blob: 61f177eb05d867db91acf24b4f33085a3d44af9d [file] [log] [blame]
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syntax: "<number>+",
inherits: false,
initialValue: "0"
}, {
keyframes: ["100 150", "200 250"],
expected: "150 200"
}, 'Animating a custom property of type <number>+');
syntax: "<number>+",
inherits: false,
initialValue: "100 150"
}, {
keyframes: "200 250",
expected: "150 200"
}, 'Animating a custom property of type <number>+ with a single keyframe');
syntax: "<number>+",
inherits: false,
initialValue: "50 100"
}, {
composite: "add",
keyframes: ["150 200", "250 300"],
expected: "250 350"
}, 'Animating a custom property of type <number>+ with additivity');
syntax: "<number>+",
inherits: false,
initialValue: "50 100"
}, {
composite: "add",
keyframes: "150 200",
expected: "125 200"
}, 'Animating a custom property of type <number>+ with a single keyframe and additivity');
syntax: "<number>+",
inherits: false,
initialValue: "0 0"
}, {
iterationComposite: "accumulate",
keyframes: ["0 50", "100 100"],
expected: "250 275"
}, 'Animating a custom property of type <number>+ with iterationComposite');
discrete_animation_test("<number>+", '10 20', '30', 'Animating a custom property of type <number>+ with different lengths is discrete');