blob: 18c035215e0b9f1ba7b6fab226e9c9853049fa36 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script nonce="123" src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script nonce="123"src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script nonce="123"src="/content-security-policy/support/testharness-helper.js"></script>
<script nonce="123">
// CSP insists the "trusted-types: ..." directives are deliverd as headers
// (rather than as "<meta http-equiv" tags). This test assumes the following
// headers are set in the .headers file:
// Content-Security-Policy: trusted-types *
// Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; report-uri ...
// Content-Security-Policy: plugin-types bla/blubb
// The last rule is there so we can provoke a CSP violation report at will.
// The intent is that in order to test that a violation has *not* been thrown
// (and without resorting to abominations like timeouts), we force a *another*
// CSP violation (by violating the img-src rule) and when that event is
// processed we can we sure that an earlier event - if it indeed occurred -
// must have already been processed.
// Return function that returns a promise that resolves on the given
// violation report.
// filter_arg - iff function, call it with the event object.
// Else, string-ify and compare against event.originalPolicy.
function promise_violation(filter_arg) {
return _ => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
function handler(e) {
let matches = (filter_arg instanceof Function)
? filter_arg(e)
: (e.originalPolicy.includes(filter_arg));
if (matches) {
document.removeEventListener("securitypolicyviolation", handler);
document.addEventListener("securitypolicyviolation", handler);
// Like assert_throws, but we don't care about the exact error. We just want
// to run the code and continue.
function expect_throws(fn) {
try { fn(); assert_unreached(); } catch (err) { /* ignore */ }
// A sample policy we use to test trustedTypes.createPolicy behaviour.
const id = x => x;
const a_policy = {
createHTML: id,
createScriptURL: id,
createURL: id,
createScript: id,
const scriptyPolicy = trustedTypes.createPolicy('allowEval', a_policy);
// Provoke/wait for a CSP violation, in order to be sure that all previous
// CSP violations have been delivered.
function promise_flush() {
return promise_violation("plugin-types bla/blubb");
function flush() {
expect_throws(_ => {
var o = document.createElement('object');
o.type = "application/x-shockwave-flash";
window.script_run_beacon = 'vanilla';
promise_test(t => {
let p = Promise.resolve()
.then(promise_violation("require-trusted-types-for 'script'"))
assert_equals(script_run_beacon, 'report-only-does-not-stop');
return p;
}, "Trusted Type violation report: evaluating a string.");
promise_test(t => {
let p = promise_flush()();
assert_equals(script_run_beacon, 'trusted-script-ok');
return p;
}, "Trusted Type violation report: evaluating a Trusted Script.");
promise_test(t => {
trustedTypes.createPolicy('default', {
createScript: s => s.replace('payload', 'default policy'),
}, true);
let p = promise_flush()();
assert_equals(script_run_beacon, 'default policy');
return p;
}, "Trusted Type violation report: default policy runs in report-only mode.");