blob: d9dc5ee9cd00f1d9cb1309d24e26a0fc2a155ca5 [file] [log] [blame]
import os
import sys
from atomicwrites import atomic_write
from copy import deepcopy
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
from six import ensure_text
from . import jsonlib
from . import vcs
from .item import (ConformanceCheckerTest,
from .log import get_logger
from .sourcefile import SourceFile
from .typedata import TypeData
MYPY = False
if MYPY:
# MYPY is set to True when run under Mypy.
from logging import Logger
from typing import Any
from typing import Container
from typing import Dict
from typing import IO
from typing import Iterator
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Optional
from typing import Set
from typing import Text
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Type
from typing import Union
CURRENT_VERSION = 8 # type: int
class ManifestError(Exception):
class ManifestVersionMismatch(ManifestError):
class InvalidCacheError(Exception):
item_classes = {u"testharness": TestharnessTest,
u"reftest": RefTest,
u"print-reftest": PrintRefTest,
u"crashtest": CrashTest,
u"manual": ManualTest,
u"wdspec": WebDriverSpecTest,
u"conformancechecker": ConformanceCheckerTest,
u"visual": VisualTest,
u"support": SupportFile} # type: Dict[Text, Type[ManifestItem]]
def compute_manifest_items(source_file):
# type: (SourceFile) -> Tuple[Tuple[Text, ...], Text, Set[ManifestItem], Text]
rel_path_parts = source_file.rel_path_parts
new_type, manifest_items = source_file.manifest_items()
file_hash = source_file.hash
return rel_path_parts, new_type, set(manifest_items), file_hash
if MYPY:
ManifestDataType = Dict[Any, TypeData]
ManifestDataType = dict
class ManifestData(ManifestDataType):
def __init__(self, manifest):
# type: (Manifest) -> None
"""Dictionary subclass containing a TypeData instance for each test type,
keyed by type name"""
self.initialized = False # type: bool
for key, value in item_classes.items():
self[key] = TypeData(manifest, value)
self.initialized = True
self.json_obj = None # type: None
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
# type: (Text, TypeData) -> None
if self.initialized:
raise AttributeError
dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
def paths(self):
# type: () -> Set[Text]
"""Get a list of all paths containing test items
without actually constructing all the items"""
rv = set() # type: Set[Text]
for item_data in self.values():
for item in item_data:
return rv
def type_by_path(self):
# type: () -> Dict[Tuple[Text, ...], Text]
rv = {}
for item_type, item_data in self.items():
for item in item_data:
rv[item] = item_type
return rv
class Manifest(object):
def __init__(self, tests_root, url_base="/"):
# type: (Text, Text) -> None
assert url_base is not None
self._data = ManifestData(self) # type: ManifestData
self.tests_root = tests_root # type: Text
self.url_base = url_base # type: Text
def __iter__(self):
# type: () -> Iterator[Tuple[Text, Text, Set[ManifestItem]]]
return self.itertypes()
def itertypes(self, *types):
# type: (*Text) -> Iterator[Tuple[Text, Text, Set[ManifestItem]]]
for item_type in (types or sorted(self._data.keys())):
for path in self._data[item_type]:
rel_path = os.sep.join(path)
tests = self._data[item_type][path]
yield item_type, rel_path, tests
def iterpath(self, path):
# type: (Text) -> Iterable[ManifestItem]
tpath = tuple(path.split(os.path.sep))
for type_tests in self._data.values():
i = type_tests.get(tpath, set())
assert i is not None
for test in i:
yield test
def iterdir(self, dir_name):
# type: (Text) -> Iterable[ManifestItem]
tpath = tuple(dir_name.split(os.path.sep))
tpath_len = len(tpath)
for type_tests in self._data.values():
for path, tests in type_tests.items():
if path[:tpath_len] == tpath:
for test in tests:
yield test
def update(self, tree, parallel=True):
# type: (Iterable[Tuple[Text, Optional[Text], bool]], bool) -> bool
"""Update the manifest given an iterable of items that make up the updated manifest.
The iterable must either generate tuples of the form (SourceFile, True) for paths
that are to be updated, or (path, False) for items that are not to be updated. This
unusual API is designed as an optimistaion meaning that SourceFile items need not be
constructed in the case we are not updating a path, but the absence of an item from
the iterator may be used to remove defunct entries from the manifest."""
logger = get_logger()
changed = False
# Create local variable references to these dicts so we avoid the
# attribute access in the hot loop below
data = self._data
types = data.type_by_path()
remaining_manifest_paths = set(types)
to_update = []
for path, file_hash, updated in tree:
path_parts = tuple(path.split(os.path.sep))
is_new = path_parts not in remaining_manifest_paths
if not updated and is_new:
# This is kind of a bandaid; if we ended up here the cache
# was invalid but we've been using it anyway. That's obviously
# bad; we should fix the underlying issue that we sometimes
# use an invalid cache. But at least this fixes the immediate
# problem
raise InvalidCacheError
if not updated:
assert self.tests_root is not None
source_file = SourceFile(self.tests_root,
hash_changed = False # type: bool
if not is_new:
if file_hash is None:
file_hash = source_file.hash
old_type = types[path_parts]
old_hash = data[old_type].hashes[path_parts]
if old_hash != file_hash:
hash_changed = True
del data[old_type][path_parts]
if is_new or hash_changed:
if to_update:
logger.debug("Computing manifest update for %s items" % len(to_update))
changed = True
# 25 items was derived experimentally (2020-01) to be approximately the
# point at which it is quicker to create a Pool and parallelize update.
pool = None
if parallel and len(to_update) > 25 and cpu_count() > 1:
# On Python 3 on Windows, using >= MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS processes
# causes a crash in the multiprocessing module. Whilst this enum
# can technically have any value, it is usually 64. For safety,
# restrict manifest regeneration to 48 processes on Windows.
# See and
processes = cpu_count()
if sys.platform == "win32" and processes > 48:
processes = 48
pool = Pool(processes)
# chunksize set > 1 when more than 10000 tests, because
# chunking is a net-gain once we get to very large numbers
# of items (again, experimentally, 2020-01)
chunksize = max(1, len(to_update) // 10000)
logger.debug("Doing a multiprocessed update. CPU count: %s, "
"processes: %s, chunksize: %s" % (cpu_count(), processes, chunksize))
results = pool.imap_unordered(compute_manifest_items,
) # type: Iterator[Tuple[Tuple[Text, ...], Text, Set[ManifestItem], Text]]
results = map(compute_manifest_items, to_update)
for result in results:
rel_path_parts, new_type, manifest_items, file_hash = result
data[new_type][rel_path_parts] = manifest_items
data[new_type].hashes[rel_path_parts] = file_hash
# Make sure to terminate the Pool, to avoid hangs on Python 3.
if pool is not None:
if remaining_manifest_paths:
changed = True
for rel_path_parts in remaining_manifest_paths:
for test_data in data.values():
if rel_path_parts in test_data:
del test_data[rel_path_parts]
return changed
def to_json(self, caller_owns_obj=True):
# type: (bool) -> Dict[Text, Any]
"""Dump a manifest into a object which can be serialized as JSON
If caller_owns_obj is False, then the return value remains
owned by the manifest; it is _vitally important_ that _no_
(even read) operation is done on the manifest, as otherwise
objects within the object graph rooted at the return value can
be mutated. This essentially makes this mode very dangerous
and only to be used under extreme care.
out_items = {
test_type: type_paths.to_json()
for test_type, type_paths in self._data.items() if type_paths
if caller_owns_obj:
out_items = deepcopy(out_items)
rv = {"url_base": self.url_base,
"items": out_items,
"version": CURRENT_VERSION} # type: Dict[Text, Any]
return rv
def from_json(cls, tests_root, obj, types=None, callee_owns_obj=False):
# type: (Text, Dict[Text, Any], Optional[Container[Text]], bool) -> Manifest
"""Load a manifest from a JSON object
This loads a manifest for a given local test_root path from an
object obj, potentially partially loading it to only load the
types given by types.
If callee_owns_obj is True, then ownership of obj transfers
to this function when called, and the caller must never mutate
the obj or anything referred to in the object graph rooted at
version = obj.get("version")
if version != CURRENT_VERSION:
raise ManifestVersionMismatch
self = cls(tests_root, url_base=obj.get("url_base", "/"))
if not hasattr(obj, "items"):
raise ManifestError
for test_type, type_paths in obj["items"].items():
if test_type not in item_classes:
raise ManifestError
if types and test_type not in types:
if not callee_owns_obj:
type_paths = deepcopy(type_paths)
return self
def load(tests_root, manifest, types=None):
# type: (Text, Union[IO[bytes], Text], Optional[Container[Text]]) -> Optional[Manifest]
logger = get_logger()
logger.warning("Prefer load_and_update instead")
return _load(logger, tests_root, manifest, types)
__load_cache = {} # type: Dict[Text, Manifest]
def _load(logger, # type: Logger
tests_root, # type: Text
manifest, # type: Union[IO[bytes], Text]
types=None, # type: Optional[Container[Text]]
allow_cached=True # type: bool
# type: (...) -> Optional[Manifest]
manifest_path = (manifest if isinstance(manifest, str)
if allow_cached and manifest_path in __load_cache:
return __load_cache[manifest_path]
if isinstance(manifest, str):
if os.path.exists(manifest):
logger.debug("Opening manifest at %s" % manifest)
logger.debug("Creating new manifest at %s" % manifest)
with open(manifest, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
rv = Manifest.from_json(tests_root,
except IOError:
return None
except ValueError:
logger.warning("%r may be corrupted", manifest)
return None
rv = Manifest.from_json(tests_root,
if allow_cached:
__load_cache[manifest_path] = rv
return rv
def load_and_update(tests_root, # type: Union[Text, bytes]
manifest_path, # type: Union[Text, bytes]
url_base, # type: Text
update=True, # type: bool
rebuild=False, # type: bool
metadata_path=None, # type: Optional[Union[Text, bytes]]
cache_root=None, # type: Optional[Union[Text, bytes]]
working_copy=True, # type: bool
types=None, # type: Optional[Container[Text]]
write_manifest=True, # type: bool
allow_cached=True, # type: bool
parallel=True # type: bool
# type: (...) -> Manifest
# This function is now a facade for the purposes of type conversion, so that
# the external API can accept paths as text or (utf8) bytes, but internal
# functions always use Text.
metadata_path_text = ensure_text(metadata_path) if metadata_path is not None else None
cache_root_text = ensure_text(cache_root) if cache_root is not None else None
return _load_and_update(ensure_text(tests_root),
def _load_and_update(tests_root, # type: Text
manifest_path, # type: Text
url_base, # type: Text
update=True, # type: bool
rebuild=False, # type: bool
metadata_path=None, # type: Optional[Text]
cache_root=None, # type: Optional[Text]
working_copy=True, # type: bool
types=None, # type: Optional[Container[Text]]
write_manifest=True, # type: bool
allow_cached=True, # type: bool
parallel=True # type: bool
# type: (...) -> Manifest
logger = get_logger()
manifest = None
if not rebuild:
manifest = _load(logger,
except ManifestVersionMismatch:"Manifest version changed, rebuilding")
except ManifestError:
logger.warning("Failed to load manifest, rebuilding")
if manifest is not None and manifest.url_base != url_base:"Manifest url base did not match, rebuilding")
manifest = None
if manifest is None:
manifest = Manifest(tests_root, url_base)
rebuild = True
update = True
if rebuild or update:"Updating manifest")
for retry in range(2):
tree = vcs.get_tree(tests_root, manifest, manifest_path, cache_root,
working_copy, rebuild)
changed = manifest.update(tree, parallel)
except InvalidCacheError:
logger.warning("Manifest cache was invalid, doing a complete rebuild")
rebuild = True
# If we didn't break there was an error
if write_manifest and changed:
write(manifest, manifest_path)
return manifest
def write(manifest, manifest_path):
# type: (Manifest, Text) -> None
dir_name = os.path.dirname(manifest_path)
if not os.path.exists(dir_name):
with atomic_write(manifest_path, overwrite=True) as f:
# Use ',' instead of the default ', ' separator to prevent trailing
# spaces:
jsonlib.dump_dist(manifest.to_json(caller_owns_obj=True), f)