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<title>KV Storage: tests against various key types</title>
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import { testWithArea, testVariousMethods } from "./helpers/kvs-tests.js";
import { assertEqualDates, assertEqualArrayBuffers, assertArrayBufferEqualsABView }
from "./helpers/equality-asserters.js";
const invalidKeys = {
"undefined": undefined,
"null": null,
"a boolean": true,
"a symbol": Symbol("a symbol"),
"an object": { an: "object" },
"a function": () => {},
"a regexp": /foo/,
"a Map": new Map(),
"a Set": new Set(),
"an IDBKeyRange": IDBKeyRange.only(5)
const validKeys = {
"a number": [5, assert_equals],
"a string": ["a string", assert_equals],
"a Date": [new Date(), assertEqualDates],
"a typed array": [new Uint8Array([1, 2]), assertArrayBufferEqualsABView],
"a DataView": [new DataView(new Uint8Array([3, 4]).buffer), assertArrayBufferEqualsABView],
"an ArrayBuffer": [new Uint8Array([5, 6]).buffer, assertEqualArrayBuffers]
const methods = ["delete", "get", "set"];
for (const method of methods) {
testWithArea(async (area, t) => {
for (const [description, key] of Object.entries(invalidKeys)) {
await promise_rejects(t, "DataError", area[method](key), description);
}, `${method}: invalid keys`);
testWithArea(async (area, t) => {
for (const [description, key] of Object.entries(invalidKeys)) {
await promise_rejects(t, "DataError", area[method]([key]), description);
}, `${method}: invalid keys, nested in arrays`);
testWithArea(async (area, t) => {
for (const [key] of Object.values(validKeys)) {
await area[method](key);
}, `${method}: valid keys`);
testWithArea(async (area, t) => {
for (const [key] of Object.values(validKeys)) {
await area[method]([key]);
}, `${method}: valid keys, nested in arrays`);
for (const [description, [key, equalityAsserter]] of Object.entries(validKeys)) {
testVariousMethods(`Storage methods smoke test: ${description} key`, key, 5, equalityAsserter);