Allow zero in rotateFromVector

Aligns to the spec. Try:

Differential Revision:

gecko-commit: cc6fbf8afb48a0e3e3cc9c2db7a91b5906fb0a8b
gecko-integration-branch: central
gecko-reviewers: bzbarsky
diff --git a/css/geometry/DOMMatrix-003.html b/css/geometry/DOMMatrix-003.html
index 2187f3e..094ae99 100644
--- a/css/geometry/DOMMatrix-003.html
+++ b/css/geometry/DOMMatrix-003.html
@@ -204,6 +204,24 @@
         },"test rotateFromVector()");
         test(function() {
+          var result = initialDOMMatrix().rotateFromVector(0, 1);
+          var expected = initialDOMMatrix().rotate(90);
+          checkDOMMatrix(result, expected);
+        },"test rotateFromVector() with x being zero");
+        test(function() {
+          var result = initialDOMMatrix().rotateFromVector(1, 0);
+          var expected = initialDOMMatrix()
+          checkDOMMatrix(result, expected);
+        },"test rotateFromVector() with y being zero");
+        test(function() {
+          var result = initialDOMMatrix().rotateFromVector(0, 0);
+          var expected = initialDOMMatrix()
+          checkDOMMatrix(result, expected);
+        },"test rotateFromVector() with two zeros");
+        test(function() {
           var result = initialDOMMatrix().rotateAxisAngle(3, 3, 3, 120);
           var expected = initialDOMMatrix().multiply(getRotationMatrix(3, 3, 3, 120));
           checkDOMMatrix(result, expected);