blob: fef052dd5ab495dad4342e086491723c761edcfd [file] [log] [blame]
import os
import platform
import socket
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from copy import deepcopy
from six import iteritems
from ..wptcommandline import require_arg # noqa: F401
here = os.path.split(__file__)[0]
def inherit(super_module, child_globals, product_name):
super_wptrunner = super_module.__wptrunner__
child_globals["__wptrunner__"] = child_wptrunner = deepcopy(super_wptrunner)
child_wptrunner["product"] = product_name
for k in ("check_args", "browser", "browser_kwargs", "executor_kwargs",
"env_extras", "env_options", "timeout_multiplier"):
attr = super_wptrunner[k]
child_globals[attr] = getattr(super_module, attr)
for v in super_module.__wptrunner__["executor"].values():
child_globals[v] = getattr(super_module, v)
if "run_info_extras" in super_wptrunner:
attr = super_wptrunner["run_info_extras"]
child_globals[attr] = getattr(super_module, attr)
def cmd_arg(name, value=None):
prefix = "-" if platform.system() == "Windows" else "--"
rv = prefix + name
if value is not None:
rv += "=" + value
return rv
def maybe_add_args(required_args, current_args):
for required_arg in required_args:
# If the arg is in the form of "variable=value", only add it if
# no arg with another value for "variable" is already there.
if "=" in required_arg:
required_arg_prefix = "%s=" % required_arg.split("=")[0]
if not any(item.startswith(required_arg_prefix) for item in current_args):
if required_arg not in current_args:
return current_args
def certificate_domain_list(list_of_domains, certificate_file):
"""Build a list of domains where certificate_file should be used"""
cert_list = []
for domain in list_of_domains:
cert_list.append({"host": domain, "certificateFile": certificate_file})
return cert_list
def get_free_port():
"""Get a random unbound port"""
while True:
s = socket.socket()
s.bind(("", 0))
except socket.error:
return s.getsockname()[1]
def get_timeout_multiplier(test_type, run_info_data, **kwargs):
if kwargs["timeout_multiplier"] is not None:
return kwargs["timeout_multiplier"]
return 1
def browser_command(binary, args, debug_info):
if debug_info:
if debug_info.requiresEscapedArgs:
args = [item.replace("&", "\\&") for item in args]
debug_args = [debug_info.path] + debug_info.args
debug_args = []
command = [binary] + args
return debug_args, command
class BrowserError(Exception):
class Browser(object):
"""Abstract class serving as the basis for Browser implementations.
The Browser is used in the TestRunnerManager to start and stop the browser
process, and to check the state of that process. This class also acts as a
context manager, enabling it to do browser-specific setup at the start of
the testrun and cleanup after the run is complete.
:param logger: Structured logger to use for output.
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
process_cls = None
init_timeout = 30
def __init__(self, logger):
self.logger = logger
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def setup(self):
"""Used for browser-specific setup that happens at the start of a test run"""
def settings(self, test):
return {}
def start(self, group_metadata, **kwargs):
"""Launch the browser object and get it into a state where is is ready to run tests"""
def stop(self, force=False):
"""Stop the running browser process."""
def pid(self):
"""pid of the browser process or None if there is no pid"""
def is_alive(self):
"""Boolean indicating whether the browser process is still running"""
def setup_ssl(self, hosts):
"""Return a certificate to use for tests requiring ssl that will be trusted by the browser"""
raise NotImplementedError("ssl testing not supported")
def cleanup(self):
"""Browser-specific cleanup that is run after the testrun is finished"""
def executor_browser(self):
"""Returns the ExecutorBrowser subclass for this Browser subclass and the keyword arguments
with which it should be instantiated"""
return ExecutorBrowser, {}
def check_crash(self, process, test):
"""Check if a crash occured and output any useful information to the
log. Returns a boolean indicating whether a crash occured."""
return False
class NullBrowser(Browser):
def __init__(self, logger, **kwargs):
super(NullBrowser, self).__init__(logger)
def start(self, **kwargs):
"""No-op browser to use in scenarios where the TestRunnerManager shouldn't
actually own the browser process (e.g. Servo where we start one browser
per test)"""
def stop(self, force=False):
def pid(self):
return None
def is_alive(self):
return True
def on_output(self, line):
raise NotImplementedError
class ExecutorBrowser(object):
"""View of the Browser used by the Executor object.
This is needed because the Executor runs in a child process and
we can't ship Browser instances between processes on Windows.
Typically this will have a few product-specific properties set,
but in some cases it may have more elaborate methods for setting
up the browser from the runner process.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for k, v in iteritems(kwargs):
setattr(self, k, v)