blob: bed747a7170aaf89c9ff53d9c3da2698b564eaa4 [file] [log] [blame]
import json
import select
from http.client import HTTPConnection
from typing import Dict, List, Mapping, Sequence, Tuple
from urllib import parse as urlparse
from . import error
"""Implements HTTP transport for the WebDriver wire protocol."""
missing = object()
class ResponseHeaders(Mapping[str, str]):
"""Read-only dictionary-like API for accessing response headers.
This class:
* Normalizes the header keys it is built with to lowercase (such that
iterating the items will return lowercase header keys).
* Has case-insensitive header lookup.
* Always returns all header values that have the same name, separated by
def __init__(self, items: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]):
self.headers_dict: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
for key, value in items:
key = key.lower()
if key not in self.headers_dict:
self.headers_dict[key] = []
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Get all headers of a certain (case-insensitive) name. If there is
more than one, the values are returned comma separated"""
values = self.headers_dict[key.lower()]
if len(values) == 1:
return values[0]
return ", ".join(values)
def get_list(self, key, default=missing):
"""Get all the header values for a particular field name as a list"""
return self.headers_dict[key.lower()]
except KeyError:
if default is not missing:
return default
def __iter__(self):
yield from self.headers_dict
def __len__(self):
return len(self.headers_dict)
class Response:
Describes an HTTP response received from a remote end whose
body has been read and parsed as appropriate.
def __init__(self, status, body, headers):
self.status = status
self.body = body
self.headers = headers
def __repr__(self):
cls_name = self.__class__.__name__
if self.error:
return "<%s status=%s error=%s>" % (cls_name, self.status, repr(self.error))
return "<% status=%s body=%s>" % (cls_name, self.status, json.dumps(self.body))
def __str__(self):
return json.dumps(self.body, indent=2)
def error(self):
if self.status != 200:
return error.from_response(self)
return None
def from_http(cls, http_response, decoder=json.JSONDecoder, **kwargs):
body = json.load(http_response, cls=decoder, **kwargs)
headers = ResponseHeaders(http_response.getheaders())
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("Failed to decode response body as JSON:\n" +
return cls(http_response.status, body, headers)
class HTTPWireProtocol:
Transports messages (commands and responses) over the WebDriver
wire protocol.
Complex objects, such as ``webdriver.Element``, ``webdriver.Frame``,
and ``webdriver.Window`` are by default not marshaled to enable
use of `session.transport.send` in WPT tests::
session = webdriver.Session("", 4444)
response = transport.send("GET", "element/active", None)
print response.body["value"]
# => {u'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf': u'<uuid>'}
Automatic marshaling is provided by ``webdriver.protocol.Encoder``
and ``webdriver.protocol.Decoder``, which can be passed in to
``HTTPWireProtocol.send`` along with a reference to the current
session = webdriver.Session("", 4444)
response = transport.send("GET", "element/active", None,
encoder=protocol.Encoder, decoder=protocol.Decoder,
print response.body["value"]
# => webdriver.Element
def __init__(self, host, port, url_prefix="/"):
Construct interface for communicating with the remote server.
:param url: URL of remote WebDriver server.
:param wait: Duration to wait for remote to appear.
""" = host
self.port = port
self.url_prefix = url_prefix
self._conn = None
self._last_request_is_blocked = False
def __del__(self):
def close(self):
"""Closes the current HTTP connection, if there is one."""
if self._conn:
except OSError:
# The remote closed the connection
self._conn = None
def connection(self):
"""Gets the current HTTP connection, or lazily creates one."""
if not self._conn:
conn_kwargs = {}
# We are not setting an HTTP timeout other than the default when the
# connection its created. The send method has a timeout value if needed.
self._conn = HTTPConnection(, self.port, **conn_kwargs)
return self._conn
def url(self, suffix):
From the relative path to a command end-point,
craft a full URL suitable to be used in a request to the HTTPD.
return urlparse.urljoin(self.url_prefix, suffix)
def send(self,
Send a command to the remote.
The request `body` must be JSON serialisable unless a
custom `encoder` has been provided. This means complex
objects such as ``webdriver.Element``, ``webdriver.Frame``,
and `webdriver.Window`` are not automatically made
into JSON. This behaviour is, however, provided by
``webdriver.protocol.Encoder``, should you want it.
Similarly, the response body is returned au natural
as plain JSON unless a `decoder` that converts web
element references to ``webdriver.Element`` is provided.
Use ``webdriver.protocol.Decoder`` to achieve this behaviour.
The client will attempt to use persistent HTTP connections.
:param method: `GET`, `POST`, or `DELETE`.
:param uri: Relative endpoint of the requests URL path.
:param body: Body of the request. Defaults to an empty
dictionary if ``method`` is `POST`.
:param headers: Additional dictionary of headers to include
in the request.
:param encoder: JSON encoder class, which defaults to
``json.JSONEncoder`` unless specified.
:param decoder: JSON decoder class, which defaults to
``json.JSONDecoder`` unless specified.
:param codec_kwargs: Surplus arguments passed on to `encoder`
and `decoder` on construction.
:return: Instance of ``webdriver.transport.Response``
describing the HTTP response received from the remote end.
:raises ValueError: If `body` or the response body are not
JSON serialisable.
if body is None and method == "POST":
body = {}
payload = None
if body is not None:
payload = json.dumps(body, cls=encoder, **codec_kwargs)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("Failed to encode request body as JSON:\n"
"%s" % json.dumps(body, indent=2))
# When the timeout triggers, the TestRunnerManager thread will reuse
# this connection to check if the WebDriver its alive and we may end
# raising an httplib.CannotSendRequest exception if the WebDriver is
# not responding and this httplib.request() call is blocked on the
# runner thread. We use the boolean below to check for that and restart
# the connection in that case.
self._last_request_is_blocked = True
response = self._request(method, uri, payload, headers, timeout=None)
self._last_request_is_blocked = False
return Response.from_http(response, decoder=decoder, **codec_kwargs)
def _request(self, method, uri, payload, headers=None, timeout=None):
if isinstance(payload, str):
payload = payload.encode("utf-8")
if headers is None:
headers = {}
headers.update({"Connection": "keep-alive"})
url = self.url(uri)
if self._last_request_is_blocked or self._has_unread_data():
self.connection.request(method, url, payload, headers)
# timeout for request has to be set just before calling httplib.getresponse()
# and the previous value restored just after that, even on exception raised
if timeout:
previous_timeout = self._conn.gettimeout()
response = self.connection.getresponse()
if timeout:
return response
def _has_unread_data(self):
return self._conn and self._conn.sock and[self._conn.sock], [], [], 0)[0]