WebKit export of https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=250571 (#37941)

[@property] Fix the test to allow 'default' as an initial value for '*' syntax
diff --git a/css/css-properties-values-api/register-property-syntax-parsing.html b/css/css-properties-values-api/register-property-syntax-parsing.html
index f902276..33257fd 100644
--- a/css/css-properties-values-api/register-property-syntax-parsing.html
+++ b/css/css-properties-values-api/register-property-syntax-parsing.html
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
 assert_valid("*", "yep 'this is valid too'");
 assert_valid("*", "unmatched opening bracket is valid :(");
 assert_valid("*", '"');
+assert_valid("*", "default");
 assert_valid("<length>", "0");
 assert_valid("<length>", "10px /*:)*/");
@@ -154,16 +155,14 @@
 assert_invalid("<integer>|deFAUlt", "1");
 // Invalid initialValue
-// The 6 tests that follow are not clearly backed by the specification,
-// but (at least other than the one for 'default') they're probably a
-// good idea and we should change the spec.  See
+// The 5 tests that follow are not clearly backed by the specification,
+// but they're probably a good idea and we should change the spec. See
 // https://github.com/w3c/css-houdini-drafts/issues/1076 .
 assert_invalid("*", "initial");
 assert_invalid("*", "inherit");
 assert_invalid("*", "unset");
 assert_invalid("*", "revert");
 assert_invalid("*", "revert-layer");
-assert_invalid("*", "default");
 // ... end possibly-invalid tests.
 assert_invalid("<custom-ident>", "initial");
 assert_invalid("<custom-ident>", "inherit");