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<title>ScrollTimeline current time algorithm</title>
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'use strict';
promise_test(async t => {
const scroller = setupScrollTimelineTest();
const blockScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller
assert_equals(blockScrollTimeline.duration.unit, "percent",
"duration returns as a percent for scroll timelines");
assert_equals(blockScrollTimeline.duration.value, 100, "duration is 100%");
}, "Scroll timeline correctly returns duration as 100%");
promise_test(async t => {
const scroller = setupScrollTimelineTest();
const scrollerSize = scroller.scrollHeight - scroller.clientHeight;
const blockScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
orientation: 'block'
const inlineScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
orientation: 'inline'
const horizontalScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
orientation: 'horizontal'
const verticalScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
orientation: 'vertical'
// Unscrolled, all timelines should read a currentTime of 0.
assert_percents_equal(blockScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0,
'Unscrolled block timeline');
assert_percents_equal(inlineScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0,
'Unscrolled inline timeline');
assert_percents_equal(horizontalScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0,
'Unscrolled horizontal timeline');
assert_percents_equal(verticalScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0,
'Unscrolled vertical timeline');
// Do some scrolling and make sure that the ScrollTimelines update.
scroller.scrollTop = 50;
scroller.scrollLeft = 75;
// Wait for new animation frame which allows the timeline to compute new
// current time.
await waitForNextFrame();
const inlineScrollRange = scroller.scrollWidth - scroller.clientWidth;
const expectedInlineCurrentTime =
100 * scroller.scrollLeft / inlineScrollRange;
const blockScrollRange = scroller.scrollHeight - scroller.clientHeight;
const expectedBlockCurrentTime =
100 * scroller.scrollTop / blockScrollRange;
'Scrolled block timeline');
'Scrolled inline timeline');
'Scrolled horizontal timeline');
'Scrolled vertical timeline');
}, 'currentTime calculates the correct time based on scroll progress');
promise_test(async t => {
const scroller = setupScrollTimelineTest();
const scrollerSize = scroller.scrollHeight - scroller.clientHeight;
const lengthScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
orientation: 'block',
scrollOffsets: [CSS.px(20), 'auto']
const percentageScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
orientation: 'block',
scrollOffsets: [CSS.percent(20), 'auto']
const calcScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
orientation: 'block',
scrollOffsets: [CSS.percent(20).sub(CSS.px(5)), 'auto']
// Unscrolled all timelines should read a current time of 0, as the
// current offset (0) will be less than the startScrollOffset.
assert_percents_equal(lengthScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0,
'Unscrolled length-based timeline current time');
assert_equals(lengthScrollTimeline.phase, "before",
'Unscrolled length-based timeline phase');
assert_percents_equal(percentageScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0,
'Unscrolled percentage-based timeline current time');
assert_equals(percentageScrollTimeline.phase, "before",
'Unscrolled percentage-based timeline phase');
assert_percents_equal(calcScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0,
'Unscrolled calc-based timeline current time');
assert_equals(calcScrollTimeline.phase, "before",
'Unscrolled calc-based timeline phase');
// Check the length-based ScrollTimeline.
scroller.scrollTop = 19;
// Wait for new animation frame which allows the timeline to compute new
// current time.
await waitForNextFrame();
assert_percents_equal(lengthScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0,
'Length-based timeline current time before the startScrollOffset point');
assert_equals(lengthScrollTimeline.phase, "before",
'Length-based timeline phase before the startScrollOffset point');
scroller.scrollTop = 20;
await waitForNextFrame();
assert_percents_equal(lengthScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0,
'Length-based timeline current time at the startScrollOffset point');
assert_equals(lengthScrollTimeline.phase, "active",
'Length-based timeline phase at the startScrollOffset point');
scroller.scrollTop = 50;
await waitForNextFrame();
calculateCurrentTime(50, 20, scrollerSize),
'Length-based timeline current time after the startScrollOffset point');
assert_equals(lengthScrollTimeline.phase, "active",
'Length-based timeline phase after the startScrollOffset point');
// Check the percentage-based ScrollTimeline.
scroller.scrollTop = 0.19 * scrollerSize;
await waitForNextFrame();
assert_percents_equal(percentageScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0,
'Percentage-based timeline current time before the startScrollOffset ' +
assert_equals(percentageScrollTimeline.phase, "before",
'Percentage-based timeline phase before the startScrollOffset point');
scroller.scrollTop = 0.20 * scrollerSize;
await waitForNextFrame();
assert_percents_equal(percentageScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0,
'Percentage-based timeline current time at the startScrollOffset point');
assert_equals(percentageScrollTimeline.phase, "active",
'Percentage-based timeline phase at the startScrollOffset point');
scroller.scrollTop = 0.50 * scrollerSize;
await waitForNextFrame();
scroller.scrollTop, 0.2 * scrollerSize, scrollerSize),
'Percentage-based timeline current time after the startScrollOffset ' +
assert_equals(percentageScrollTimeline.phase, "active",
'Percentage-based timeline phase after the startScrollOffset point');
// Check the calc-based ScrollTimeline.
scroller.scrollTop = 0.2 * scrollerSize - 10;
await waitForNextFrame();
assert_percents_equal(calcScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0,
'Calc-based timeline current time before the startScrollOffset point');
assert_equals(calcScrollTimeline.phase, "before",
'Calc-based timeline phase at the startScrollOffset point');
scroller.scrollTop = 0.2 * scrollerSize - 5;
await waitForNextFrame();
assert_percents_equal(calcScrollTimeline.currentTime, 0,
'Calc-based timeline current time at the startScrollOffset point');
assert_equals(calcScrollTimeline.phase, "active",
'Calc-based timeline phase at the startScrollOffset point');
scroller.scrollTop = 0.2 * scrollerSize;
await waitForNextFrame();
scroller.scrollTop, 0.2 * scrollerSize - 5, scrollerSize),
'Calc-based timeline current time after the startScrollOffset point');
assert_equals(calcScrollTimeline.phase, "active",
'Calc-based timeline phase at the startScrollOffset point');
}, 'currentTime handles startScrollOffset correctly');
promise_test(async t => {
const scroller = setupScrollTimelineTest();
const scrollerSize = scroller.scrollHeight - scroller.clientHeight;
// When the endScrollOffset is equal to the maximum scroll offset (and there
// are no fill modes), the endScrollOffset is treated as inclusive.
const inclusiveAutoScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
orientation: 'block',
const inclusiveLengthScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
orientation: 'block',
scrollOffsets: [CSS.px(scrollerSize)]
const inclusivePercentageScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
orientation: 'block',
scrollOffsets: [CSS.percent(100)]
const inclusiveCalcScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
orientation: 'block',
scrollOffsets: [CSS.percent(80).add(CSS.px(0.2 * scrollerSize))]
scroller.scrollTop = scrollerSize;
let expectedCurrentTime = calculateCurrentTime(
scroller.scrollTop, 0, scrollerSize);
// Wait for new animation frame which allows the timeline to compute new
// current time.
await waitForNextFrame();
'Inclusive auto timeline at the endScrollOffset point');
'Inclusive length-based timeline at the endScrollOffset point');
'Inclusive percentage-based timeline at the endScrollOffset point');
'Inclusive calc-based timeline at the endScrollOffset point');
}, 'currentTime handles endScrollOffset correctly (inclusive cases)');
promise_test(async t => {
const scroller = setupScrollTimelineTest();
const scrollerSize = scroller.scrollHeight - scroller.clientHeight;
const lengthScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
orientation: 'block',
scrollOffsets: [CSS.px(scrollerSize - 20)]
const percentageScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
orientation: 'block',
scrollOffsets: [CSS.percent(80)]
const calcScrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
orientation: 'block',
scrollOffsets: [CSS.percent(80).add(CSS.px(5))]
// Check the length-based ScrollTimeline.
scroller.scrollTop = scrollerSize;
// Wait for new animation frame which allows the timeline to compute new
// current time.
await waitForNextFrame();
assert_percents_equal(lengthScrollTimeline.currentTime, 100,
'Length-based timeline current time after the endScrollOffset point');
assert_equals(lengthScrollTimeline.phase, "after",
'Length-based timeline phase after the endScrollOffset point');
scroller.scrollTop = scrollerSize - 20;
await waitForNextFrame();
assert_percents_equal(lengthScrollTimeline.currentTime, 100,
'Length-based timeline current time at the endScrollOffset point');
assert_equals(lengthScrollTimeline.phase, "after",
'Length-based timeline phase at the endScrollOffset point');
scroller.scrollTop = scrollerSize - 50;
await waitForNextFrame();
calculateCurrentTime(scrollerSize - 50, 0, scrollerSize - 20),
'Length-based timeline current time before the endScrollOffset point');
assert_equals(lengthScrollTimeline.phase, "active",
'Length-based timeline phase before the endScrollOffset point');
// Check the percentage-based ScrollTimeline.
scroller.scrollTop = 0.81 * scrollerSize;
await waitForNextFrame();
assert_percents_equal(percentageScrollTimeline.currentTime, 100,
'Percentage-based timeline current time after the endScrollOffset point');
assert_equals(percentageScrollTimeline.phase, "after",
'Percentage-based timeline phase after the endScrollOffset point');
scroller.scrollTop = 0.80 * scrollerSize;
await waitForNextFrame();
assert_percents_equal(percentageScrollTimeline.currentTime, 100,
'Percentage-based timeline current time at the endScrollOffset point');
assert_equals(percentageScrollTimeline.phase, "after",
'Percentage-based timeline phase at the endScrollOffset point');
scroller.scrollTop = 0.50 * scrollerSize;
await waitForNextFrame();
calculateCurrentTime(scroller.scrollTop, 0, 0.8 * scrollerSize),
'Percentage-based timeline current time before the endScrollOffset ' +
assert_equals(percentageScrollTimeline.phase, "active",
'Percentage-based timeline phase before the endScrollOffset point');
// Check the calc-based ScrollTimeline.
scroller.scrollTop = 0.8 * scrollerSize + 6;
await waitForNextFrame();
assert_percents_equal(calcScrollTimeline.currentTime, 100,
'Calc-based timeline current time after the endScrollOffset point');
assert_equals(calcScrollTimeline.phase, "after",
'Calc-based timeline phase after the endScrollOffset point');
scroller.scrollTop = 0.8 * scrollerSize + 5;
await waitForNextFrame();
assert_percents_equal(calcScrollTimeline.currentTime, 100,
'Calc-based timeline current time at the endScrollOffset point');
assert_equals(calcScrollTimeline.phase, "after",
'Calc-based timeline phase at the endScrollOffset point');
scroller.scrollTop = 0.5 * scrollerSize;
await waitForNextFrame();
calculateCurrentTime(scroller.scrollTop, 0, 0.8 * scrollerSize + 5),
'Calc-based timeline current time before the endScrollOffset point');
assert_equals(calcScrollTimeline.phase, "active",
'Calc-based timeline phase before the endScrollOffset point');
}, 'currentTime handles endScrollOffset correctly');
promise_test(async t => {
const scroller = setupScrollTimelineTest();
const scrollerSize = scroller.scrollHeight - scroller.clientHeight;
const scrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
orientation: 'block',
scrollOffsets: [CSS.px(20), CSS.px(scrollerSize - 50)]
scroller.scrollTop = 150;
// Wait for new animation frame which allows the timeline to compute new
// current time.
await waitForNextFrame();
calculateCurrentTime(150, 20, scrollerSize - 50));
}, 'currentTime handles startScrollOffset and endScrollOffset together ' +
promise_test(async t => {
const scroller = setupScrollTimelineTest();
const scrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
orientation: 'block',
scrollOffsets: [CSS.px(20), CSS.px(20)]
scroller.scrollTop = 150;
// Wait for new animation frame which allows the timeline to compute new
// current time.
await waitForNextFrame();
assert_percents_equal(scrollTimeline.currentTime, 100);
}, 'currentTime handles startScrollOffset == endScrollOffset correctly');
promise_test(async t => {
const scroller = setupScrollTimelineTest();
const scrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
orientation: 'block',
scrollOffsets: [CSS.px(50), CSS.px(10)]
scroller.scrollTop = 40;
// Wait for new animation frame which allows the timeline to compute new
// current time.
await waitForNextFrame();
assert_percents_equal(scrollTimeline.currentTime, 0);
scroller.scrollTop = 60;
await waitForNextFrame();
assert_percents_equal(scrollTimeline.currentTime, 100);
}, 'currentTime handles startScrollOffset > endScrollOffset correctly');
promise_test(async t => {
const scroller = setupScrollTimelineTest();
const scrollTimeline = new ScrollTimeline({
scrollSource: scroller,
orientation: 'block',
scrollOffsets: [CSS.px(10), CSS.px(20), CSS.px(40), CSS.px(70), CSS.px(90)],
var offset = 0;
var w = 1 / 4; // offset weight
var p = 0; // progress within the offset
scroller.scrollTop = 10;
// Wait for new animation frame which allows the timeline to compute new
// current time.
await waitForNextFrame();
assert_percents_equal(scrollTimeline.currentTime, (offset + p) * w * 100,
"current time calculation when scroll = " + scroller.scrollTop);
p = (12 - 10) / (20 - 10);
scroller.scrollTop = 12;
await waitForNextFrame();
assert_percents_equal(scrollTimeline.currentTime, (offset + p) * w * 100,
"current time calculation when scroll = " + scroller.scrollTop);
offset = 1;
p = 0;
scroller.scrollTop = 20;
await waitForNextFrame();
assert_percents_equal(scrollTimeline.currentTime, (offset + p) * w * 100,
"current time calculation when scroll = " + scroller.scrollTop);
p = (35 - 20) / (40 - 20);
scroller.scrollTop = 35;
await waitForNextFrame();
assert_percents_equal(scrollTimeline.currentTime, (offset + p) * w * 100,
"current time calculation when scroll = " + scroller.scrollTop);
offset = 2;
p = 0;
scroller.scrollTop = 40;
await waitForNextFrame();
assert_percents_equal(scrollTimeline.currentTime, (offset + p) * w * 100,
"current time calculation when scroll = " + scroller.scrollTop);
p = (60 - 40) / (70 - 40);
scroller.scrollTop = 60;
await waitForNextFrame();
assert_percents_equal(scrollTimeline.currentTime, (offset + p) * w * 100,
"current time calculation when scroll = " + scroller.scrollTop);
offset = 3;
p = 0;
scroller.scrollTop = 70;
await waitForNextFrame();
assert_percents_equal(scrollTimeline.currentTime, (offset + p) * w * 100,
"current time calculation when scroll = " + scroller.scrollTop);
p = (80 - 70) / (90 - 70);
scroller.scrollTop = 80;
await waitForNextFrame();
assert_percents_equal(scrollTimeline.currentTime, (offset + p) * w * 100,
"current time calculation when scroll = " + scroller.scrollTop);
scroller.scrollTop = 90;
await waitForNextFrame();
assert_percents_equal(scrollTimeline.currentTime, 100,
"current time calculation when scroll = " + scroller.scrollTop);
}, 'currentTime calculations when multiple scroll offsets are specified');