blob: ff3de4e0af9ccc83e5cafccccef352258b7dc803 [file] [log] [blame]
import base64
import pytest
import six
from import assert_error, assert_success
def decodebytes(s):
if six.PY3:
return base64.decodebytes(six.ensure_binary(s))
return base64.decodestring(s)
def do_print(session, options):
return session.transport.send(
"POST", "session/{session_id}/print".format(**vars(session)),
def assert_pdf(data):
assert data.startswith(b"%PDF-"), "Decoded data starts with the PDF signature"
assert data.endswith(b"%%EOF\n"), "Decoded data ends with the EOF flag"
def test_no_top_browsing_context(session, closed_window):
response = do_print(session, {})
assert_error(response, "no such window")
def test_no_browsing_context(session, closed_frame):
response = do_print(session, {})
value = assert_success(response)
pdf = decodebytes(six.ensure_binary(value))
def test_html_document(session, inline):
session.url = inline("Test")
response = do_print(session, {
"page": {"width": 10,
"height": 20},
"shrinkToFit": False
value = assert_success(response)
pdf = decodebytes(six.ensure_binary(value))
# TODO: Test that the output is reasonable
@pytest.mark.parametrize("options", [{"orientation": 0},
{"orientation": "foo"},
{"scale": "1"},
{"scale": 3},
{"scale": 0.01},
{"margin": {"top": "1"}},
{"margin": {"bottom": -1}},
{"page": {"height": False}},
{"shrinkToFit": "false"}])
def test_invalid(session, options):
response = do_print(session, options)
assert_error(response, "invalid argument")