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<title>CSS Test: font-variant-alternates: multiple @font-feature-values rules</title>
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<meta name="assert" content="If multiple @font-feature-values rules are defined for a given family, the
resulting values definitions are the union of the definitions contained within these rules.">
@font-face {
font-family: fwf;
src: url(support/fonts/FontWithFancyFeatures.otf);
@font-feature-values fwf {
@styleset {
foo: 4;
bar: 2;
@font-feature-values fwf {
@styleset {
baz: 3;
@font-feature-values fwf {
@styleset {
foo: 1; /* Overrides foo from first rule. */
@ornaments {
baz: 3;
.test {
font-family: fwf;
font-size: 2em;
line-height: 1.1;
.high {
font-variant-alternates: styleset(foo,bar,baz) ornaments(baz);
.low {
font-feature-settings: "hist" off, "salt" 00, "ss01" on, "ss02" on, "ss03" on,
"cv01" off, "cv02" off, "cv03" off, "swsh" 00, "cswh" 00, "ornm" 03, "nalt" 00;
<p>Test passes if the three lines below are identical, with 4 crosses (✗), then
three check marks (✓), then 11 crosses (✗), then 1 checkmark (✓).</p>
<section class="test">
<p class="high">Xnophijklmqrstuvwxyz</p>
<p class="low">Xnophijklmqrstuvwxyz</p>