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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Interactions between top layer element types</title>
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const types = Object.freeze({
popup: Symbol("Popup API"),
modalDialog: Symbol("Modal Dialog"),
fullscreen: Symbol("Fullscreen Element"),
const examples = [
type: types.popup,
closes: [types.popup],
createElement: () => Object.assign(document.createElement('div'), {popup: 'popup'}),
trigger: function() {this.element.showPopup()},
close: function() {this.element.hidePopup()},
isTopLayer: function() {return this.element.matches(':popup-open')},
type: types.modalDialog,
closes: [types.popup],
createElement: () => document.createElement('dialog'),
trigger: function() {this.element.showModal();this.showing=true;},
close: function() {this.element.close();this.showing=false;},
isTopLayer: function() {return !!(this.element.isConnected && this.showing);},
type: types.fullscreen,
closes: [types.popup, types.fullscreen],
createElement: () => document.createElement('div'),
trigger: async function(visibleElement) {assert_false(this.isTopLayer());await bless(visibleElement);await this.element.requestFullscreen();},
close: function() {assert_equals(this.element,document.fullscreenElement); document.exitFullscreen();},
isTopLayer: function() {return this.element.matches(':fullscreen');},
function createElement(ex) {
const element = ex.element = ex.createElement();
element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(`This is a ${ex.type.description}`));
assert_false(ex.isTopLayer(),'Element should start out not in the top layer');
return element;
function doneWithExample(ex) {
if (ex.isTopLayer())
ex.element = null;
async function bless(visibleElement) {
// The normal "bless" function doesn't work well when there are top layer
// elements blocking clicks. Additionally, since the normal test_driver.bless
// function just adds a button to the main document and clicks it, we can't
// call that in the presence of open popups, since that click will close them.
const button = document.createElement('button');
button.innerHTML = "Click me to activate";
let wait_click = new Promise(resolve => button.addEventListener("click", resolve, {once: true}));
await wait_click;
// Test interactions between top layer elements
for(let i=0;i<examples.length;++i) {
for(let j=0;j<examples.length;++j) {
const example1 = Object.assign([],examples[i]);
const example2 = Object.assign([],examples[j]);
const shouldClose = example2.closes.includes(example1.type);
const desc = `A ${example2.type.description} should ${shouldClose ? "" : "*not*"} close a ${example1.type.description}`;
promise_test(async t => {
const element1 = createElement(example1);
const element2 = createElement(example2);
t.add_cleanup(() => {doneWithExample(example1);doneWithExample(example2);});
await example1.trigger(document.body); // Open the 1st top layer element
assert_true(example1.isTopLayer()); // Make sure it is top layer
await example2.trigger(element1); // Open the 2nd top layer element
assert_true(example2.isTopLayer()); // Make sure it is top layer