blob: 274efb360a68f9f3a83cadd5f012a50f8769727c [file] [log] [blame]
from .. import stability
def test_is_inconsistent():
assert stability.is_inconsistent({"PASS": 10}, 10) is False
assert stability.is_inconsistent({"PASS": 9}, 10) is True
assert stability.is_inconsistent({"PASS": 9, "FAIL": 1}, 10) is True
assert stability.is_inconsistent({"PASS": 8, "FAIL": 1}, 10) is True
def test_find_slow_status():
assert stability.find_slow_status({
"longest_duration": {"TIMEOUT": 10},
"timeout": 10}) is None
assert stability.find_slow_status({
"longest_duration": {"CRASH": 10},
"timeout": 10}) is None
assert stability.find_slow_status({
"longest_duration": {"ERROR": 10},
"timeout": 10}) is None
assert stability.find_slow_status({
"longest_duration": {"PASS": 1},
"timeout": 10}) is None
assert stability.find_slow_status({
"longest_duration": {"PASS": 81},
"timeout": 100}) == "PASS"
assert stability.find_slow_status({
"longest_duration": {"TIMEOUT": 10, "FAIL": 81},
"timeout": 100}) == "FAIL"
assert stability.find_slow_status({
"longest_duration": {"SKIP": 0}}) is None
def test_get_steps():
logger = None
steps = stability.get_steps(logger, 0, 0, [])
assert len(steps) == 0
steps = stability.get_steps(logger, 0, 0, [{}])
assert len(steps) == 0
repeat_loop = 1
flag_name = 'flag'
flag_value = 'y'
steps = stability.get_steps(logger, repeat_loop, 0, [
{flag_name: flag_value}])
assert len(steps) == 1
assert steps[0][0] == "Running tests in a loop %d times with flags %s=%s" % (
repeat_loop, flag_name, flag_value)
repeat_loop = 0
repeat_restart = 1
flag_name = 'flag'
flag_value = 'n'
steps = stability.get_steps(logger, repeat_loop, repeat_restart, [
{flag_name: flag_value}])
assert len(steps) == 1
assert steps[0][0] == "Running tests in a loop with restarts %d times with flags %s=%s" % (
repeat_restart, flag_name, flag_value)
repeat_loop = 10
repeat_restart = 5
steps = stability.get_steps(logger, repeat_loop, repeat_restart, [{}])
assert len(steps) == 2
assert steps[0][0] == "Running tests in a loop %d times" % repeat_loop
assert steps[1][0] == (
"Running tests in a loop with restarts %d times" % repeat_restart)