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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>ScrollTimeline constructor</title>
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.scroller {
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
overflow: scroll;
.content {
height: 500px;
width: 500px;
<div class="scroller">
<div class="content"></div>
'use strict';
function formatOffset(v) {
if (typeof(v) == 'object')
return `${}(${v.toString()})`;
return `'${v.toString()}'`;
function assert_offsets_equal(a, b) {
assert_equals(formatOffset(a), formatOffset(b));
// source
test(t => {
const scroller = document.querySelector('.scroller');
new ScrollTimeline({source: scroller}).source, scroller);
}, 'A ScrollTimeline can be created with a source');
test(t => {
const div = document.createElement('div');
assert_equals(new ScrollTimeline({source: div}).source, div);
}, 'A ScrollTimeline can be created with a non-scrolling source');
test(t => {
assert_equals(new ScrollTimeline({source: null}).source, null);
}, 'A ScrollTimeline created with a null source should have no source');
test(t => {
assert_equals(new ScrollTimeline().source, document.scrollingElement);
}, 'A ScrollTimeline created without a source should use the ' +
// orientation
test(t => {
assert_equals(new ScrollTimeline().orientation, 'block');
}, 'A ScrollTimeline created with the default orientation should default to ' +
const gValidOrientationValues = [
for (let orientation of gValidOrientationValues) {
test(function() {
const scrollTimeline =
new ScrollTimeline({orientation: orientation});
assert_equals(scrollTimeline.orientation, orientation);
}, `'${orientation}' is a valid orientation value`);
test(t => {
let constructorFunc = function() {
new ScrollTimeline({orientation: 'nonsense'})
assert_throws_js(TypeError, constructorFunc);
// 'auto' for orientation was previously in the spec, but was removed. Make
// sure that implementations do not support it.
constructorFunc = function() {
new ScrollTimeline({orientation: 'auto'})
assert_throws_js(TypeError, constructorFunc);
}, 'Creating a ScrollTimeline with an invalid orientation value should throw');
// scrollOffsets
function formatOffset(v) {
if (typeof(v) == 'object')
return `${}(${v.toString()})`;
return `'${v.toString()}'`;
function assert_offsets_equal(a, b) {
assert_equals(formatOffset(a), formatOffset(b));
test(t => {
assert_array_equals(new ScrollTimeline().scrollOffsets, []);
}, 'A ScrollTimeline created with the default scrollOffsets should default ' +
'to []');
test(t => {
new ScrollTimeline({scrollOffsets: []}).scrollOffsets, []);
}, 'A ScrollTimeline created with empty scrollOffsets should resolve to []');
test(t => {
let offsets =
new ScrollTimeline({scrollOffsets: [CSS.percent(20), 'auto']})
assert_offsets_equal(offsets[0], CSS.percent(20));
assert_offsets_equal(offsets[1], new CSSKeywordValue('auto'));
}, 'A ScrollTimeline created with last \'auto\' offset in scrollOffsets ' +
'should be allowed.');
test(t => {
let constructorFunc = function() {
new ScrollTimeline({scrollOffsets: null})
assert_throws_js(TypeError, constructorFunc);
}, 'Creating a ScrollTimeline with an invalid scrollOffsets value should ' +
test(t => {
let constructorFunc = function() {
new ScrollTimeline(
{scrollOffsets: [CSS.percent(20), 'auto', CSS.percent(50)]})
assert_throws_js(TypeError, constructorFunc);
}, 'Creating a ScrollTimeline with an scrollOffsets value of ' +
'[CSS.percent(20), \'auto\', CSS.percent(50)] should throw');
const gValidScrollOffsetValues = [
const gValidScrollOffsetSuffixes = [
// Relative lengths.
// Absolute lengths.
// Percentage.
for (let offset of gValidScrollOffsetValues) {
test(function() {
const scrollTimeline =
new ScrollTimeline({scrollOffsets: [offset, offset]});
// Special case for 'auto'. This is valid input because of CSSKeywordish,
// but when read back we expect a real CSSKeywordValue.
if (offset === 'auto')
offset = new CSSKeywordValue('auto');
assert_offsets_equal(scrollTimeline.scrollOffsets[0], offset);
assert_offsets_equal(scrollTimeline.scrollOffsets[1], offset);
}, '\'' + offset + '\' is a valid scroll offset value');
for (const suffix of gValidScrollOffsetSuffixes) {
test(function() {
const offset = new CSSUnitValue(75, suffix);
const scrollTimeline =
new ScrollTimeline({scrollOffsets: [offset, offset]});
assert_offsets_equal(scrollTimeline.scrollOffsets[0], offset);
assert_offsets_equal(scrollTimeline.scrollOffsets[1], offset);
}, '\'' + suffix + '\' is a valid scroll offset unit');
// These are deliberately incomplete, just a random sampling of invalid
// values/units.
const gInvalidScrollOffsetValues = [
'calc(360deg / 4)',
'rgb(0, 128, 0)',
// Multiple valid values.
'100px 5%',
// Values that would be valid if represented with CSS Typed OM:
'calc(100% - 80px)',
const gInvalidScrollOffsetSuffixes = [
for (const offset of gInvalidScrollOffsetValues) {
test(function() {
const constructorFunc = function() {
new ScrollTimeline({scrollOffsets: ['0px', offset]})
assert_throws_js(TypeError, constructorFunc);
}, formatOffset(offset) + ' is an invalid scroll offset value in scrollOffsets');
for (const suffix of gInvalidScrollOffsetSuffixes) {
test(function() {
const offset = '75' + suffix;
const constructorFunc = function() {
new ScrollTimeline({scrollOffsets: ['0px', offset]});
assert_throws_js(TypeError, constructorFunc);
}, '\'' + suffix + '\' is an invalid scroll offset unit in scrollOffsets');
const offset_target = document.createElement('div');
const gValidElementBasedScrollOffsetValues = [
{target: offset_target},
{target: offset_target, threshold: 0},
{target: offset_target, threshold: 0.5},
{target: offset_target, threshold: 1},
for (let offset of gValidElementBasedScrollOffsetValues) {
test(function() {
const scrollTimeline =
new ScrollTimeline({scrollOffsets: [offset, offset]});
// Special case unspecified threshold since it gets initialized to 0.
if (!offset.hasOwnProperty('threshold'))
offset.threshold = 0;
assert_equals(scrollTimeline.scrollOffsets[0].threshold, offset.threshold);
assert_equals(scrollTimeline.scrollOffsets[1].threshold, offset.threshold);
}, '\'' + JSON.stringify(offset) + '\' is a valid scroll offset value');
const gInvalidElementBasedScrollOffsetValues = [
{}, // empty
{target: offset_target, threshold: "test"},
{target: offset_target, threshold: 2},
{target: offset_target, threshold: -0.2},
for (let offset of gInvalidElementBasedScrollOffsetValues) {
test(function() {
const constructorFunc = function() {
new ScrollTimeline({scrollOffsets: [offset]})
assert_throws_js(TypeError, constructorFunc);
}, `'${JSON.stringify(offset)}' is an invalid scroll offset value in ` +