blob: 4647c2c9119baa9d998f14f2f4973fc3607fd51b [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>transform interpolation</title>
<link rel="help" href="">
<meta name="assert" content="transform supports animation as a transform list">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
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<script src="/css/support/interpolation-testcommon.js"></script>
.target {
color: white;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background-color: black;
display: inline-block;
overflow: hidden;
.expected {
background-color: green;
.target > div {
width: 10px;
height: 10px;
display: inline-block;
background: orange;
margin: 1px;
.test {
overflow: hidden;
<template id="target-template">
// Perspective
property: 'transform',
from: 'perspective(400px)',
to: 'perspective(500px)'
}, [
{at: -1, expect: 'perspective(300px)'},
{at: 0, expect: 'perspective(400px)'},
{at: 0.25, expect: 'perspective(425px)'},
{at: 0.75, expect: 'perspective(475px)'},
{at: 1, expect: 'perspective(500px)'},
{at: 2, expect: 'perspective(600px)'},
property: 'transform',
from: 'skewX(10rad) perspective(400px)',
to: 'skewX(20rad) perspective(500px)'
}, [
{at: -1, expect: 'skewX(0rad) perspective(300px)'},
{at: 0, expect: 'skewX(10rad) perspective(400px)'},
{at: 0.25, expect: 'skewX(12.5rad) perspective(425px)'},
{at: 0.75, expect: 'skewX(17.5rad) perspective(475px)'},
{at: 1, expect: 'skewX(20rad) perspective(500px)'},
{at: 2, expect: 'skewX(30rad) perspective(600px)'},
property: 'transform',
from: 'scaleZ(1) perspective(400px)',
to: 'scaleZ(2) perspective(500px)'
}, [
{at: -1, expect: 'scaleZ(0) perspective(300px)'},
{at: 0, expect: 'scaleZ(1) perspective(400px)'},
{at: 0.25, expect: 'scaleZ(1.25) perspective(425px)'},
{at: 0.75, expect: 'scaleZ(1.75) perspective(475px)'},
{at: 1, expect: 'scaleZ(2) perspective(500px)'},
{at: 2, expect: 'scaleZ(3) perspective(600px)'},
// Rotate
property: 'transform',
from: 'rotate(30deg)',
to: 'rotate(330deg)'
}, [
{at: -1, expect: 'rotate(-270deg)'},
{at: 0, expect: 'rotate(30deg)'},
{at: 0.25, expect: 'rotate(105deg)'},
{at: 0.75, expect: 'rotate(255deg)'},
{at: 1, expect: 'rotate(330deg)'},
{at: 2, expect: 'rotate(630deg)'},
property: 'transform',
from: 'rotateX(0deg)',
to: 'rotateX(700deg)'
}, [
{at: -1, expect: 'rotateX(-700deg)'},
{at: 0, expect: 'rotateX(0deg)'},
{at: 0.25, expect: 'rotateX(175deg)'},
{at: 0.75, expect: 'rotateX(525deg)'},
{at: 1, expect: 'rotateX(700deg)'},
{at: 2, expect: 'rotateX(1400deg)'},
property: 'transform',
from: 'rotateY(0deg)',
to: 'rotateY(800deg)'
}, [
{at: -1, expect: 'rotateY(-800deg)'},
{at: 0, expect: 'rotateY(0deg)'},
{at: 0.25, expect: 'rotateY(200deg)'},
{at: 0.75, expect: 'rotateY(600deg)'},
{at: 1, expect: 'rotateY(800deg)'},
{at: 2, expect: 'rotateY(1600deg)'},
property: 'transform',
from: 'rotateZ(0deg)',
to: 'rotateZ(900deg)'
}, [
{at: -1, expect: 'rotateZ(-900deg)'},
{at: 0, expect: 'rotateZ(0deg)'},
{at: 0.25, expect: 'rotateZ(225deg)'},
{at: 0.75, expect: 'rotateZ(675deg)'},
{at: 1, expect: 'rotateZ(900deg)'},
{at: 2, expect: 'rotateZ(1800deg)'},
// Interpolation is about a common axis if either endpoint has a rotation angle
// of zero.
property: 'transform',
from: 'rotateX(0deg)',
to: 'rotateY(900deg)'
}, [
{at: -1, expect: 'rotateY(-900deg)'},
{at: 0, expect: 'rotateY(0deg)'},
{at: 0.25, expect: 'rotateY(225deg)'},
{at: 0.75, expect: 'rotateY(675deg)'},
{at: 1, expect: 'rotateY(900deg)'},
{at: 2, expect: 'rotateY(1800deg)'},
property: 'transform',
from: 'rotateY(900deg)',
to: 'rotateZ(0deg)'
}, [
{at: -1, expect: 'rotateY(1800deg)'},
{at: 0, expect: 'rotateY(900deg)'},
{at: 0.25, expect: 'rotateY(675deg)'},
{at: 0.75, expect: 'rotateY(225deg)'},
{at: 1, expect: 'rotateY(0deg)'},
{at: 2, expect: 'rotateY(-900deg)'},
property: 'transform',
from: 'rotate3d(7, 8, 9, 100deg)',
to: 'rotate3d(7, 8, 9, 260deg)'
}, [
{at: -1, expect: 'rotate3d(7, 8, 9, -60deg)'},
{at: 0, expect: 'rotate3d(7, 8, 9, 100deg)'},
{at: 0.25, expect: 'rotate3d(7, 8, 9, 140deg)'},
{at: 0.75, expect: 'rotate3d(7, 8, 9, 220deg)'},
{at: 1, expect: 'rotate3d(7, 8, 9, 260deg)'},
{at: 2, expect: 'rotate3d(7, 8, 9, 420deg)'},
property: 'transform',
from: 'rotate3d(7, 8, 9, 0deg)',
to: 'rotate3d(7, 8, 9, 450deg)'
}, [
{at: -1, expect: 'rotate3d(7, 8, 9, -450deg)'},
{at: 0, expect: 'rotate3d(7, 8, 9, 0deg)'},
{at: 0.25, expect: 'rotate3d(7, 8, 9, 112.5deg)'},
{at: 0.75, expect: 'rotate3d(7, 8, 9, 337.5deg)'},
{at: 1, expect: 'rotate3d(7, 8, 9, 450deg)'},
{at: 2, expect: 'rotate3d(7, 8, 9, 900deg)'},
property: 'transform',
from: 'rotate3d(0, 1, 0, 0deg)',
to: 'rotate3d(0, 1, 0, 450deg)'
}, [
{at: -1, expect: 'rotate3d(0, 1, 0, -450deg)'},
{at: 0, expect: 'rotate3d(0, 1, 0, 0deg)'},
{at: 0.25, expect: 'rotate3d(0, 1, 0, 112.5deg)'},
{at: 0.75, expect: 'rotate3d(0, 1, 0, 337.5deg)'},
{at: 1, expect: 'rotate3d(0, 1, 0, 450deg)'},
{at: 2, expect: 'rotate3d(0, 1, 0, 900deg)'},
// Rotation is about a common axis if the axes are colinear.
property: 'transform',
from: 'rotate3d(0, 1, 0, 0deg)',
to: 'rotate3d(0, 2, 0, 450deg)'
}, [
{at: -1, expect: 'rotate3d(0, 1, 0, -450deg)'},
{at: 0, expect: 'rotate3d(0, 1, 0, 0deg)'},
{at: 0.25, expect: 'rotate3d(0, 1, 0, 112.5deg)'},
{at: 0.75, expect: 'rotate3d(0, 1, 0, 337.5deg)'},
{at: 1, expect: 'rotate3d(0, 1, 0, 450deg)'},
{at: 2, expect: 'rotate3d(0, 1, 0, 900deg)'},
property: 'transform',
from: 'rotate3d(1, 1, 0, 90deg)',
to: 'rotate3d(0, 1, 1, 180deg)'
}, [
{at: -1, expect: 'rotate3d(0.41, -0.41, -0.82, 120deg)'},
{at: 0, expect: 'rotate3d(1, 1, 0, 90deg)'},
{at: 0.25, expect: 'rotate3d(0.524083, 0.804261, 0.280178, 106.91deg)'},
{at: 0.75, expect: 'rotate3d(0.163027, 0.774382, 0.611354, 153.99deg)'},
{at: 1, expect: 'rotate3d(0, 1, 1, 180deg)'},
{at: 2, expect: 'rotate3d(0.71, 0, -0.71, 90deg)'},
property: 'transform',
from: 'none',
to: 'rotate(90deg)'
}, [
{at: -1, expect: 'rotate(-90deg)'},
{at: 0, expect: 'rotate(0deg)'},
{at: 0.25, expect: 'rotate(22.5deg)'},
{at: 0.75, expect: 'rotate(67.5deg)'},
{at: 1, expect: 'rotate(90deg)'},
{at: 2, expect: 'rotate(180deg)'},
property: 'transform',
from: 'rotate(90deg)',
to: 'none'
}, [
{at: -1, expect: 'rotate(180deg)'},
{at: 0, expect: 'rotate(90deg)'},
{at: 0.25, expect: 'rotate(67.5deg)'},
{at: 0.75, expect: 'rotate(22.5deg)'},
{at: 1, expect: 'rotate(0deg)'},
{at: 2, expect: 'rotate(-90deg)'},
property: 'transform',
from: 'rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg)',
to: 'rotateX(700deg) rotateY(800deg) rotateZ(900deg)'
}, [
{at: -1, expect: 'rotateX(-700deg) rotateY(-800deg) rotateZ(-900deg)'},
{at: 0, expect: 'rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg)'},
{at: 0.25, expect: 'rotateX(175deg) rotateY(200deg) rotateZ(225deg)'},
{at: 0.75, expect: 'rotateX(525deg) rotateY(600deg) rotateZ(675deg)'},
{at: 1, expect: 'rotateX(700deg) rotateY(800deg) rotateZ(900deg)'},
{at: 2, expect: 'rotateX(1400deg) rotateY(1600deg) rotateZ(1800deg)'},