blob: 9e842802fc0f1b273cd78313275e0bf78dbcaf64 [file] [log] [blame]
from six.moves import BaseHTTPServer
import errno
import os
import socket
from six.moves.socketserver import ThreadingMixIn
import ssl
import sys
import threading
import time
import traceback
from six import binary_type, text_type
import uuid
from collections import OrderedDict
from six.moves.queue import Queue
from h2.config import H2Configuration
from h2.connection import H2Connection
from import RequestReceived, ConnectionTerminated, DataReceived, StreamReset, StreamEnded
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlsplit, urlunsplit
from . import routes as default_routes
from .config import ConfigBuilder
from .logger import get_logger
from .request import Server, Request, H2Request
from .response import Response, H2Response
from .router import Router
from .utils import HTTPException
from .constants import h2_headers
HTTP server designed for testing purposes.
The server is designed to provide flexibility in the way that
requests are handled, and to provide control both of exactly
what bytes are put on the wire for the response, and in the
timing of sending those bytes.
The server is based on the stdlib HTTPServer, but with some
notable differences in the way that requests are processed.
Overall processing is handled by a WebTestRequestHandler,
which is a subclass of BaseHTTPRequestHandler. This is responsible
for parsing the incoming request. A RequestRewriter is then
applied and may change the request data if it matches a
supplied rule.
Once the request data had been finalised, Request and Response
objects are constructed. These are used by the other parts of the
system to read information about the request and manipulate the
Each request is handled by a particular handler function. The
mapping between Request and the appropriate handler is determined
by a Router. By default handlers are installed to interpret files
under the document root with .py extensions as executable python
files (see for the api for such files), .asis files as
bytestreams to be sent literally and all other files to be served
The handler functions are responsible for either populating the
fields of the response object, which will then be written when the
handler returns, or for directly writing to the output stream.
EDIT_HOSTS_HELP = ("Please ensure all the necessary WPT subdomains "
"are mapped to a loopback device in /etc/hosts. "
"See "
"for instructions.")
class RequestRewriter(object):
def __init__(self, rules):
"""Object for rewriting the request path.
:param rules: Initial rules to add; a list of three item tuples
(method, input_path, output_path), defined as for
self.rules = {}
for rule in reversed(rules):
self.logger = get_logger()
def register(self, methods, input_path, output_path):
"""Register a rewrite rule.
:param methods: Set of methods this should match. "*" is a
special value indicating that all methods should
be matched.
:param input_path: Path to match for the initial request.
:param output_path: Path to replace the input path with in
the request.
if isinstance(methods, (binary_type, text_type)):
methods = [methods]
self.rules[input_path] = (methods, output_path)
def rewrite(self, request_handler):
"""Rewrite the path in a BaseHTTPRequestHandler instance, if
it matches a rule.
:param request_handler: BaseHTTPRequestHandler for which to
rewrite the request.
split_url = urlsplit(request_handler.path)
if split_url.path in self.rules:
methods, destination = self.rules[split_url.path]
if "*" in methods or request_handler.command in methods:
self.logger.debug("Rewriting request path %s to %s" %
(request_handler.path, destination))
new_url = list(split_url)
new_url[2] = destination
new_url = urlunsplit(new_url)
request_handler.path = new_url
class WebTestServer(ThreadingMixIn, BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
allow_reuse_address = True
acceptable_errors = (errno.EPIPE, errno.ECONNABORTED)
request_queue_size = 2000
# Ensure that we don't hang on shutdown waiting for requests
daemon_threads = True
def __init__(self, server_address, request_handler_cls,
router, rewriter, bind_address,
config=None, use_ssl=False, key_file=None, certificate=None,
encrypt_after_connect=False, latency=None, http2=False, **kwargs):
"""Server for HTTP(s) Requests
:param server_address: tuple of (server_name, port)
:param request_handler_cls: BaseHTTPRequestHandler-like class to use for
handling requests.
:param router: Router instance to use for matching requests to handler
:param rewriter: RequestRewriter-like instance to use for preprocessing
requests before they are routed
:param config: Dictionary holding environment configuration settings for
handlers to read, or None to use the default values.
:param use_ssl: Boolean indicating whether the server should use SSL
:param key_file: Path to key file to use if SSL is enabled.
:param certificate: Path to certificate to use if SSL is enabled.
:param encrypt_after_connect: For each connection, don't start encryption
until a CONNECT message has been received.
This enables the server to act as a
:param bind_address True to bind the server to both the IP address and
port specified in the server_address parameter.
False to bind the server only to the port in the
server_address parameter, but not to the address.
:param latency: Delay in ms to wait before serving each response, or
callable that returns a delay in ms
self.router = router
self.rewriter = rewriter
self.scheme = "http2" if http2 else "https" if use_ssl else "http"
self.logger = get_logger()
self.latency = latency
if bind_address:
hostname_port = server_address
hostname_port = ("",server_address[1])
#super doesn't work here because BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer is old-style
BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.__init__(self, hostname_port, request_handler_cls, **kwargs)
if config is not None:
Server.config = config
self.logger.debug("Using default configuration")
with ConfigBuilder(browser_host=server_address[0],
ports={"http": [self.server_address[1]]}) as config:
assert config["ssl_config"] is None
Server.config = config
self.key_file = key_file
self.certificate = certificate
self.encrypt_after_connect = use_ssl and encrypt_after_connect
if use_ssl and not encrypt_after_connect:
if http2:
ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context(purpose=ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH)
ssl_context.load_cert_chain(keyfile=self.key_file, certfile=self.certificate)
self.socket = ssl_context.wrap_socket(self.socket,
self.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(self.socket,
def handle_error(self, request, client_address):
error = sys.exc_info()[1]
if ((isinstance(error, socket.error) and
isinstance(error.args, tuple) and
error.args[0] in self.acceptable_errors) or
(isinstance(error, IOError) and
error.errno in self.acceptable_errors)):
pass # remote hang up before the result is sent
class BaseWebTestRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
"""RequestHandler for WebTestHttpd"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.logger = get_logger()
BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def finish_handling_h1(self, request_line_is_valid):
request = Request(self)
response = Response(self, request)
if request.method == "CONNECT":
if not request_line_is_valid:
self.logger.debug("%s %s" % (request.method, request.request_path))
handler = self.server.router.get_handler(request)
self.finish_handling(request, response, handler)
def finish_handling(self, request, response, handler):
# If the handler we used for the request had a non-default base path
# set update the doc_root of the request to reflect this
if hasattr(handler, "base_path") and handler.base_path:
request.doc_root = handler.base_path
if hasattr(handler, "url_base") and handler.url_base != "/":
request.url_base = handler.url_base
if self.server.latency is not None:
if callable(self.server.latency):
latency = self.server.latency()
latency = self.server.latency
self.logger.warning("Latency enabled. Sleeping %i ms" % latency)
time.sleep(latency / 1000.)
if handler is None:
self.logger.debug("No Handler found!")
handler(request, response)
except HTTPException as e:
response.set_error(e.code, e.message)
except Exception as e:
self.respond_with_error(response, e)
self.logger.debug("%i %s %s (%s) %i" % (response.status[0],
if not response.writer.content_written:
# If a python handler has been used, the old ones won't send a END_STR data frame, so this
# allows for backwards compatibility by accounting for these handlers that don't close streams
if isinstance(response, H2Response) and not response.writer.stream_ended:
# If we want to remove this in the future, a solution is needed for
# scripts that produce a non-string iterable of content, since these
# can't set a Content-Length header. A notable example of this kind of
# problem is with the trickle pipe i.e. foo.js?pipe=trickle(d1)
if response.close_connection:
self.close_connection = True
if not self.close_connection:
# Ensure that the whole request has been read from the socket
def handle_connect(self, response):
self.logger.debug("Got CONNECT")
response.status = 200
if self.server.encrypt_after_connect:
self.logger.debug("Enabling SSL for connection")
self.request = ssl.wrap_socket(self.connection,
def respond_with_error(self, response, e):
message = str(e)
if message:
err = [message]
err = []
response.set_error(500, "\n".join(err))
class Http2WebTestRequestHandler(BaseWebTestRequestHandler):
protocol_version = "HTTP/2.0"
def handle_one_request(self):
This is the main HTTP/2.0 Handler.
When a browser opens a connection to the server
on the HTTP/2.0 port, the server enters this which will initiate the h2 connection
and keep running throughout the duration of the interaction, and will read/write directly
from the socket.
Because there can be multiple H2 connections active at the same
time, a UUID is created for each so that it is easier to tell them apart in the logs.
config = H2Configuration(client_side=False)
self.conn = H2ConnectionGuard(H2Connection(config=config))
self.close_connection = False
# Generate a UUID to make it easier to distinguish different H2 connection debug messages
self.uid = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]
self.logger.debug('(%s) Initiating h2 Connection' % self.uid)
with self.conn as connection:
data = connection.data_to_send()
window_size = connection.remote_settings.initial_window_size
# Dict of { stream_id: (thread, queue) }
stream_queues = {}
while not self.close_connection:
data = self.request.recv(window_size)
if data == '':
self.logger.debug('(%s) Socket Closed' % self.uid)
self.close_connection = True
with self.conn as connection:
frames = connection.receive_data(data)
window_size = connection.remote_settings.initial_window_size
self.logger.debug('(%s) Frames Received: ' % self.uid + str(frames))
for frame in frames:
if isinstance(frame, ConnectionTerminated):
self.logger.debug('(%s) Connection terminated by remote peer ' % self.uid)
self.close_connection = True
# Flood all the streams with connection terminated, this will cause them to stop
for stream_id, (thread, queue) in stream_queues.items():
elif hasattr(frame, 'stream_id'):
if frame.stream_id not in stream_queues:
queue = Queue()
stream_queues[frame.stream_id] = (self.start_stream_thread(frame, queue), queue)
if isinstance(frame, StreamEnded) or (hasattr(frame, "stream_ended") and frame.stream_ended):
del stream_queues[frame.stream_id]
except (socket.timeout, socket.error) as e:
self.logger.error('(%s) Closing Connection - \n%s' % (self.uid, str(e)))
if not self.close_connection:
self.close_connection = True
for stream_id, (thread, queue) in stream_queues.items():
except Exception as e:
self.logger.error('(%s) Unexpected Error - \n%s' % (self.uid, str(e)))
for stream_id, (thread, queue) in stream_queues.items():
def start_stream_thread(self, frame, queue):
This starts a new thread to handle frames for a specific stream.
:param frame: The first frame on the stream
:param queue: A queue object that the thread will use to check for new frames
:return: The thread object that has already been started
t = threading.Thread(
args=(self, frame.stream_id, queue)
return t
def _stream_thread(self, stream_id, queue):
This thread processes frames for a specific stream. It waits for frames to be placed
in the queue, and processes them. When it receives a request frame, it will start processing
immediately, even if there are data frames to follow. One of the reasons for this is that it
can detect invalid requests before needing to read the rest of the frames.
# The file-like pipe object that will be used to share data to request object if data is received
wfile = None
request = None
response = None
req_handler = None
while not self.close_connection:
# Wait for next frame, blocking
frame = queue.get(True, None)
self.logger.debug('(%s - %s) %s' % (self.uid, stream_id, str(frame)))
if isinstance(frame, RequestReceived):
rfile, wfile = os.pipe()
rfile, wfile = os.fdopen(rfile, 'rb'), os.fdopen(wfile, 'wb')
stream_handler = H2HandlerCopy(self, frame, rfile)
request = H2Request(stream_handler)
response = H2Response(stream_handler, request)
req_handler = stream_handler.server.router.get_handler(request)
if hasattr(req_handler, "frame_handler"):
# Convert this to a handler that will utilise H2 specific functionality, such as handling individual frames
req_handler = self.frame_handler(request, response, req_handler)
if hasattr(req_handler, 'handle_headers'):
req_handler.handle_headers(frame, request, response)
elif isinstance(frame, DataReceived):
if hasattr(req_handler, 'handle_data'):
req_handler.handle_data(frame, request, response)
if frame.stream_ended:
elif frame is None or isinstance(frame, (StreamReset, StreamEnded, ConnectionTerminated)):
self.logger.debug('(%s - %s) Stream Reset, Thread Closing' % (self.uid, stream_id))
if request is not None:
if hasattr(frame, "stream_ended") and frame.stream_ended:
self.finish_handling(request, response, req_handler)
def frame_handler(self, request, response, handler):
return handler.frame_handler(request)
except HTTPException as e:
response.set_error(e.code, e.message)
except Exception as e:
self.respond_with_error(response, e)
class H2ConnectionGuard(object):
"""H2Connection objects are not threadsafe, so this keeps thread safety"""
lock = threading.Lock()
def __init__(self, obj):
assert isinstance(obj, H2Connection)
self.obj = obj
def __enter__(self):
return self.obj
def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback):
class H2Headers(dict):
def __init__(self, headers):
self.raw_headers = OrderedDict()
for key, val in headers:
self.raw_headers[key] = val
dict.__setitem__(self, self._convert_h2_header_to_h1(key), val)
def _convert_h2_header_to_h1(self, header_key):
if header_key[1:] in h2_headers and header_key[0] == ':':
return header_key[1:]
return header_key
# TODO This does not seem relevant for H2 headers, so using a dummy function for now
def getallmatchingheaders(self, header):
return ['dummy function']
class H2HandlerCopy(object):
def __init__(self, handler, req_frame, rfile):
self.headers = H2Headers(req_frame.headers)
self.command = self.headers['method']
self.path = self.headers['path']
self.h2_stream_id = req_frame.stream_id
self.server = handler.server
self.protocol_version = handler.protocol_version
self.raw_requestline = ''
self.rfile = rfile
self.request = handler.request
self.conn = handler.conn
class Http1WebTestRequestHandler(BaseWebTestRequestHandler):
protocol_version = "HTTP/1.1"
def handle_one_request(self):
response = None
self.close_connection = False
request_line_is_valid = self.get_request_line()
if self.close_connection:
request_is_valid = self.parse_request()
if not request_is_valid:
#parse_request() actually sends its own error responses
except socket.timeout as e:
self.log_error("Request timed out: %r", e)
self.close_connection = True
except Exception:
err = traceback.format_exc()
if response:
response.set_error(500, err)
def get_request_line(self):
self.raw_requestline = self.rfile.readline(65537)
except socket.error:
self.close_connection = True
return False
if len(self.raw_requestline) > 65536:
self.requestline = ''
self.request_version = ''
self.command = ''
return False
if not self.raw_requestline:
self.close_connection = True
return True
class WebTestHttpd(object):
:param host: Host from which to serve (default:
:param port: Port from which to serve (default: 8000)
:param server_cls: Class to use for the server (default depends on ssl vs non-ssl)
:param handler_cls: Class to use for the RequestHandler
:param use_ssl: Use a SSL server if no explicit server_cls is supplied
:param key_file: Path to key file to use if ssl is enabled
:param certificate: Path to certificate file to use if ssl is enabled
:param encrypt_after_connect: For each connection, don't start encryption
until a CONNECT message has been received.
This enables the server to act as a
:param router_cls: Router class to use when matching URLs to handlers
:param doc_root: Document root for serving files
:param routes: List of routes with which to initialize the router
:param rewriter_cls: Class to use for request rewriter
:param rewrites: List of rewrites with which to initialize the rewriter_cls
:param config: Dictionary holding environment configuration settings for
handlers to read, or None to use the default values.
:param bind_address: Boolean indicating whether to bind server to IP address.
:param latency: Delay in ms to wait before serving each response, or
callable that returns a delay in ms
HTTP server designed for testing scenarios.
Takes a router class which provides one method get_handler which takes a Request
and returns a handler function.
.. attribute:: host
The host name or ip address of the server
.. attribute:: port
The port on which the server is running
.. attribute:: router
The Router object used to associate requests with resources for this server
.. attribute:: rewriter
The Rewriter object used for URL rewriting
.. attribute:: use_ssl
Boolean indicating whether the server is using ssl
.. attribute:: started
Boolean indicating whether the server is running
def __init__(self, host="", port=8000,
server_cls=None, handler_cls=Http1WebTestRequestHandler,
use_ssl=False, key_file=None, certificate=None, encrypt_after_connect=False,
router_cls=Router, doc_root=os.curdir, routes=None,
rewriter_cls=RequestRewriter, bind_address=True, rewrites=None,
latency=None, config=None, http2=False):
if routes is None:
routes = default_routes.routes = host
self.router = router_cls(doc_root, routes)
self.rewriter = rewriter_cls(rewrites if rewrites is not None else [])
self.use_ssl = use_ssl
self.http2 = http2
self.logger = get_logger()
if server_cls is None:
server_cls = WebTestServer
if use_ssl:
if not os.path.exists(key_file):
raise ValueError("SSL certificate not found: {}".format(key_file))
if not os.path.exists(certificate):
raise ValueError("SSL key not found: {}".format(certificate))
self.httpd = server_cls((host, port),
self.started = False
_host, self.port = self.httpd.socket.getsockname()
except Exception:
self.logger.critical("Failed to start HTTP server. {}".format(EDIT_HOSTS_HELP))
def start(self, block=False):
"""Start the server.
:param block: True to run the server on the current thread, blocking,
False to run on a separate thread."""
http_type = "http2" if self.http2 else "https" if self.use_ssl else "http""Starting %s server on %s:%s" % (http_type,, self.port))
self.started = True
if block:
self.server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.httpd.serve_forever)
self.server_thread.setDaemon(True) # don't hang on exit
def stop(self):
Stops the server.
If the server is not running, this method has no effect.
if self.started:
self.server_thread = None"Stopped http server on %s:%s" % (, self.port))
except AttributeError:
self.started = False
self.httpd = None
def get_url(self, path="/", query=None, fragment=None):
if not self.started:
return None
return urlunsplit(("http" if not self.use_ssl else "https",
"%s:%s" % (, self.port),
path, query, fragment))