Update admins for wpt-live and wpt-pr-bot on GCP (#33305)

diff --git a/docs/admin/index.md b/docs/admin/index.md
index 1d0afc1..dd7dfe2 100644
--- a/docs/admin/index.md
+++ b/docs/admin/index.md
@@ -48,9 +48,6 @@
   - foolip@google.com
   - kyleju@google.com
   - pastithas@google.com
-- (Google internal): https://wpt.live
-  - smcgruer@google.com
-  - foolip@google.com
 - [GitHub](https://github.com/): web-platform-tests
   - [@foolip](https://github.com/foolip)
   - [@jgraham](https://github.com/jgraham)
@@ -67,9 +64,17 @@
   - kyleju@google.com
   - pastithas@google.com
 - [Google Cloud Platform](https://cloud.google.com/): wpt-live
-  - smcgruer@google.com
+  - danielrsmith@chromium.org
+  - foolip@chromium.org
+  - kyleju@chromium.org
+  - mike@bocoup.com
+  - pastithas@chromium.org
+  - The DNS for wpt.live, not-wpt.live, wptpr.live, and not-wptpr.live are also managed in this project, while the domains are registered with a Google-internal mechanism.
 - [Google Cloud Platform](https://cloud.google.com/): wpt-pr-bot
-  - smcgruer@google.com
+  - danielrsmith@google.com
+  - foolip@google.com
+  - kyleju@google.com
+  - pastithas@google.com
 - E-mail address: wpt.pr.bot@gmail.com
   - smcgruer@google.com
   - boaz@bocoup.com