blob: 99899c5909b709735a1e240032709b587762f60c [file] [log] [blame]
import json
import pytest
from ..manifest import Manifest
from ..item import URLManifestItem, RefTest
@pytest.mark.parametrize("path", [
def test_url_https(path):
m = URLManifestItem("/foo", "bar/" + path, "/", "bar/" + path)
assert m.https is True
@pytest.mark.parametrize("path", [
def test_url_not_https(path):
m = URLManifestItem("/foo", "bar/" + path, "/", "bar/" + path)
assert m.https is False
@pytest.mark.parametrize("fuzzy", [
{('/foo/test.html', u'/foo/ref.html', '=='): [[1, 1], [200, 200]]},
{('/foo/test.html', u'/foo/ref.html', '=='): [[0, 1], [100, 200]]},
{None: [[0, 1], [100, 200]]},
{None: [[1, 1], [200, 200]]},
def test_reftest_fuzzy(fuzzy):
t = RefTest('/',
[('/foo/ref.html', '==')],
assert fuzzy == t.fuzzy
json_obj = t.to_json()
m = Manifest("/", "/")
t2 = RefTest.from_json(m, t.path, json_obj)
assert fuzzy == t2.fuzzy
# test the roundtrip case, given tuples become lists
roundtrip = json.loads(json.dumps(json_obj))
t3 = RefTest.from_json(m, t.path, roundtrip)
assert fuzzy == t3.fuzzy
@pytest.mark.parametrize("fuzzy", [
{('/foo/test.html', u'/foo/ref-2.html', '=='): [[0, 1], [100, 200]]},
{None: [[1, 1], [200, 200]], ('/foo/test.html', u'/foo/ref-2.html', '=='): [[0, 1], [100, 200]]},
def test_reftest_fuzzy_multi(fuzzy):
t = RefTest('/',
[('/foo/ref-1.html', '=='), ('/foo/ref-2.html', '==')],
assert fuzzy == t.fuzzy
json_obj = t.to_json()
m = Manifest("/", "/")
t2 = RefTest.from_json(m, t.path, json_obj)
assert fuzzy == t2.fuzzy
# test the roundtrip case, given tuples become lists
roundtrip = json.loads(json.dumps(json_obj))
t3 = RefTest.from_json(m, t.path, roundtrip)
assert fuzzy == t3.fuzzy