzy = self._extras.get("fuzzy", {})
if not isinstance(fuzzy, list):
return fuzzy
rv = {}
for k, v in fuzzy:
if k is not None:
k = tuple(k)
rv[k] = v
return rv
def to_json(self):
rv = [self._url, self.references, {}]
extras = rv[-1]
if self.timeout is not None:
extras["timeout"] = self.timeout
if self.viewport_size is not None:
extras["viewport_size"] = self.viewport_size
if self.dpi is not None:
extras["dpi"] = self.dpi
if self.fuzzy:
extras["fuzzy"] = list(iteritems(self.fuzzy))
return rv
def from_json(cls, manifest, path, obj):
url, references, extras = obj
return cls(manifest.tests_root,
def to_RefTest(self):
if type(self) == RefTest:
return self
rv = copy(self)
rv.__class__ = RefTest
return rv
def to_RefTestNode(self):
if type(self) == RefTestNode:
return self
rv = copy(self)
rv.__class__ = RefTestNode
return rv
class RefTestNode(RefTestBase):
item_type = "reftest_node"
class RefTest(RefTestBase):
item_type = "reftest"
class ManualTest(URLManifestItem):
item_type = "manual"
class ConformanceCheckerTest(URLManifestItem):
item_type = "conformancechecker"
class VisualTest(URLManifestItem):
item_type = "visual"
class Stub(URLManifestItem):
item_type = "stub"
class WebDriverSpecTest(URLManifestItem):
item_type = "wdspec"
def timeout(self):
return self._extras.get("timeout")
def to_json(self):
rv = super(WebDriverSpecTest, self).to_json()
if self.timeout is not None:
rv[-1]["timeout"] = self.timeout
return rv
class SupportFile(ManifestItem):
item_type = "support"
def id(self):
return self.path