blob: 6aea82172384647a3519ccaffeb54d431df89461 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>Test clamping logic of element-based scroll offset for scroll timeline.</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/web-animations/testcommon.js"></script>
<script src="testcommon.js"></script>
* Overflow hidden prevents user scroll including mouse wheel; however, the
* element is still a scrollable container and can be scrolled programmatically.
* Removing the visible scrollbars in this manner simplifies the position
* calculations in the text.
.scroller {
overflow: hidden;
height: 500px;
width: 500px;
will-change: transform;
.contents {
height: 1200px;
width: 1200px;
position: relative;
.vertical #target {
background: blue;
border-top: 0px solid pink;
border-bottom: 0px solid pink;
box-sizing: border-box;
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
top: var(--start-position);
height: calc(var(--end-position) - var(--start-position));
.horizontal #target {
background: blue;
border-left: 0px solid pink;
border-right: 0px solid pink;
box-sizing: border-box;
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
left: var(--start-position);
width: calc(var(--end-position) - var(--start-position));
<div id="log"></div>
'use strict';
function createScrollerWithTarget(test, config) {
const orientationClass = config.orientation;
const positions = `
--start-position: ${config.startElementPosition};
--end-position: ${config.endElementPosition};`
var scroller = createDiv(test);
scroller.innerHTML =
`<div class='contents' style="${positions}">
<div id='target'></div>
return scroller;
async function createScrollAnimationTest(description, config) {
promise_test(async t => {
const scroller = createScrollerWithTarget(t, config);
t.add_cleanup(() => scroller.remove());
const target = scroller.querySelector("#target");
// Force layout before creating the scroll timeline to ensure the correct
// scroll range.
const timeline = createScrollTimeline(t, {
source: scroller,
orientation: config.orientation,
fill: 'both',
scrollOffsets: [{target: target, edge: 'end', ...config.start},
{target: target, edge:'start', ...config.end }]
// Wait for new animation frame which allows the timeline to compute new
// current time.
await waitForNextFrame();
const animation = createScrollLinkedAnimation(t, timeline);
// Verify initial start and current times in Idle state.
assert_equals(animation.currentTime, null,
"The current time is null in Idle state.");
assert_equals(animation.startTime, null,
"The start time is null in Idle state.");;
assert_true(animation.pending, "Animation is in pending state.");
// Verify initial start and current times in Pending state.
assert_percents_equal(animation.currentTime, 0,
"The current time is zero in Pending state.");
assert_percents_equal(animation.startTime, 0,
"The start time is zero in Pending state.");
await animation.ready;
// Verify initial start and current times in Playing state.
assert_percents_equal(animation.currentTime, 0,
"The current time is zero in Playing state.");
assert_percents_equal(animation.startTime, 0,
"The start time is zero in Playing state.");
// Now do some scrolling and make sure that the Animation current time is
// correct.
if (config.orientation == 'vertical') {
scroller.scrollTo({top: config.scrollTo});
assert_equals(scroller.scrollTop, config.scrollTo);
} else {
scroller.scrollTo({left: config.scrollTo});
assert_equals(scroller.scrollLeft, config.scrollTo);
await waitForNextFrame();
"The timeline current time corresponds to the scroll position of " +
"the scroller.");
"The animation current time corresponds to the scroll position of " +
"the scroller.");
"Effect local time corresponds to the scroll position of the " +
}, description);
// We have no scrollbar and the scroller is symmetric on x & y axis so this
// static value is axis and platform agnostic.
const scroll_max = 700;
// For this test we setup a single target, and scroll timeline in a way that
// our animation runs from when target enters the scroll port until it fully
// exits it. Then we create various edgecase scenarios to see the clamping
// logic.
// Scroller has 500px heights with 1200px content which translates to
// 0 < scroll < 700px
// +----------+ ^
// | | |
// | Scroller | |
// | | | scrollRange
// | | |
// +----------+ | +--+
// |TT| | |TT|
// +--+ v +----------+
// | |
// | Scroller |
// | |
// | |
// +----------+
// For each test the expected timeline start/end is in the comment to help
// with the verification.
// Note: expectedCurrentTime values are percentages. They are used as such:
// CSS.percent(expectedCurrentTime)
const tests = {
// offsets: [0, 600]
"no clamping is expected": {
startElementPosition: '500px',
endElementPosition: '600px',
scrollTo: 300,
expectedCurrentTime: 50,
// offsets: [0, 600]
"start is visible at zero offset and should get clamped": {
startElementPosition: '400px',
endElementPosition: '600px',
scrollTo: 300,
expectedCurrentTime: 50,
// offsets: [0, scroll_max]
"end is not reachable and should be clamped": {
startElementPosition: '500px',
endElementPosition: '800px',
scrollTo: scroll_max / 2,
expectedCurrentTime: 50,
// offsets: [0, scroll_max]
"both start and end are clamped": {
startElementPosition: '400px',
endElementPosition: '800px',
scrollTo: scroll_max / 2,
expectedCurrentTime: 50,
for (let orientation of ['vertical', 'horizontal']) {
for (let testName in tests) {
const description = `Animation start and current times are correct given
element-based offsets for orienation ${orientation} and ${testName}.`;
const config = tests[testName];
config.orientation = orientation;
createScrollAnimationTest(description, config);