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<title>CSSNumericValue.equals tests</title>
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'use strict';
test(() => {
}, 'Two CSSUnitValues with same value and unit are equal');
test(() => {
}, 'Two CSSUnitValues with different values are not equal');
test(() => {
}, 'Two CSSUnitValues with different units are not equal');
test(() => {
const a = new CSSMathSum(0, new CSSMathNegate(0));
const b = new CSSMathProduct(0, new CSSMathNegate(0));
}, 'Two CSSMathValues with different types are not equal');
test(() => {
const a = new CSSMathSum(0, new CSSMathNegate(0));
const b = new CSSMathSum(0);
}, 'Two CSSMathValues with different number of values are not equal');
test(() => {
const a = new CSSMathSum(0, new CSSMathNegate(0));
const b = new CSSMathSum(0, new CSSMathNegate(1));
}, 'Two CSSMathValues with different values are not equal');
test(() => {
const a = new CSSMathSum(0, new CSSMathNegate(0));
const b = new CSSMathSum(0, new CSSMathNegate(0));
}, 'Two CSSMathValues with same structure are equal');
test(() => {
const a = new CSSMathSum(0, new CSSMathNegate(0));
const b = new CSSMathSum(0, new CSSMathNegate(0));
const c = new CSSMathSum(0, new CSSMathNegate(0));
const d = new CSSMathSum(0, new CSSMathNegate(0));
assert_true(a.equals(b, c, d));
}, 'Multiple CSSMathValues with same structure are equal');
test(() => {
const a = new CSSMathSum(0, new CSSMathNegate(0));
const b = new CSSMathSum(0, new CSSMathNegate(0));
const c = new CSSMathSum(0, new CSSMathNegate(1));
const d = new CSSMathSum(0, new CSSMathNegate(0));
assert_false(a.equals(b, c, d));
}, 'Multiple CSSMathValues with one different are not equal');
test(() => {
const a = new CSSMathClamp(1, 2, 3);
const b = new CSSMathClamp(CSS.number(1), CSS.number(2), CSS.number(3));
}, 'Two CSSMathClamp with same value and unit are equal');
test(() => {
const a = new CSSMathClamp(1, 2, 3);
const b = new CSSMathClamp(CSS.px(1), CSS.px(2), CSS.px(3));
}, 'Two CSSMathClamp with different units are not equal');