[NativeFS] Update web tests to use new writing API.

And remove tests for the old/soon to be removed writing API.

Bug: 853326
Change-Id: Ief44f98be8b59844976de26c90df9b4933041188
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/2095564
Reviewed-by: Olivier Yiptong <oyiptong@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Marijn Kruisselbrink <mek@chromium.org>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#748758}
diff --git a/native-file-system/native_FileSystemWriter-manual.https.tentative.html b/native-file-system/native_FileSystemWriter-manual.https.tentative.html
deleted file mode 100644
index fbfbd30..0000000
--- a/native-file-system/native_FileSystemWriter-manual.https.tentative.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-<!doctype html>
-<meta charset=utf-8>
-<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
-<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
-<script src="/resources/testdriver.js"></script>
-<script src="/resources/testdriver-vendor.js"></script>
-<script src="resources/test-helpers.js"></script>
-<script src="resources/native-fs-test-helpers.js"></script>
-<script src="script-tests/FileSystemWriter.js"></script>
diff --git a/native-file-system/resources/test-helpers.js b/native-file-system/resources/test-helpers.js
index d036092..eb123bf 100644
--- a/native-file-system/resources/test-helpers.js
+++ b/native-file-system/resources/test-helpers.js
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@
 async function createFileWithContents(test, name, contents, parent) {
   const handle = await createEmptyFile(test, name, parent);
-  const writer = await handle.createWriter();
-  await writer.write(0, new Blob([contents]));
+  const writer = await handle.createWritable();
+  await writer.write(new Blob([contents]));
   await writer.close();
   return handle;
diff --git a/native-file-system/sandboxed_FileSystemWriter.tentative.https.any.js b/native-file-system/sandboxed_FileSystemWriter.tentative.https.any.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8352e24..0000000
--- a/native-file-system/sandboxed_FileSystemWriter.tentative.https.any.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-// META: script=resources/test-helpers.js
-// META: script=resources/sandboxed-fs-test-helpers.js
-// META: script=script-tests/FileSystemWriter.js
diff --git a/native-file-system/script-tests/FileSystemFileHandle-getFile.js b/native-file-system/script-tests/FileSystemFileHandle-getFile.js
index 6b7d9f9..8059341 100644
--- a/native-file-system/script-tests/FileSystemFileHandle-getFile.js
+++ b/native-file-system/script-tests/FileSystemFileHandle-getFile.js
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
   await timeout;
-  const writer = await handle.createWriter({keepExistingData: false});
-  await writer.write(0, new Blob(['foo']));
+  const writer = await handle.createWritable({keepExistingData: false});
+  await writer.write(new Blob(['foo']));
   await writer.close();
   file = await handle.getFile();
diff --git a/native-file-system/script-tests/FileSystemWriter.js b/native-file-system/script-tests/FileSystemWriter.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e1f319..0000000
--- a/native-file-system/script-tests/FileSystemWriter.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-directory_test(async (t, root) => {
-  const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, 'empty_blob', root);
-  const writer = await handle.createWriter();
-  await writer.write(0, new Blob([]));
-  await writer.close();
-  assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), '');
-  assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 0);
-}, 'write() with an empty blob to an empty file');
-directory_test(async (t, root) => {
-  const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, 'valid_blob', root);
-  const writer = await handle.createWriter();
-  await writer.write(0, new Blob(['1234567890']));
-  await writer.close();
-  assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), '1234567890');
-  assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 10);
-}, 'write() a blob to an empty file');
-directory_test(async (t, root) => {
-  const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, 'blob_with_offset', root);
-  const writer = await handle.createWriter();
-  await writer.write(0, new Blob(['1234567890']));
-  await writer.write(4, new Blob(['abc']));
-  await writer.close();
-  assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), '1234abc890');
-  assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 10);
-}, 'write() called with a blob and a valid offset');
-directory_test(async (t, root) => {
-  const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, 'bad_offset', root);
-  const writer = await handle.createWriter();
-  await promise_rejects_dom(
-      t, 'InvalidStateError', writer.write(4, new Blob(['abc'])));
-  await writer.close();
-  assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), '');
-  assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 0);
-}, 'write() called with an invalid offset');
-directory_test(async (t, root) => {
-  const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, 'empty_string', root);
-  const writer = await handle.createWriter();
-  await writer.write(0, '');
-  await writer.close();
-  assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), '');
-  assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 0);
-}, 'write() with an empty string to an empty file');
-directory_test(async (t, root) => {
-  const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, 'valid_utf8_string', root);
-  const writer = await handle.createWriter();
-  await writer.write(0, 'foo🤘');
-  await writer.close();
-  assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), 'foo🤘');
-  assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 7);
-}, 'write() with a valid utf-8 string');
-directory_test(async (t, root) => {
-  const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, 'string_with_unix_line_ending', root);
-  const writer = await handle.createWriter();
-  await writer.write(0, 'foo\n');
-  await writer.close();
-  assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), 'foo\n');
-  assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 4);
-}, 'write() with a string with unix line ending preserved');
-directory_test(async (t, root) => {
-  const handle =
-      await createEmptyFile(t, 'string_with_windows_line_ending', root);
-  const writer = await handle.createWriter();
-  await writer.write(0, 'foo\r\n');
-  await writer.close();
-  assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), 'foo\r\n');
-  assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 5);
-}, 'write() with a string with windows line ending preserved');
-directory_test(async (t, root) => {
-  const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, 'empty_array_buffer', root);
-  const writer = await handle.createWriter();
-  let buf = new ArrayBuffer(0);
-  await writer.write(0, buf);
-  await writer.close();
-  assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), '');
-  assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 0);
-}, 'write() with an empty array buffer to an empty file');
-directory_test(async (t, root) => {
-  const handle =
-      await createEmptyFile(t, 'valid_string_typed_byte_array', root);
-  const writer = await handle.createWriter();
-  let buf = new ArrayBuffer(3);
-  let intView = new Uint8Array(buf);
-  intView[0] = 0x66;
-  intView[1] = 0x6f;
-  intView[2] = 0x6f;
-  await writer.write(0, buf);
-  await writer.close();
-  assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), 'foo');
-  assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 3);
-}, 'write() with a valid typed array buffer');
-directory_test(async (t, root) => {
-  const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, 'trunc_shrink', root);
-  const writer = await handle.createWriter();
-  await writer.write(0, new Blob(['1234567890']));
-  await writer.truncate(5);
-  await writer.close();
-  assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), '12345');
-  assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 5);
-}, 'truncate() to shrink a file');
-directory_test(async (t, root) => {
-  const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, 'trunc_grow', root);
-  const writer = await handle.createWriter();
-  await writer.write(0, new Blob(['abc']));
-  await writer.truncate(5);
-  await writer.close();
-  assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), 'abc\0\0');
-  assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 5);
-}, 'truncate() to grow a file');
-directory_test(async (t, root) => {
-  const dir = await createDirectory(t, 'parent_dir', root);
-  const file_name = 'create_writer_fails_when_dir_removed.txt';
-  const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, file_name, dir);
-  await root.removeEntry('parent_dir', {recursive: true});
-  await promise_rejects_dom(t, 'NotFoundError', handle.createWriter());
-}, 'createWriter() fails when parent directory is removed');
-directory_test(async (t, root) => {
-  const dir = await createDirectory(t, 'parent_dir', root);
-  const file_name = 'write_fails_when_dir_removed.txt';
-  const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, file_name, dir);
-  const writer = await handle.createWriter();
-  await root.removeEntry('parent_dir', {recursive: true});
-  await promise_rejects_dom(t, 'NotFoundError', writer.write(0, new Blob(['foo'])));
-}, 'write() fails when parent directory is removed');
-directory_test(async (t, root) => {
-  const dir = await createDirectory(t, 'parent_dir', root);
-  const file_name = 'truncate_fails_when_dir_removed.txt';
-  const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, file_name, dir);
-  const writer = await handle.createWriter();
-  await root.removeEntry('parent_dir', {recursive: true});
-  await promise_rejects_dom(t, 'NotFoundError', writer.truncate(0));
-}, 'truncate() fails when parent directory is removed');
-directory_test(async (t, root) => {
-  const dir = await createDirectory(t, 'parent_dir', root);
-  const file_name = 'close_fails_when_dir_removed.txt';
-  const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, file_name, dir);
-  const writer = await handle.createWriter();
-  await writer.write(0, new Blob(['foo']));
-  await root.removeEntry('parent_dir', {recursive: true});
-  await promise_rejects_dom(t, 'NotFoundError', writer.close());
-}, 'atomic writes: close() fails when parent directory is removed');
-directory_test(async (t, root) => {
-  const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, 'atomic_writes.txt', root);
-  const writer = await handle.createWriter();
-  await writer.write(0, new Blob(['foox']));
-  const writer2 = await handle.createWriter();
-  await writer2.write(0, new Blob(['bar']));
-  assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 0);
-  await writer2.close();
-  assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), 'bar');
-  assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 3);
-  await writer.close();
-  assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), 'foox');
-  assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 4);
-}, 'atomic writes: writers make atomic changes on close');
-directory_test(async (t, root) => {
-  const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, 'atomic_write_after_close.txt', root);
-  const writer = await handle.createWriter();
-  await writer.write(0, new Blob(['foo']));
-  await writer.close();
-  assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), 'foo');
-  assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 3);
-  await promise_rejects_dom(
-      t, 'InvalidStateError', writer.write(0, new Blob(['abc'])));
-}, 'atomic writes: write() after close() fails');
-directory_test(async (t, root) => {
-  const handle =
-      await createEmptyFile(t, 'atomic_truncate_after_close.txt', root);
-  const writer = await handle.createWriter();
-  await writer.write(0, new Blob(['foo']));
-  await writer.close();
-  assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), 'foo');
-  assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 3);
-  await promise_rejects_dom(t, 'InvalidStateError', writer.truncate(0));
-}, 'atomic writes: truncate() after close() fails');
-directory_test(async (t, root) => {
-  const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, 'atomic_close_after_close.txt', root);
-  const writer = await handle.createWriter();
-  await writer.write(0, new Blob(['foo']));
-  await writer.close();
-  assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), 'foo');
-  assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 3);
-  await promise_rejects_dom(t, 'InvalidStateError', writer.close());
-}, 'atomic writes: close() after close() fails');
-directory_test(async (t, root) => {
-  const handle = await createEmptyFile(t, 'there_can_be_only_one.txt', root);
-  const writer = await handle.createWriter();
-  await writer.write(0, new Blob(['foo']));
-  // This test might be flaky if there is a race condition allowing
-  // close() to be called multiple times.
-  let success_promises =
-      [...Array(100)].map(() => writer.close().then(() => 1).catch(() => 0));
-  let close_attempts = await Promise.all(success_promises);
-  let success_count = close_attempts.reduce((x, y) => x + y);
-  assert_equals(success_count, 1);
-}, 'atomic writes: only one close() operation may succeed');
-directory_test(async (t, root) => {
-  const handle = await createFileWithContents(
-      t, 'atomic_file_is_copied.txt', 'fooks', root);
-  const writer = await handle.createWriter({keepExistingData: true});
-  await writer.write(0, new Blob(['bar']));
-  await writer.close();
-  assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), 'barks');
-  assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 5);
-}, 'createWriter({keepExistingData: true}): atomic writer initialized with source contents');
-directory_test(async (t, root) => {
-  const handle = await createFileWithContents(
-      t, 'atomic_file_is_not_copied.txt', 'very long string', root);
-  const writer = await handle.createWriter({keepExistingData: false});
-  await writer.write(0, new Blob(['bar']));
-  assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), 'very long string');
-  await writer.close();
-  assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), 'bar');
-  assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 3);
-}, 'createWriter({keepExistingData: false}): atomic writer initialized with empty file');
-directory_test(async (t, root) => {
-  const dir = await createDirectory(t, 'parent_dir', root);
-  const file_name = 'atomic_writer_persists_removed.txt';
-  const handle = await createFileWithContents(t, file_name, 'foo', dir);
-  const writer = await handle.createWriter();
-  await writer.write(0, new Blob(['bar']));
-  await dir.removeEntry(file_name);
-  await promise_rejects_dom(t, 'NotFoundError', getFileContents(handle));
-  await writer.close();
-  assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), 'bar');
-  assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 3);
-}, 'atomic writes: writer persists file on close, even if file is removed');